Treasure - Chapter 9 - callmebaepsaebich (2024)

Chapter Text

In his bedroom, San picks up the ripped pictures of him and Wooyoung. Neither has been here since the fight except to grab clothes from the closet. San never noticed the state of the collage until now.

Confused, he holds a torn photo out to his boyfriend quizzically. "What happened to our pictures?"

"Ah," Wooyoung wrings his hands sheepishly, "I tore them down in a fit of rage."

"Are you serious?!"

Wooyoung flinches and his bottom lip juts out. "Sorry. We can take new ones. Better ones! I don't look good in those anyway."

The diver scoffs, "Nonsense. You always look good."

He drops the old pictures on a decorative table. Now that they've made up, it's only a matter of time before new sets of selfies are printed out. They've reached a new chapter in their relationship, so he won't cry over the strained past.

Drawing shapes with his finger, San asks, "How was it? Sleeping in here without me?"

Wooyoung furrows his brows. "I was going to ask the same thing."

"You didn't sleep in here?"

"No. I slept in Seonghwa's room."

"I slept in Mingi's room."

In an effort to give each other space, both avoided the room without the other knowing. Their eyes widen at the realization, and colorful giggles explode. San laughs even harder listening to his partner's cackle.

Wiping a happy tear from the corner of his eye, he speaks between giggles. "We're both idiots. It's been over a week, and we never noticed the room was unoccupied."

"Oh! I have something for you," Wooyoung chimes. He digs the wooden shark out of his pocket and presents it to his partner. "Here. It's you."

"Me?" San gently takes the model between his fingers.

"Mm. My sweet shark. There was a mountain, too, but it was too big to hide, and I wasn't sure if I would ever give it to you. Do—Do you like it?" Wooyoung fidgets shyly.

His boyfriend's grin stretches from ear to ear. Petting the shark's head fondly, San becomes emotional all of a sudden. He quietly huffs, "I do. I really do. Thank you, babe."

He places his new little buddy neatly on a shelf. Knowing Wooyoung was thinking of him like this even during their quarrel, the Namhae man feels more reassured than ever. Facing the love of his life, San smirks excitedly.

"Wooyoung, your shark is getting a little hungry," he starts.

The inventor blinks, slightly cringing. "What?"

San slowly stalks toward him, and he instinctively steps back. San continues, "Since your shark has been so sweet, shouldn't you give him a treat?"

In the blink of an eye, he has Wooyoung trapped within his arms. San nibbles along the younger's neck and shoulders, leaving teeth marks on his skin. A playful expression attracts the latter who pretends to fight back. Repeatedly calling his boyfriend's name, Wooyoung squirms in his hold with frustrated giggles.

"San! Let me go!"

"You said you'd love only me, so take responsibility."

"How do I do that?" He stops wrestling against his lover, and their eyes meet full of anticipation.

Leaning in to place a soft kiss on the inventor's mouth, San whispers, "Like this."

Wooyoung's fingers curl into the lower back of the other man's shirt. Breathily, he asks while knowing the answer, "Are you seducing me, Choi San?"

"Is it working?"

The inventor pulls him in and brushes their lips against each other. It's a seduction tactic of his own, and he retreats just before his partner can get too comfortable. He murmurs with a smile, "No."

Accepting the challenge, San nods knowingly. "Then, I'll just have to try harder."

Wooyoung gasps and braces himself on San's shoulders when the latter abruptly lifts him into the air. San carries him to the bed and lays him on the pillows. He brushes Wooyoung's oreo hair out of his face and gives him a passionate smooch.

The diver trails caring pecks down Wooyoung's neck, making him chuckle. It's exhilarating; the hot touch of San's hand under his shirt makes him shiver. For as long as they've been together, lustful nights are not uncommon. However, this night is not dominated by lust but by sweetness.

Stripping San of his shirt, Wooyoung desperately pulls him in closer and smiles. His partner wears a silly expression while their mouths caress. Soon, his shirt becomes neighbors with San's on the floor. Their hands roam wherever they can. The clothing neighborhood expands until both men are left without armor.

Gentle, breathy moans float from Wooyoung's mouth as his boyfriend touches him. His hands on his thighs, lips securely around his nipple, San affectionately explores Wooyoung's body like it's the first time.

In a way, it might be. Their previous sexual endeavors were never this packed with love. It feels like their relationship has started anew, and therefore all of their firsts are being replaced with new ones.

San strokes him quickly, and Wooyoung claws at the former's back. His partner presses his lips to his ear. "Don't do anything. Let me take care of you," San insists.

As the night speeds on, lips search for lips and hands explore where they please. Body to body, their sweat mingles at a party in the sheets. Whining when San prepares him and whimpering when the final boss enters his walls, Wooyoung experiences loving ecstasy.

Like the kiss at San's house on Namhae Island, this sex is the best they've ever had. It's amazing what honesty and pure love can do—how they can change the meaning and enhance the depth of an interaction. As promised, San takes splendid care of Wooyoung, working his hips at an intoxicating pace.

Wooyoung's fingers get lost in his lover's dark hair. Sirens of pleasure blare endlessly from his speaker. San expresses himself through rippled gasps; he feels amazing moving inside his beloved and listening to him moan his name.

Repeatedly, Wooyoung calls his name, and repeatedly, San responds with a deep thrust. Inescapable and enticing, the couple willingly drown themselves in the romantic cycle.

"Good morning!" Wooyoung brightly greets as Seonghwa joins the others for breakfast the next day. The eldest smiles and takes a seat next to Yunho.

"Good morning? You seem to be in a happy mood," Seonghwa comments.

Across the table, San eyes his boyfriend with a mysterious smirk. Wooyoung shyly avoids the intense gaze and nods at the medic. "Mhm. I'm really happy."

Jongho, sitting at the other end beside Yeosang, rolls his eyes in disgust. "It's fairly clear what made him so happy. Just look at Choi San."

A guilty yet shameless expression colors San's face, and he shrugs admittedly. "Would you rather we fight instead, Mr. Choi Jongho?"

"I'm just glad he's moved out of our room. It was so suffocating," Yunho sighs and sips a glass of water.

Mingi tilts his head. "Why did you feel suffocated?"

The brunette awkwardly shakes his head, refusing to answer. He doesn't want to say that it was Mingi who made him uncomfortable. The runaway prince slept in his bed for over a week, and Yunho's nerves were ready to burst. Sleeping next to his crush for so long rewired his brain.

Yeosang glances around and knits his eyebrows. The blank look in his eyes gives him away; the recordkeeper completely misses the meaning of the conversation. "Wait, why is Wooyoung happy again? What are we talking about?"

His friends wave it off, the eldest laughs awkwardly, and Jongho scoops food onto Yeosang's plate to distract him. Thoroughly confused, he stuffs a bite of an omelet into his pouty mouth at the behest of his roommate.

Hongjoong joins the fun a moment later, smiling adoringly at his brothers enjoying a lighthearted meal. His eyes twinkle the moment they land on Seonghwa, and he takes a seat next to him at the end opposite Jongho.

"Did you sleep well?" he sweetly asks in a low voice.

Seonghwa nods timidly; it's almost too cute for the captain to handle. "I slept fine. How about you?" the medic returns.

Hongjoong confirms, "Yes, I slept okay."

Breakfast continues in a jovial manner. San and Wooyoung whisper and giggle to themselves, lost in their own world. Mingi smiles and shakes his head while the swordsman next to him flat-out ignores the chatty couple. Whenever Yeosang queries what's wrong with them, his roommate feeds him more food.

Stealing hesitant glances at Seonghwa, Hongjoong itches to show him affection. Drawing his bottom lip in, the blond pokes at his plate with chopsticks in one hand while the other sneaks around under the table. He boldly places his hand atop Seonghwa's.

Eyes wide, Seonghwa suddenly hiccups. Everyone focuses on him except Hongjoong, who continues peacefully eating. Hidden by the table's shadow, the source of the eldest's heart-stopping gasps is unknown to his friends.

"Seonghwa, are you okay?" Wooyoung worries.

"Do you need some water?" Mingi peeks over.

Blinking abashedly, Seonghwa shakes his head with a weak smile. Out of sight, Hongjoong fixes their hands into a proper hold. Their laced fingers send another flurry of hiccups jolting from Seonghwa's body.

Yunho quickly pours him a glass of water. San and the others stare in horror, and that makes the eldest's head spiral. He waves off their concern anxiously. "I'm fine. Really."

He drinks the water and silently calms the harsh thumping in his chest. The captain snickers to himself before addressing the whole team.

"I've got a little announcement to make, you guys."

Everyone tunes in expectantly. The captain looks at his significant other briefly and says, "Starting today, Seonghwa will be my first mate."

"Oh?" The giddy couple adjacent to him share approving stares; San begins to clap.

Jongho asks, "Did you just fire Yunho?"

"No, I didn't. He's just been relieved of his duties," the captain corrects.

"I'll do my best, so come to me if you need anything," Seonghwa adds kindly. His friends wish him luck in his new role.

Mingi pokes Yunho in his bicep and wonders, "You quit?"

The brunette nods and says, "He's a better fit than me. It was tiring." His roommate acknowledges the answer and leaves it at that without another care.

Mild celebrations continue for the new first mate. Everyone remains blissfully unaware of Hongjoong and Seonghwa's connected hands under the table, and the latter gradually adjusts to the feeling. Receiving a confession is one thing, but sudden physical affection is far more than he was prepared for—not that he was prepared for any of it.

He allows the captain to do as he pleases. It doesn't bother him, just makes him flustered, and he likes the synergy of their skin together. Their hands have touched before, but it was never as electric as this.


Later in the day, Seonghwa organizes the shelves in the infirmary and makes notes of what's missing. A lot of medical supplies have been replenished on Namhae Island, and some extra medicinal herbs were prepared for him. An hour ago, San and Mingi delivered the medical crates and helped him unpack the goods before leaving.

Taking time to sift through the library every once in a while, the medic luckily discovered some manuals for homemade medicine. He's been practicing with what he could in between target practice and endurance training, and now he has the proper ingredients to truly get somewhere.

Goosebumps prick his neck, and feeling uncertain, he spins around expectantly. Hongjoong stands in the doorway preparing to knock. His face appears pale.

"Oh, it's just you," Seonghwa sighs in relief, "Can't you make some noise when you move?"

Hongjoong chuckles and walks in. "Your senses are getting better. How'd you know I was here?"

Seonghwa shrugs, "Just a feeling. Seriously, make some noise while walking. You scared me."

"Sorry. What are you up to?" The captain takes a seat on the nearest bed and watches the medic hard at work. He involuntarily coughs.

"I'm putting away the supplies from Namhae. They were very generous. We should be good on health for a while." Seonghwa shuts the cabinet and faces him curiously. "By the way, what exactly do I need to do as first mate?"

Hongjoong hums, "You manage the ship duties and take care of the crew. Check on every team daily, make sure they have what they need, or scold them if they're slacking off. Offer help and write reports to hand over to me at the end of the day. You've also got the authority to give orders."

Seonghwa nods, and the captain concludes, "You take care of my crew, and I take care of you."

"It sounds more like I'm the captain than you. No wonder Yunho was so stressed all the time."

"You can handle it," Hongjoong assures. He starts coughing again, and the medic moves closer in alarm.

"Hey, are you alright?" He presses his palm on the captain's forehead.

Hongjoong sniffles, "Hm? I'm fine. It's nothing."

Double checking with his own forehead, the medic gasps, "You're burning, Joong! I thought your hand felt warmer than usual this morning as well, but I was too nervous to focus on it."

"I made you nervous?" A curious smile creeps onto Captain Hongjoong's sickly face.

Seonghwa snaps, "This is no time for smiling. I think you caught a cold. Are you sure you've been sleeping well?"

"Well, with the Tyrant Queen's military chasing after us, I've been staying up late making plans. Nothing good has come out of it yet."

"So, I take care of the crew, you take care of me, but who takes care of you?" The medic frowns and puts his hands on his hips disapprovingly.

Hongjoong gently grasps the man's hands to relax him. His thumbs stroke the medic's soft skin; the touch attempts to cloud Seonghwa's brain.

The blond says, "It's not that bad. Don't worry."

"Say that again without a stuffy nose. I'll wait." Seonghwa retracts his hands and folds them over his chest. He refuses to let this go, and the captain slumps in defeat.

A young woman of about twenty years peeks into the room timidly, catching the medic's stern gaze. She presents her bloody calf with her face contorted in pain.

"Seonghwa, I scraped myself in one of the storage rooms," she explains.

The medic nods kindly and urges her inside, "Come sit over here. I'll clean it up."

The pirate limps over carefully, and Seonghwa helps her settle on a bed three rows down from the captain. She bows respectfully to the blond who waves in return.

Dragging over a cart of disinfectant and other basic medicines with his foot, Seonghwa swiftly patches up the cargo member's leg. He misses the fond look on the captain's face while working. Wrapping the injury securely, he tapes the bandages in place.

"Is that better?" he asks.

"Yes, thank you."

Seonghwa walks her to the door and sends her on her way. "Be careful!"

Listening to the coughs behind him, he exhales and faces Hongjoong seriously. The look on his face induces a small shiver of fear in the latter. He feels he's going to be scolded, and he's not far off.

"You need to rest for the day. No planning, no steering, no cleaning your armory, no working at all. I'll get you some medicine and ask Wooyoung to make some porridge."

Hongjoong whines, "No way! I'll be fine. Don't tell him anything. If the others find out their captain is sick, it'll make them worry and cause an uproar."

"They'll find out regardless if you pass out during the day," Seonghwa argues, "Listen to your doctor and get some rest. If you're that adamant about them not knowing, then you can hide out in your room and pretend to work. I'll cook you something myself."

"Alright," Hongjoong begrudgingly relents. His uncontrollable sniffles vote for Seonghwa's reasoning, so he gives in to the medic's demands.

In the lounge, with his arms folded across his chest, Yunho leans back and dozes on one of the large, red sofas. He's had a lot on his mind lately. From facing his past in Gwangju to fretting about Mingi and mulling over Seonghwa's words, the ex-bandit has been in disarray.

Mingi's getting stronger; he's proud of him for that. However, that just means one day the runaway prince won't need him anymore. He won't require his protection and companionship, and this concerns Yunho a great deal.

The prince was always ridiculed in the past for being dumb, for being foolish and weak. Nobody understands better than Yunho how hard Mingi worked to grow out of that—to become someone better and more capable. But there's still an innocence about him that makes the brunette flock to him, and it's a charm that's hard to resist.

He knows how Mingi feels about him; it's clear as the water. The redhead has never given a single thought to romance and purely appreciates Yunho as a close friend and mentor. Yunho's protectiveness and tenderness are taken as tokens of friendship. While Yunho hangs onto Mingi's every word and emotion, the latter barely bats an eye to the former's feelings.

When Yunho lied to him about how he was doing after the Gwangju trip, the prince took it at face value and never bothered the topic again. If it was the other way around (and it sort of is), Yunho would lose his mind trying to comprehend what the redhead was truly going through.

Correction: he is losing his mind.

The devil himself walks in and spies the swordsman napping. A mischievous idea takes over, and Mingi tiptoes to the occupied sofa. Holding his breath, the man gets as close as possible without disturbing his comatose roommate.

Raising his evil hands, Mingi abruptly shoves him and barks. The playful scare becomes not so playful when Yunho's eyes snap open and his body moves before he can think. Mingi yelps as he's flipped over onto the sofa in one quick sweep. His shoulders are pinned down and the air is knocked out of him.

He stares up at Yunho with round eyes full of shock. The swordsman breathes heavily, locks eyes with his attacker, and processes the situation. Both their hearts are zooming through the sea alongside dolphins.

Mingi stutters, "Yu—Yunho, I was just playing…"

Even after he realizes what's happening, Yunho cannot bring himself to move. His brain is doing all sorts of flips, rattling his skull until he gets a dull headache. He wants to lean closer, and unconsciously he does. The redhead blinks rapidly, confused and nervous.

"Yunho, get off me now."

Mingi harmlessly shoves the brunette from atop him, launching him into the back of the sofa. Something finally clicks in his brain, and Yunho exhales with immense frustration.

Running a hand through his hair, Yunho growls, "Don't play around like that!"

"Are you angry?"

"Yes, I am. I'm very annoyed right now."

"Oh, sorry." Mingi bites his lip, a bit upset himself. He doesn't know why it's such a big deal, and his friend's reaction sends his heart tumbling. He knits his brows.

Beyond conflicted when he sees his crush's puzzled and irritated expression, Yunho struggles with what to say. He suddenly feels like he's in the wrong—like he needs to apologize for the look on Mingi's face. He reacted that way out of a defensive impulse, something he developed after years in the military and as a bandit in the woods.

It had nothing to do with Mingi specifically—not at first. Only after Yunho realized who was underneath him did the meaning switch. A lot of strength went into holding himself back just now, and he almost made a move without knowing.

That leaves Mingi confused, and although Yunho is hundreds of times more upset than the redhead, he forces it away to focus on him instead. He tries to, at least.

"Sorry. I'm sorry, it was a reflex. It's just… you…" The words are caught in his throat, and he's unsure how to finish his sentence without giving himself away.

Mingi inclines his head expectantly, but whatever he's expecting is far from what Yunho almost says. The tense atmosphere burns out as soon as Jongho strolls into the lounge twirling his favorite pistol in his hand.

The others look back at him from the sofa, and the youngest awkwardly stands there unsure of himself. A tune he was humming dies out, and he's met with one innocent pair of eyes and another swirling with exhaustion.

"Did I… interrupt something?"

Mingi shakes his head. "What would you be interrupting?"

Jongho glances at Yunho apprehensively, but the brunette averts his frustrated gaze and turns back around against the sofa. The gunslinger falteringly bows his head to the side and says, "Uh… Well, if I didn't then it's fine."

He beelines to the fridge at the back wall and grabs a soju bottle. Then he maneuvers around the furniture to sit on a single chair without a recliner. Mingi watches him curiously.

"What are you doing out here? Where's Yeosang?"

Jongho pops the top off his bottle and replies, "Sleeping."

"In the middle of the day?"

"Are you surprised?"

Mingi scratches his cheek. "Well, not really, but he's usually locked up in the archive all day repeating the same stuff over and over. I don't know how he does that—Oh my God, are you drinking that straight from the bottle?"

The youngest chugs a quarter of the soju bottle without choking and wincing. Unblinking, he glances at his fellow cargo team member casually. "Soju doesn't have that strong of a burn compared to other drinks."


Mingi stares dubiously, feeling nauseous just looking at it. His head was rolling through moors and his stomach was being pounded inside a butter churn for two days after that night Jongho made him swallow too many shots to count.

Jongho turns to Yunho. "Do you want to join me? You look like you could use one."

"Ah, no thanks. I'm going to check on the weapon maintenance team," Yunho declines and peels himself off the sofa. His body is tired because his mind is tired, and he can't get away soon enough.

Mingi waves goodbye carelessly, and Jongho takes another large swig of soju.

"I feel so bad for him," the youngest comments.

"Why? He should be able to relax more now that he's no longer the captain's first mate. It's been spreading around, so the whole ship knows."

Jongho shakes his head, pressing the bottle rim to his lips. "That's not what I meant."

"Huh? What are you talking about then?" The redhead frowns.

"Not my business to say, so I'll shut up."

Mingi grows restless. This keeps happening, and it feels like something is going on that he has no idea about. "Why do you all do this? It's like reading a book that constantly teases something super important and being left in suspense. Tell me what it is!"

"Shutting up now," Jongho hums and continues drinking.

The redhead groans and flops back into the sofa cushions. He hates being left out, and he can't help but wonder if Yunho is hiding something from him as well.


Seonghwa lifts the pot lid and stirs the steaming contents inside. While the chef is busy playing inventor in the workshop, the medic sneaks into the kitchen to cook a small thing of chicken porridge. Under his instructions, Hongjoong retreated to his room to rest patiently for his meal after their talk in the infirmary.

While living in Jinju, the elderly ladies would use their limited resources to stir various congee combinations. Sometimes, Grandpa Won and the others would grill fish to shred inside. Since Gyeongnam Island is a fishermen's island city, and the Jinju slums are located just off the coast, seafood congee was a frequent guest on the menu.

Wooyoung suddenly returns to the kitchen, and Seonghwa swiftly replaces the lid. The chef eyes him warily. "What are you doing?"

"Huh? I was just… fixing myself some porridge. I didn't want to wait for dinner," Seonghwa fibs smoothly—he thinks.

"Porridge though?" Wooyoung opens the fridge and starts pulling ingredients for tonight's meal. The elder nods nostalgically.

"I suddenly remembered how the neighborhood grandparents always cooked things like porridge and seafood congee. I missed the flavor, so I put together a quick recipe. It's not the same, of course." Talking about it evokes real emotion out of Seonghwa, who initially only uses it as an excuse.

The younger nods sympathetically. "I see. You must miss them a lot, and I keep Mrs. Jisoo in my prayers every day."

Seonghwa smiles, genuinely grateful for the consideration. He goes to bed each night feeling guilty for enjoying himself on this adventure with his friends while Jisoo is caged like an animal somewhere. He knows this is what she wants for him, and she wouldn't want him to worry about her. It's inevitable, though.

How do you not concern yourself with someone you treat like family?

With a bittersweet shadow over his face, Seonghwa spoons the completed chicken porridge into a bowl and places the dirty pot in the sink. "I'll come back to wash it later, so don't bother yourself with it," he says to the chef.

"I can do it," the younger offers, but Seonghwa shakes his head resolutely.

"Leave it. Focus on your own thing."

Wooyoung nods and waves him off, "Alright."

Treading lightly, Seonghwa makes his way to the other end of the corridor. Knocking respectfully, he pushes the door open after hearing a lilted response. Hongjoong lies snug in his bed, eyes closed, and coughs quietly against his will.

The medic gingerly shuts the door and makes his way over. Placing the hot bowl on the nightstand and rubbing his earlobes, he sits on the edge of the bed. His captain weakly cracks open his eyes.

"You've gotten worse while I was away, it seems," Seonghwa comments and grabs the porridge.

Hongjoong reluctantly sits up against the headboard and jokes, "It's lovesickness. I'm all better now."

"Shut up. Here, eat this." The medic holds a spoonful up to Hongjoong's mouth. Warm vapor tickles the latter's nostrils, and he finds the scent appetizing.

"What is it?" He analyzes the bowl.

"Chicken porridge. Hurry up, my arm hurts," Seonghwa urges. Hongjoong accepts the food, cautiously slurping the hot porridge to avoid scalding his tongue.

His eyes light up, and he gestures for more while he remarks, "You fire four rounds with a musket in under a minute, but you complain about holding a spoon. When did you become so bratty?"

Seonghwa scoffs, "Since someone told me I need to worry about myself more. Be careful, I might become spoiled."

"It's okay. You can be spoiled. Don't lift a finger from now on."

Shy and slightly annoyed, Seonghwa stuffs another spoonful of steaming porridge into Hongjoong's mouth. The blond winces—almost spitting it back out—but narrowly manages to swallow, and chokes on the heat.

"That's hot! Hey!"

"If it wasn't for your fever, I'd think you were faking your illness. Just eat," the medic demands. Hongjoong grumbles to himself and takes another bite of chicken porridge served to him.

About twenty minutes later, after the food is all gone and Hongjoong takes his medicine, Seonghwa returns from washing dishes with a bowl of cool water and a towel. He soaks the cloth and folds it neatly before laying it on the captain's heated forehead.

Hongjoong sleepily gazes up at his first mate. There's a woeful shimmer in his silverish-blue eyes that concerns the blond. "Are you worried about something?" he murmurs.

Seonghwa meets his eyes and sighs deeply through his nose. "It was just something I spoke about with Wooyoungie earlier."

"Tell me?"

"That recipe for the chicken porridge… It was inspired by the porridge and congee dishes we have in Jinju. I was thinking about that and—" He pauses and looks away, feeling like he's doing something wrong by sitting here while someone he cares about is in danger.

"About Jisoo," he finishes after a long moment.

Feeling his own sense of guilt and pity, Hongjoong takes Seonghwa's hand and squeezes it solemnly. "I'm working on a plan to save her, Hwa. I promise."

"I know it's not your responsibility—"

"It is," Hongjoong disagrees, coughing against his will again, "It is my responsibility. Not only is she someone you love, but she's also an innocent person being punished for my actions specifically. I can't stand that, but I can't go in without a proper course of action mapped out. Things are also hectic now that they know Mingi is with us. Just give me some more time."

Seonghwa nods somberly, "Alright. I told you I trust you."

He refreshes the cool towel—squeezing the lukewarm water out and dousing it again—and tenderly wipes the sweat from Hongjoong's cheeks and neck. The wet cloth returns to its comfortable spot on the latter's forehead. Seonghwa forces Hongjoong's arms under the covers and tucks him in.

It's been so many long years since someone has cared for him like this, and Hongjoong falls asleep to the sweet attention of his significant other. Unbeknownst to him, Seonghwa adores his features and softly brushes his blond locks away from his eyes.

The twinkle that always appears whenever Hongjoong looks at him can now be found in Seonghwa's eyes, too.

Inside her study, Hajung deeply embeds her nails into her palms. Blood slowly drips down her skin. Minhyuk stands in the corner behind her, cigarette in his mouth and hands in the pockets of his slacks. They listen to an official report on the progress of Mingi's retrieval.

"What did you just say? My son did what?"

The official bows his head, too scared to make eye contact with either of the powerful figures. "I'm serious, Your Majesty. He gave us the finger and said we were wasting our time. It appears… your son was not kidnapped, but rather, he joined willingly."

Minhyuk jeers at the unexpected development, "Who would've thought? He's been hiding on a pirate ship this whole time. Your worst enemy, no less."

Hajung shoots the man a deadly glare, and he averts his taunting gaze. Controlling her breathing before she hyperventilates, the Queen snaps, "My son is not one of those damned pirates! He doesn't know what's good for him, that's all. They've manipulated him to spite me."

"If that's what you need to tell yourself. We all know he ran away from home like a moody teenager," Minhyuk shrugs and puffs a ring of smoke.

"Whether he ran away or was tricked, I'm going to bring him back to where he belongs. How is the search going? Why do you keep losing them?" she addresses the last half to the official.

"They keep slipping into the Bloody Sea, Your Majesty. It's strictly pirate territory, and our vessels aren't built for those rough waters," he explains.

Hajung smirks bitterly. It's a clever move. Hiding out in what the land folks consider a no-man's stretch of ocean, a place exclusively for pirates; she drags her bloody nails out of her palm flesh and acknowledges the effort.

It's clever indeed, but only against someone with less desperation. Hajung's insatiable determination to find her child makes that clever move into a useless one. She orders the official, "Go after them."

"Huh? But Your Majesty—"

"You heard me. Send the Navy ship into the Bloody Sea and take down The Wonderland. I don't care if you sink it or what, just bring me the captain and Mingi alive."

Minhyuk interjects, "That's a little risky, even for me. They'll have to visit another island city eventually. Why not station the top soldiers at every port to stop them on sight? Then dispatch me to the most likely place."

The Queen sneers, "Commander-in-Chief, Governor Kwon Minhyuk is scared of the Bloody Sea. What a treat this is."

"Are you trying to piss me off?"

"And what could you do if I was?" Hajung looks him up and down condescendingly before turning back to the antsy government official. "You have your orders. Leave."

The official scurries out of the study, extremely apprehensive of the whole situation. Minhyuk blows more smoke in the room and cuts his eyes down at the Queen.

"How bold of you."

She turns to him with a cold grin. "It's as you said. I need to surpass my father's reign. He left the pirates alone after they went into hiding in the Bloody Sea seventy years ago. I'm different."

"Sure, you are." Minhyuk pinches his cigarette between his lips, puts his hands back in his pockets, and strides languidly out of the room.

Triggered by his response, Queen Song begins to tremble. She can't let him continue to ridicule her. I'm going to get my sole surviving family back, and I'm going to have the Pirate King's head on a platter with an apple in his rotten mouth.


The next day, Yeosang sits at a desk in his bedroom preparing a letter. He has a small pouch of gold he intends to send to his parents along with the letter. However, he considers The Wonderland's circ*mstances.

With the way things stand, it may be risky to send something to his family. Plus, he needs a messenger to deliver the money, and he can only rent messenger birds on land. Human messengers aren't trustworthy, so he always rents a bird from the post office whenever they reach an island city.

They're on the run, so he can't do that now. Namhae didn't have any messengers available either. Additionally, the lack of response concerns the black-haired beauty. His parents normally return his letters, sending birds after The Wonderland with notes in their pouches. It's been a long time since he's heard from them.

He exhales and tosses the letter across the desk exasperatedly. A knock on the door steals his attention. "Yes?"

Seonghwa and Wooyoung poke their heads in, the younger waving cutely. Yeosang smiles and beckons them over. The eldest says, "I think this is the first time I've seen you in your room, and it's been a few months."

"He practically lives in the archive. It's no wonder Jongho always watches over him. He's afraid he may drop dead in there," Wooyoung tsks.

"Don't say things like that," Seonghwa lightly scolds.

Wooyoung jests, "Yes, Mother."

"What's up, you guys?" Yeosang wonders.

"You missed breakfast, and we shockingly couldn't find you in the archive. Jongho said you might still be sleeping, but we wanted to check," the chef says. His eyes land on the money pouch and the letter.

Seonghwa sees them, too. "Were you writing to your parents again?"

The recordkeeper nibbles on his bottom lip and hums. His friends exchange a look before quickly standing by his side. Yeosang is hardly the worrisome type—unless his OCD is triggered.

Wooyoung inclines his head, imploring the cause of the bookworm's stormy weather. "Yeosangie, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing special, I just haven't been able to get in touch with my parents," Yeosang confesses. Until now, Jongho was the only person he had confided in about this.

"I told you to give them one of the communication devices." The chef puts his inventor hat on. However, the device cannot transfer money, and Yeosang points out as such.

"Your devices are getting more and more advanced, Wooyoung, but they can't transfer a bag of gold to my parents' doorstep."

The inventor deflates upon hearing this information, and it kind of strikes his innovative pride. "I'm… still working on that function."

Seonghwa waves away that idea and focuses on the main point—Yeosang's parents. The younger told him how his family played the biggest role in him joining The Wonderland. He wants to provide for them and make sure they have access to the best doctors.

He hasn't heard from them, has no clue if they're okay, and that's distressing. The eldest completely understands because he's experiencing the same thing with not just Jisoo, but with the whole Jinju community. Perhaps he should start writing letters as well.

"I know it's hard not knowing whether they're okay or not, whether something bad has happened or if it's just a fluke. It's really difficult, but you need to stay strong. Your parents wouldn't want you to stress on their behalf, Yeosang. Give it some time, I'm sure the answer will arrive soon," Seonghwa encourages.

Wooyoung nods along. "That's right! Don't lose hope! Your parents are super strong. Maybe something just went wrong with their letters, or they could be throwing secret parties without you around underneath the government's noses."

Yeosang rolls his eyes with a soft chuckle. "You've met my parents, Wooyoung. That's the last thing they'd be doing but thank you. Both of you."

"Of course," Wooyoung grins.

Yeosang joined the crew about three years after Wooyoung, and neither of them was susceptible to approaching others. It was actually through the efforts of Jongho and San that the two were brought together. They were friendly to Yeosang first and encouraged him to spend time with Wooyoung, who was still apprehensive of others.

The pair were forced into an awkward exchange that naturally developed into something more once they shared their angry sentiments about the Chois. Realizing San and Jongho not only shared the same surname but also the same annoying, unabating attitudes—San always dragging Wooyoung out of his shell is akin to Jongho nagging Yeosang about being in the archive twenty-four-seven—the inventor and the recordkeeper bonded.

They are considered to be one of each other's best friends. Now, Seonghwa joins the equation to complete the perfect triangle.

Hongjoong feels much better than yesterday, but he still takes the medicine Seonghwa prescribed him. He pops the pill in his mouth and grabs a bottle of water from the kitchen fridge. Yunho enters at this time, witnessing the captain chug half the contents.

"Are you thirsty?" he asks.

The blond blinks. "What? Yep."

Yunho nods and walks past him to the snack cabinet. "Makes sense. Sickness can dehydrate you," he says casually and grabs a few bags of chips and cookies.

Hongjoong, who was taking another sip of water, suddenly chokes. A water-saliva combination flies out involuntarily, and he barely manages to cover his mouth. Wiping his face with his forearm, he stares at his friend bug-eyed.

"What's this? You knew?"

"That you were bedridden yesterday with a cold? Yeah."

"How'd you find out?"

Yunho tilts his head knowingly. "Did you really believe I wouldn't figure it out? I know you too well. Even on your busiest days, I can find you on the deck at some point. Of course, you didn't want to alarm anybody, so you used work as an excuse to disappear from the public eye."

Hongjoong's brown eyes follow the swordsman around the counter. "Damn you."

"Plus, I met Wooyoung in the workshop and he was saying something about Seonghwa and porridge, so it was obvious," Yunho adds.

"Damn you!"

The brunette turns to him and sighs. "I don't know how you see me, Hongjoong, but I spend about forty percent of my day talking to you. I'm practically the closest friend you have. You could've told me."

"You've been stressed lately. I didn't want to bother you with that. Also, you are my closest friend. There's no 'practically' or 'maybe' about it. It's a fact," Hongjoong states concretely.

Yunho drops his head to hide his happiness, smiling to himself. The captain points at the handful of snacks.

"What's with those?"

Exhaling heavily, Yunho replies, "They're for Mingi. I went to check on him in the storage room on the second floor, and he dropped some very obnoxious hints that he was hungry."

"You really spoil him," the blond notices.

His friend shrugs, "It comes naturally."

Hongjoong scrutinizes the man, and dissatisfied with what he finds, he calls out his observation. "Then why do you look so tired?"

Yunho frowns wordlessly, uncertain how to answer. Trying to swat away the valid question, he makes for the doorway. The captain continues, "I wonder how much longer you'll last like this. As your friend, I'm worried about you."

"I appreciate it, really, but I know what I'm doing," Yunho insists and exits the kitchen.

As he steps into the corridor, the ship rocks violently out of nowhere. Loud booms and crashes sound from outside. The snacks fly out of Yunho's arms, and his eyes bulge. Full of alarm, the captain hurries out next to him.

Reverberations of chaos call for the duo, and they race up the stairs. What they see is a battlefield of struggling pirates and brave soldiers. A large Navy ship is right next to The Wonderland connected by grappling hooks, and more soldiers hop the threshold to attack.

The loud sounds they heard were the collision of the ships and the initiation of battle. Many people are already injured on both sides, and The Wonderland's Cabinet members go head-to-head with the strongest foes.

Hongjoong backtracks and jumps down the stairs, heading for his armory. He doesn't hear Yunho calling for him as he zips through the corridors. Throwing the door open, he pulls a claymore off the wall and checks the back room for the white musket. To his surprise, it's already missing, and gunshots can be heard from above.

When rejoining the fray, he spots Seonghwa at the stern aiming non-lethal body shots at the Navy ship. Hongjoong dashes to the other side and swings his heavy sword down on the grappling hooks to break the connection. The ships slowly drift apart, but too many enemies have already boarded.

Navy officers fire their own shots from the safety of their sea vehicle. Explosive pops and steel clanging disturb the waves. Yunho barely blocks a bullet with his sword and frantically searches for Mingi. Amidship, the redhead flips over a soldier only to be ambushed by three others.

"We don't want to hurt you, Your Highness! Come with us peacefully!"

"I… already said… no!" Mingi elbows a man holding him on the left side twice, backhands him in the nose, then swiftly socks the right soldier thrice in the face with his now free hand.

The barrel of a gun grazes the back of his head, forcing him to freeze. From a few feet away, an officer shouts, "What are you doing? You can't threaten the Crown Prince like that!"

"That's right. What the f*ck are you doing?" Yunho's cold voice says menacingly. His sword is already touching the foolish soldier's jugular, the latter falters back. Mingi turns around excitedly.

A quick jerk of his arm, and the swordsman slits the man's throat without a second thought. Mingi smiles without realizing, happier to see the brunette than he understands.

Elsewhere, Jongho uses a musket instead of his favorite pistol to plow through the enemy forces; he quickly drops it and decides to use his handgun instead, preferring the feeling of it.

Wooyoung is nearby, weaving dangerously close attacks all around while delivering his own sharp strikes with a saber. The sword gets knocked from his grip, but he recovers instantly with his dagger. Pivoting on his heel, Wooyoung swings a violent kick into the mouth of a soldier.

He glances back and watches Jongho take a bullet to the shoulder. "Jongho!"

The youngest grits his teeth, but he fights through the pain. Meanwhile, Yeosang and San are surrounded. Some brave deckhands tear apart the human cage, making way for them. Hongjoong is still knocking enemies over the edge with his claymore.

Seonghwa prepares to aim another shot at a gunner on the opposite ship, and he realizes the best choice is the chest. Reluctantly, the first mate takes a deep breath and fires. He sees the enemy collapse dead, and he's not sure how he feels.

His sixth sense kicks in before he has time to figure it out, and he spins around to face two soldiers reaching for him. Seonghwa involuntarily drops his gun and rolls away before he's pierced by the sword tips. Weaponless, he skids down the staircase onto the deck.

Another soldier comes his way, and he blocks with his arms, resulting in a tight tussle. It doesn't help that bullets are ricocheting near him. Breaking away from the arm wrestle, he swiftly nabs a cutlass from the floor just in time to block another jab. Twisting their bodies, he successfully slips away.

However, he loses his footing when he does, and the clumsy attempt to swerve a bullet sends him falling back over the edge. Seonghwa goes overboard with a resounding splash. Hongjoong, who sees it from the other side of the ship, feels his heart lurch.

"No! Seonghwa!" He fights back with much more vigor, desperate to get to his significant other.

Sinking in the dark water, Seonghwa barely holds on to the last breath of air he catches. Trying his best to remain calm, he forces his limbs to cease their flailing. Not too far away, other bodies drift lower—soldiers and pirates.

Silently mourning the loss of his allies, the medic tries to swim upward. A foreboding sound bellows behind him. Seonghwa turns around, his sweat hiding in the seawater, and sees a humongous shadow fast approaching.

It's nothing he's ever seen before. Long and snake-like with a large body resembling a mix of alligator and dinosaur; scary spikes—bones—protrude along its back. This is a sea beast. A sea beast is coming straight for Seonghwa.

Bloodshot eyes bulging, Seonghwa propels himself up, pumping his arms and legs as hard as he can. The sea beast narrowly misses him and circles back with open jaws. Much too big and too fast, Seonghwa can hardly dodge the hungry lunges. The beast won't give him the chance to resurface, and he's beginning to lose oxygen.

Due to its massive size equivalent to four pirate ships, the sea beast's speedy movements produce a powerful undercurrent. Seonghwa is swept along against his will, his body flying away from The Wonderland. With no other choice, he latches onto one of the sea beast's spikes.

He releases it automatically; the bone cuts into his hands and blood seeps out. However, he's still caught in the current and forces himself to grip the sharp spike regardless of the pain. It's difficult to tell in the water, but something slick coats the bone and adds an extra burn to Seonghwa's skin. He's never felt this level of adrenaline—he's never felt this level of terror.

When the beast moves along toward the Navy vessel, Seonghwa lets go and once again tries to make it to the surface. Someone splashes in next to him—Hongjoong. The captain doesn't notice the sea monster and heads straight for Seonghwa, grabbing him by the torso and dragging him up.

They break through the surface and climb the rope ladder provided by San and Yunho. Shaken by the life-threatening meeting underwater, Seonghwa cowers on the floor. Hongjoong crouches next to him, gently holding his shoulders. They're both soaked to the bone.

"Hwa, are you okay? Seonghwa!"

Choking on the salt in his lungs, Seonghwa brokenly utters, "Beast… Sea bea…"


"There's a sea beast… under the… ship!"

At that exact moment, the whole ship lurches violently. The fighting pauses for the concerning disturbance. Rumbling like thunder, the waves crash over both ships as the sea beast rises to the surface. Its furious pupils narrow as it scrutinizes the tiny creatures that disrupted its peace.

Soldiers and pirates alike freeze in terror. The beast sends a screech to the heavens and launches itself onto the ships. The Wonderland shakes from the damage, and everyone scatters.

Yeosang and Wooyoung gape at the unexpected third party. The latter mutters disbelievingly, "You've got to be kidding me!"

"That's one giant f*cking fish," Jongho swears while covering his injured shoulder.

"Sea beast…" San blinks incredulously.

Standing next to Yunho, Mingi holds his hand without thinking. Like Seonghwa, neither of them has ever encountered a sea beast before. They've been with the crew the shortest amount of time, and there's never been a sighting in these last three years. The brunette shifts to block the prince, not that it will do much good against a foe of this caliber.

Everyone else is running rampantly, and the sea beast sets its lizard eyes on The Wonderland. Gulping his fear, Seonghwa climbs up the stern and retrieves his abandoned musket. His friends watch him warily.

Following him, Hongjoong yells, "What are you going to do?"

Seonghwa doesn't respond. He positions the gun with his bloody hands and aims directly at the eye of the beast. Squinting, he pulls the trigger. The sea beast wails at the explosion of its left pupil. Proceeding with the strategy, Seonghwa takes the other eye as well.

The beast lashes out at the Navy ship instead, permanently blinded by the pirate's tactic. Jongho and the others shove the remaining soldiers and their dead friends into the water, and The Wonderland briskly sails away while the monster is distracted.

As they make their getaway, the pirates see the Navy vessel crack in half, weighed down by the angry sea beast. Returning to the depths, the creature takes the ship down with it.

Yeosang and Mingi join the captain and his first mate at the stern, celebrating the brilliant move. "Seonghwa, that was awesome!" says the redhead.

"So smart," cheers Yeosang.

However, Seonghwa barely hears them. His head is disoriented, and his breathing turns ragged. The white musket slips from his hands, coated in salty red. Hongjoong realizes something is wrong, but the medic's body collapses before he can ask.

"Seonghwa!" The blond slides over and kneels by his comatose first mate. Checking all over his body, Captain Hongjoong only finds the bubbling gashes on Seonghwa's palms.

He cuts his frightened eyes up at Yeosang and Mingi drowning in their own panic. Cradling Seonghwa's body tightly, he commands in a heavy tone, "Get Wooyoung!"


With a quiet groan, Seonghwa slowly opens his eyes. A few blurry seconds pass as he adjusts to his location. He remembers blacking out, but the reason why is a mystery.

Once the room finishes its twirl, his eyes land on a solemn-looking Hongjoong. Why does he look so concerned? Seonghwa wonders about this as he silently stares at his captain.

The latter finally notices Seonghwa's consciousness and sits up in his chair. He must have placed it there to watch over him. Only then does Seonghwa realize that he's in Hongjoong's bed.

Hongjoong gently touches Seonghwa's shoulder. "You're awake? How do you feel?"

"I'm fine. My hands are sore, and my head is still fuzzy, but it's not too bad," Seonghwa nods slightly. Hongjoong sighs with relief, but there's a hint of disbelief laced in between.

"I didn't know you had touched the sea beast's poisonous horn," Hongjoong says almost regretfully.

His first mate glances up at him with questioning eyes. "Poisonous horn?"

"Didn't you know? Sea beasts have these bones that stick out of their backs and secrete oil. The oil is poisonous and acidic, and the bones are as sharp as a freshly made blade. Wooyoung already drained the poison and cleaned your wounds," Hongjoong explains.

Seonghwa thinks back to his underwater tussle with the aggravated creature. He's only been a pirate for a few months, but sea beast knowledge should've been something he looked more into. Then again, even if he had known, Seonghwa wasn't entirely in a situation where he could consider such facts at that time.

"I was just looking for something to grab onto, or I would've been swept away by the undercurrent it caused. I'll be more careful next time." He sits up in the bed and analyzes his bandaged hands. Hongjoong readjusts the blanket over Seonghwa's lower half and shakes his head lightly.

Sternly glaring at his significant other, Hongjoong says, "There won't be a next time. I should've been beside you. I'm sorry."

"What are you talking about? It's not your fault. I was clumsy—"

"No, you're my first mate. You take care of the rest of my crew, and I should've been taking care of you," Hongjoong interrupts. He moves from the chair to sit on the edge of his bed where the other man rests.

Seonghwa sighs through his nose. Hongjoong is such a responsible captain, and it amazes Seonghwa every time. He just wishes the man wouldn't put so many burdens on himself. Planning Jisoo's rescue, blaming himself when others get hurt, and trying to fulfill his mother's dream on top of it all.

Instead of saying this, he instead acknowledges something more prevalent. Something that he hopes will ease the pressure. "Thank you," he says sincerely.

Not expecting such a response, Hongjoong's jaw drops slightly. "Huh?"

"You jumped into the water and saved me. You noticed and immediately came to my rescue. In my eyes, you take care of me just fine." Seonghwa searches Hongjoong's eyes for a reaction. He cannot help but smile at the sweet twinkle within them.

This moment reminds him of something else, and he cautiously adds, "Remember when you said I was the most important person in your heart?"

Hongjoong blushes for a moment and nods. Seonghwa continues, "I have something to say to you."

Before Seonghwa finishes choosing his next words, Hongjoong shakes his head and gently grabs one of Seonghwa's bandaged hands. The captain caresses Seonghwa's knuckles while gazing down. The latter looks at him with a puzzled expression. Perhaps it's partly because he's scared, but Hongjoong never considered hearing about Seonghwa's side of things.

"You don't have to say anything," Hongjoong starts, "When I told you that, I was never looking for an answer. It doesn't matter to me whether you see me as a friend or as just a captain. That won't affect anything. I simply wanted you to know how I feel about you."

However, Seonghwa's lips form a small pout. Slight disappointment glistens in his eyes. "That's not fair," he replies.

Taken aback, Hongjoong's thumb temporarily stops stroking Seonghwa's knuckles. "Hm?"

"You keep talking about your feelings for me, but you've never asked what I think of you," Seonghwa complains softly. As soon as he finishes his sentence, a fond smile spreads across his face.

"You're the most important person in my heart as well."

Hongjoong's eyes shake in awe. "Seonghwa…"

"You're not just a friend or the captain. When I was fighting with that sea beast, for a moment I really thought I might die. I thought I might never see anyone I love ever again. I thought I might never see you again, and that… is my greatest fear."

The blond is speechless. Seonghwa's confession is a gift to him. Knowing he was in Seonghwa's thoughts during such a scary experience counts as a great honor.

"My feelings are the same as yours, so ask for my opinion next time," Seonghwa lightly scolds. Hongjoong grins sweetly and nods.

A firework explosion of emotions goes off inside Hongjoong's chest. He feels as if he just went swimming into the darkest depths of the ocean and retrieved the most valuable gem in the world—something one of a kind.

All smiles, they both acknowledge the shift in the atmosphere. Hongjoong moves first, but Seonghwa quickly shifts to meet him part of the way. Leaning in until they can't anymore, the captain and his first mate connect their lips in a tender kiss.

Hongjoong leads the kiss with Seonghwa easily matching his pace. Romance was never something Hongjoong thought about, and although Seonghwa would think about it on occasion in the past, he figured it wasn't a luxury he would be granted during his poor life in the slums.

Now that they're experiencing it, they didn't think it would be so sweet.


After sharing the sweetest kiss, Hongjoong and Seonghwa now lie in Hongjoong's bed gazing at each other with fluttering hearts. Their hands are connected in the space between them. Despite smiling long enough for their jaws to ache, neither can stop.

A tiny giggle slips from Hongjoong's mouth. Seonghwa's eyes sparkle as he asks, "Why are you laughing?"

Hongjoong lightly shakes his head and shuffles an inch closer. "No, it's just… I thought I had everything I needed. I've never felt freer sailing the sea as a pirate, and I have a passionate crew who respect me as captain. I was vigorously working on becoming Pirate King like I'm meant to, but I was happy despite each struggle along the way."

Seonghwa listens attentively, nodding along to Hongjoong's whispers. "But then I met you, and it felt like you were the missing piece I was subconsciously looking for. My life has been so much happier since meeting you."

"Me too," Seonghwa softly says, "My life has been so much better since we met. Every day is fun, I've made friends whom I can laugh and cry with, and I get to explore places I've hardly heard of before. There's a fair share of dangers, but I don't regret taking your hand that day."

Not too tightly so as not to aggravate his wounds, Hongjoong squeezes Seonghwa's hand. "I don't regret extending my hand to you. I don't regret holding your hand, and I'm never letting it go either."

Quiet giggles fill the room. The couple wants nothing more than to stay like this for a while longer. Their heads are occupied with all the adventures they've had so far and all they'll get to experience in the future together. Alas, their moment is interrupted by a respectful knock at the door.

Yeosang's voice is heard through the wood. "Captain, I've got the damage report completed."

Sighing, Hongjoong reluctantly rises from his bed and crosses over toward the door. Seonghwa does the same and silently encourages his partner to enter his professional captain mode. They're boyfriends; they have plenty of time to spend together later.

Outside on the deck of the ship, Hongjoong and Seonghwa stand with Yeosang as he goes over the list of damages caused by the sea beast and the naval battle.

"If it wasn't obvious, the right edging is missing from the deck. There are some dents in the hull, but no water is coming through. San took a quick dive and noted significant scrapes presumably left by the sea beast's horns as it was swimming under. Our masts are cracked, too."

Captain Hongjoong listens attentively, and he decides, "We won't get too far as we are. I've been thinking about visiting Gimpo Island for a couple of days, and it'll also be the best place to get repairs. I'll double-check the route, so secure the masts with what you can for now."

His boyfriend volunteers, "I can help with the rigging."

"No, just get some rest for now. Your hands are sensitive."

Seonghwa reluctantly obeys and watches the captain take hold of the helm. Yeosang lightly taps his shoulder.

"Seonghwa, are you okay? You really scared us when you passed out," he says.

"I'm okay now. It's only a dull ache in my palms. Where's Wooyoung? I need to thank him," the elder implores.

"He's still taking care of injuries in the infirmary. Since you were out cold, he took up the role of medical assistant again. Jongho is there, too," Yeosang explains with a hint of sadness.


The recordkeeper nods somberly. "He was shot during the fight. In his shoulder. He's okay now—it luckily wasn't too severe."

"I see. I'll go check on them and see if there's something I can do to help," Seonghwa says.

"Oh? Hongjoong just told you to rest."

"My hands aren't broken. I can still do my job. Applying medicine isn't as worrisome as working with those ropes," the medic insists, "I'll be careful."

"Then, I'll check in with the heavy-lifters in your stead. They were asking for guidance on patching some minor damages," Yeosang offers.

The medic smiles appreciatively. "Thank you, Yeosangie."

They go their separate ways, ready to get busy. The Wonderland has a lot of work to do.

Mingi lies back on the edge of his bed. Things have been so eventful, and people continue to get hurt. He knows it's because of him—because he's sailing on the ship when he should be locked away in a stuffy palace. There is false beauty in royalty, but maybe his friends would be better off if he returned to that fake world.

No, he won't. Not after coming this far. He refuses to play any part in his mother's world. Her toxic, torturous world that nearly killed him. If he never mustered the courage to run away, he would've left another way. He can still imagine it.

Yunho shuts the door and soon peers down at the redhead. "Are you alright, princess? The heavy-lifters on the cargo team are looking for you."

"I don't feel like going. I'll help later," Mingi decides.

"I'll let you rest then. By the way, Seonghwa is awake now and in the infirmary if you want to see him," the brunette informs and prepares to walk away.

"Really?" Mingi sits up excitedly without thinking, and his face stops just short of his roommate's.

Yunho's breath hitches; his crush is mere centimeters away. Mingi is startled as well, but he makes no move. Instead, he notices a cut on the swordsman's cheek. His hand slowly reaches to graze the wound.

"You got hurt?" he murmurs.

The brunette takes his hand to stop him, his thumb rubbing deep into Mingi's palm. Their eyes lock securely. For some reason, the redhead feels his pulse pick up speed. What's going on?

Yunho leans in gradually, his free hand touching the mattress as a pillar. Mingi instinctively draws back in response, but the two are still breathtakingly close. He sees Yunho gazing at his mouth, and he's unsure whether to fight or stay still. That fear becomes clear on his face; Mingi can't hide his emotions well, including his current terror.

He decides to run, but Yunho beats him to it. The brunette abruptly backs away and releases him. Breathing rigidly, Mingi stammers, "Yunho, what—"


Yunho bolts out of the room, slamming the door hard. He presses his palm against his heaving chest. Anger, sadness, and much regret assault him in every form. Tears slip down his red cheeks.

What the hell was I thinking? He looked so scared. But Yunho was scared too, and he still is. He almost lost control—he almost lost Mingi. If he had crossed that line and revealed his true feelings, what would Mingi do? Not reciprocate them, that's for sure.

The fear of ruining what they have and making Mingi uncomfortable has always outweighed the frustration of concealing his heart. However, at this moment, everything from the past three years is returning with violent strokes.

The tears he shed in Mingi's stead, the doubts he buried for Mingi's mental stability, the lies he told to preserve Mingi's happiness; the cracks that formed in his heart whenever the word "princess" passed his lips, and the spoiled behavior he not only put up with but also encouraged.

He always got whatever treats or trinkets Mingi asked for. He always poured Mingi's drinks and put the food on his plate. He always gave in when Mingi wanted something—he never told him no. He let Mingi do whatever he pleased, no matter how inconvenient. For three straight years.

There was a time when Mingi didn't want to do any work, so Yunho allowed him to skip out for a week. He even dropped what he was doing to take the prince snacks. In the end, the captain scolded them, and Yunho took all of the responsibility.

How about the day Yunho was so exhausted, but he still sparred for three rounds because Mingi begged? And when the redhead broke Yunho's favorite, one-of-a-kind sword while messing around, he was so mad yet couldn't express it because the former had a nightmare the night before. He didn't want Mingi to be in a bad place mentally, so he suffered that mental stress instead without a complaint.

It's all coming back, and as it does, there's an important factor missing from the equation—a lost puzzle piece, a quantity not counted—and that is Yunho's happiness. Where is that part?

Grins and laughs here and there are not sufficient enough to solve this problem. The happiness he swore to protect was Mingi's, and he thought that was all he needed. The smile he lacked all his life, he found on Mingi's face. Yunho copied and pasted that smile onto his own, but that only touched the exterior.

His insides were churning during every interaction with the runaway prince, and it was masked by that pasted smile. Seonghwa told him he was emotionally dependent on Mingi, and now he finally sees what he means. Yunho bases everything on his love for Mingi. He always looks for Mingi first.

He also has to consider how much Mingi has improved. He's grown out of that naive, sheltered prince. He can fight his own battles, and there's plenty around to make him happy without Yunho's interference. Mingi could live without him, but he needs Mingi to survive.

And that makes him furious. That makes him depressed.

Seonghwa's words haunt him, "You can't do anything, think anything, without involving Mingi. Yunho, you have to be honest with yourself. Are you really happy living your life solely for someone else, especially when he has no idea?"

No, he's not. He's not happy. He can't do this anymore. He needs to live for his own sake. Crying to himself in the hallway, Yunho has a heartbreaking epiphany.

He needs to detach himself from Mingi.

Treasure - Chapter 9 - callmebaepsaebich (2024)
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Author: Trent Wehner

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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.