Trancy - YouTube AI zweisprachige Untertitel & Language Reactor Pro (2024)

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Our Heaven, God's wondrous creation is perfect domain.

a more...well...heavenly.

Thank you very I'll see Nothing in creation compares to heaven with its streets of gold,

its perfect location in the universe,

its perfect weather,

and every day,

every resident from the angels and cherubs,

to the seraphim and archangels,

in fact all the celestial beings, including the angels, yes, to answer the age old question, there are indeed animals in heaven.

All do their best to keep heaven a perfect life.

Perfectly perfect place, God created it to be.

Hmm, gotcha!

Oh, woohoo!

Watch where you're going, kids!

Yes, well, except for one little fellow.

and we'll get to him in a moment.

Among all the heavenly beings, the little angels are the ones who must work the hardest on perfection.

They must learn to keep their heavenly clothes perfectly clean.

They must be certain their halo.


And they must practice, practice, practice, to become the most angelic beings they can be, so they may one day help all of humanity.

Welcome to Angel Academy, where Angel strained, and every day feels like...


You Good morning, my little cherubs, and welcome to another perfect day at Angel Academy.

Step right up to the winging.

Let's see how many of God's lessons you've learned and how much your wings have grown.

Yup, Sarah.


Five centimeters growth since last time.

Keep up the good work in cloud fluffing class, Sarah.

You'll be flying back and forth to Earth, doing the good Lord's work in no time.


Off you go.

Flight training class for you, Joshua.

Note to self.

After tutoring might be an order for Joshua.


But remember, it's not angelic to push.

I see you there, Mary.

Don't dally now.

Mustn't be late for good deed class.

Another day of perfect attendance.

Yes, all's right in heaven and earth is glorious.

This one ain't too missing.

I see.

Poor angel Albin.

Heaven knows he tries to teach all his young charges everything there is to know about being God's perfect angels.

But it seems there is one little angel,

no matter how hard Albin tries, he's never able to make this one shape up and fly right.

I'm speaking of Heaven's littlest angel.

I see you big guy, you won't get away this time.

Oh, my!

What in heaven's name?


What's up?

What's up?

Oh, my!

What Ah-ha!

There are, you little!

Little angel, you...



You missed the morning school bell again!

Let go of that rope this instant.

Yes, headmaster!



Little is...


Ahhhh Bong Bong Bong?

Bong Look out Look over Is right?

Bong Bong

Bong Bong


Bong Like a

Shoot me

It'll be

Flip Shoot me miser I've never seen to be AOE The trouble is that he may be smaller at the end of the day.

You will never catch him for it seems his troubles will be here to stay.

Buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-b-buh-buh-buh- Oh, that list!


Wings, don't fill me now!


Wings, don't Stop!

I'll clip your wings so short!

You won't fly again until the end of days!




Leave to me!

I'll get you!

I'll shoot!



Having the streets of gold public service announcement take 90 seconds.

Three, and action!

Heavenly residents,

in order to make heaven a more peaceful place,

we kindly ask thee to honor thy curfew, keep the peace, and never speak in other than the most dulcet tones.




Can't you see we're filming here?


Albon, it's me, Logan.


Angel number one trap picked into the archangels.

Don't you remember?

I hate to break up your little training school.

But we're trying to film here!

Look, look, Logan!

Yes, course I remember!

Didn't you hold the school's speed cloud jumping record?

You remembered!

Uh, Logan, I need your help!

I've got a truant angel on the run!

Come on!

We'll take Grinstone!

You walk off this chute and they'll be hacked to pay, Logan!


The H-word, I know.

Oh No!

The poor horses of the apocalypse are coming down the homestretch, having their word out there.

Keep practicing, boys!

Your will come!

That does it!

Your wings are clipped and you're grounded!

But I was only trying to catch...

Trust me, little guy, you don't...

want to butt him when he's in this kind of a Lake for the Morning Bell again, five demerits.

Running when told to stop, seven demerits.

But I saw a dog getting out.

Oh, be absurd.

There are no dogs in Celeste, you silly?

Everyone knows all the animals, except the beasts of burden, choose to live out in the heavenly countryside.

So, fibbing, ten demerits.

But I swear I saw him.

Ah, swearing, fifteen demerits.

Kid, quit while you're ahead.

But I saw a dog load.

I used to have one of my own I know what they look and sound like yeah well see this is heaven little guy

Take a gander beautiful and big enough for all the animals to have their own space to live one

No masters telling them what to do up here, so the animals all stick to their side of heaven.


So you're going to have to come up with a better excuse than I was chasing a doggy.

Alright everyone, get ready for your flight training exam.

O'er the night we sing, We all the planes, And the mountains we fly, Echoing their joyous dreams, Glo!

In the area, in Just lip sync and bang the cymbals when I give the signal The Thank you very much.

Oh, Go see the angel of peace, it's the only way the rest of heaven will get any!

You And so the littlest angel went off to his judgment at the hands of the angel of peace.

He knew things weren't going well for him in heaven.

And he wondered what they'd do to a little angel who just wasn't happy in the grandest place in all the universe.

You the last So you're the one who's been making Heaven so un-Heavenly.

Um, I guess so?

Why don't you tell me all about it?

And suddenly, before he knew it, he was explaining how very difficult it was for a boy who suddenly finds himself transformed into an angel.

And no matter what Albin had told her, he'd only swung once.

Well, twice, all right, then he swung three times on the pearly gates.

That was only for something to do, but Heaven is full of wonderful things to do and see and be.

It's not that Heaven isn't beautiful, but Earth was really great indeed.

Well, you know it was created by God himself.

And there were trees to climb,

and brooks to fish,

and caves to play hide and seek,

the swimming hole,

and sun,

and rain,

and dark and dawn,

and the thick mud that squish between your toes and here,

even though I tried to do angel stuff, I missed things the way they were on earth.

I'm to show you all Heaven has to offer, once you've earned your full-grown angel wings.

Yeah, well, how come mine never seemed to grow?

Simple, you haven't completed your good deeds class at the Academy.

You mean, if I do that, I'll grow a big one.

wings like yours and Logan's?

Not quite.

For you see, Littlest, everything you've been learning so far makes it easier for you to be a good angel.

Next, you'll be required to master minor miracles and good deeds class.

When you've done that, then you'll be required.

to travel to earth and perform three honest-to-goodness unselfish-good deeds and earn your angel wings.

But for now I think you'll find this area of heaven has a little bit more of what's been making you so homesick.


Look what I can do!

But a million boys can do that.

Look what an angel can do, littleist.

You see, Littlest?

There are lots of fun benefits to being an angel.

You mean, I can do that too?


Show me, Angel Eve, please?

in life and here in the hereafter.

Practice makes perfect.

You do already have the angel power.

Try it.


It's getting away!

How do I make it come back to me?

With practice.

Just practice.

Wow, angels!

Angel Eve, look!

There's the dog!

That's him!

He still has my rope belt around his neck!



Did you see that?

a halo for halo what do you mean he caught your halo and his name happens to be halo too

you know him halo please bring littlest his halo Hi, Halo.

Can I keep him?

Please, Angel Eve, can I bring him back to Celestial City with me?

Can I, can I please?

It's a little different here in heaven.

Here, we don't keep pets.

All the animals live for you.

They have a beautiful part of heaven all to themselves right here in Angel Mall Countryside.

But you can come visit this place and so many other wondrous lands all over heaven once you've completed your angel training at the academy.

Now it's time we get back.

Bye, Halo.


What's wrong, then, list?


Is there anything other than that?

to have?

This is heaven, after all.

It was a box I left hidden in a secret spot back home.

It's filled with treasures I collected and it reminds me of comb.

I know if I only had them, I wouldn't miss Earth so much.

Yes, well, I'm not sure that's what you should be thinking about right now.

Not when there is so much you still need to accomplish.

Go to class and work hard, my little-est angel.

I'm telling you, Logan, the littlest angel must be taught a lesson.

No more Mr.

Nice from I've been far too lenient.

When he comes back, I'm going to teach that little insubordinate that what Albin says goes at Angel Academy.

And so he thought and thought.

Maybe there's a way I can get my box and fly the highest flight training class.

And finally he concocted a devilish little plan to get back to Earth and find his beloved treasure box and get a little flying practice.

I'll never be able to fly all the way to Earth to get my box with these puny wings.

I'll return the wing shortly, and that's an angel promise, signed the littlest angel.

I'm not Whoa!


Look at me!

I'm flying!


Looks like we got a little failure to fly.

I got him.

I haven't seen an angel land that hard since Lucifer got kicked out of heaven.

You can talk?

Of course I can talk.

This is heaven.

I'm trying to get the Earth, but I'm not quite sure how to get out of heaven.

Funny, most everyone we know wants to get into heaven.

You can talk!

Well, let me, too.

It's a heaven, you know.

Yeah, yeah, but back to you, fly boy.

Just a wild guess, but something tells me you haven't graduated good deed class to earn your full weight.

Not exactly, but I'm going to start trying real hard.

Do you know which way angels go when they, you know, go?

Sure, but I also know they've got heavenly reasons.

They bought back and forth between heaven and out God's work What happens if an angel has a really good reason to go to earth,

but hasn't quite done his three games Mmm, well, tell you the truth, no idea.

Hey, any of yous know what happens?

Nope, but I'm sure it's a really good, uh, really idea.

Why are you so anxious to get down there anyway?

I have to get back my special box.

It's filled with all my earthly treasures.

Oh, a treasure box, huh?


And once I've got it, I know I'll be happy here in Heaven.

And I'll be able to try real hard at Angel Academy.

And I'll do my three good deeds, and I'll earn my wings.

Easy, easy.

Heesh, a type A angel, if ever there was one.

I get it.

The box is real important to you.

And if I had it, I know I could learn to shake up and fly right.

I believe that's shape up and fly right.

Really, really bad.

Listen, kid, I may happen to know a particular cloud where all the Earthbound angels, you know, come and go from.


Where is it?

You've got to show me.

Up in your neck of the clouds, you know, celestial city, I've watched them lots of times.

But I thought angels didn't like to go there.

Some of us make the rounds.

Like today, when you almost nugified me with that rope.

Sorry about that.

Forget about it.

Bygones and all that out of good stuff.

All right, now here's what we'll do.

See, we to get together on this thing.

And so Halo and the littlest angel became friends fast.

It's gonna be a wonderful hour, beautiful Well, this is it.

Last chance to change your mind.

The war looked awfully big from up here, Halo.

How will I find my house?

Huh, you know, I think I've heard all you do is use your angel vision.

Angel vision?

Well, this that?

To travel to Earth using angel vision, you'll close your eyes.

Picture your exact landing zone and jump.

Okay, I see my house just the way it used to be.


Now just hold your nose and jump.

You jump first?

Come on in kid, the air is fall!

We did it, Halo!

Yep, we pulled off a heaven break.

Hey, uh, you sure we're in the right spot?

Might need your vision worked, Halo.

That's my village over there!

Come on, let's fly like the wind!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, take it easy, Bob.

Remember, you're still a novice flapper.

Don't worry.


Totally out of control!

Help, Halo!

I knew I should have been a boy dog!

Help me, Halo!


Just try it!

I'm not the one!

My Halo!


You, my angel came off.

Easy does it now.

Phew, that was...

Oh no, your wings!

Hey, Lo, mine are going too!

What's happening?

I don't worry.

That always happens when an angel's feet or paws touch her.

But what are we going to do without our wings?

How are we going to get back up to heaven if we can't fly?

Ah, ye of little faith.

Watch and learn.

All you got to do is focus real hard, angel vision, remember?


Oh, oh, maybe a little less face-scrunching at a boy.

But now make him disappear again.

How come?

You don't think we're allowed to run around the earth looking like something that jumped off a stained glass window, do you?

And we don't want to break any rules that could get us locked out of the pearly gates.

Okay, wings away.




Not you.

That halo.

Angel showed me how to do this.

Oh, sweet trick.

But shiny O over your head's another dead giveaway you ain't from around here, kid.

Better find someplace really safe to hide it.

I know the perfect place I'll hide my halo on my halo Now it just looks like your dog collar,

okay time to go play fetch the treasure box, so which way I?

Kind of got turned around when we were Well, crashing.

But I'm pretty sure it's just over the next hill.

And so the Lovelest Angel and his new friend set out to find his home,

see the places he used to play, and retrieve the missing treasure box.

But they would soon remember that Heaven and Earth are two very different sorts of places.

Wasn't over next hill, or next, or the next after that either.

I never thought I'd say it, but I sure miss my angel wings.

I don't see why it would hurt to fly up and see where my village is.

No, uh-uh.

Rotten idea.

What if some humans saw you?

How are you going to explain a boy with wings?

I guess you're right.

Of course I'm right.

Come on.

Don't know if it's your village, but my super sniffer's picking up people's sense.

Which way?

Just over the next hill.

We'll just go up to the house and ask directions to my village.

I might as well ask him if they can spare an old bone, too.


A talking dog on earth might seem kind of strange.

You'd better just stick to growls and barks when people are around.

Gee, I kind of got used to something.

I hope I can remember how to act like a regular old dog.

Maybe it'd be better to ask the barnyard animals instead.

Let me thank you.

I will.

Earth animals can't talk like angel animals can.

Now, Sweat, I still remember how to talk Twikey.

And lots of other critters tongues, too.

I'll just ask this goose and cow.

That couch sure sounds mad.

Get back!

Get back!

Get back!

Get Maybe, cause he's a bull!

What are they saying?

Loosely translated, no trespassing, get lost.


I think I think Good, but you forgot to tell them.


Come on!

No way bowls can climb trees.

Neither can dogs.

Hey, there aren't any humans around.



Look Guess it serves him right for being so mean, but I kind of feel sorry for him.

I guess we should try and get him free.

I was afraid you were going to say that.


One, two, three, pull!

Come on!

We're a kibble now!

I'll prepare to be nugified.

What did they say?

The village is right over the next hill.

It's already night and kind of dark out.

Maybe we should wait till morning.

Cause I'm dog-tired!

It's weird looking up at heaven.

I wonder if anybody noticed we're gone.

When I get my hands on that little angel, I'll...

Wait, what's that?

Could this be him?

Here, here, here.

God has decreed the most glorious event for all the citizens of Earth.

He has requested all angels in his firmament to prepare the most wonderful celebration of all time.

Bring your most splendid gifts.


What is the celebration for?

You know God will announce his plan in his own time, but I got word it'll be soon.

In the meantime, prepare your gift!

Prepare for the greatest celebration Heaven and Earth have ever known!

Of all the days!

Logan, hello!

Please get your big sandals off my desk.

This is insufferable, intolerable, inexusable… inc… …inviting.



What rambling about?

I thought we were trying to think of words starting with… Didn't you hear the messenger angel who just blew in here?

Sorry, I was listening to Hey Hey get off of my cloud.

God has just announced the biggest, most exciting event he's ever planned for Earth!

And Heaven needs to start preparations!

I love celebrations!

I hope we get to wear party hats and blow those funny whistles that shoot us!

We need to find that missing little angel and get him back here to the Academy.

Everything be absolutely perfect for God's big day.

Don't worry, the little tyke has to be around heaven someplace.

Where else could he go?

Well, if I bore you that much, I'll just be on my way then.

Guess we can look for the littlest guy, first thing in the morning.

Come on, Halo!

Just one more hill and we're there!

I'll believe that when I see it.

I can hardly wait to see my house again.

What was that all about?

They just wanted to say thanks for the good deed and want us to be careful.

Of what?

A goose and a bull?

I don't know.

Didn't make much sense to me.

Some cruel creep that uses critters for shell?

Whatever heck that means.

That ride up, that ride up, ladies and gentlemen, see the one and only two.

Go ahead, it's Snake, and the amazing talking chicken!

I didn't hear no chicken talking!

Just drop in your coins, then the chicken will thank you personally!

Look at me!

I'm a talkin' chicken!

Ha, ha, ha, Ha, ha, Ah, it's a big fake!

The chicken's lips aren't even moving!

Well, will the chick give us some money back?

I'm in here and the chicken talkin'!

Yeah, you just want watching carefully.

Move your lids chicken.

Clap from plastic beak bird.

Ha ha ha ha.

Ha ha ha ha.



Come back!

It's all part of the show!

What were you thinking, woman?

Don't tell me you swallowed the fake snake head again?

Don't you know we need it for the show?

I warned you creep deep, no one is going to fall for that phony two-headed snake or your pathetic ventriloquist act.

Mind your own business, muscle-haired.

This traveling show is my business and I'm warning you unless you come up with a real attraction you two are out of here.

of him heh heh heh you see one of these days I'm going to find the greatest attraction of all time!

What if the people that live in now already found your special box?

No way.

I kept it hidden underneath the loose floorboard in my bedroom.

I'll just slip inside in.

Well, there, little pup.

Even though your wings aren't showing, you're still an angel.

So breaking into houses is a no-can-do.

What's going on?

Looks like your other halo agrees with me.

Yeah, no doubt about it.

But we're not really breaking in.

See, the window's wide open.

Plus, it's not like I'm stealing since the box is really mine.

Guess that means it's all right.


Then I'll just look inside and make sure no one's there.


Are you okay?

I'm fine.

Come on!

I got a bad feeling about this, but a friend looks out for a friend.

I thought you said nobody was here.

Er, it's just a little cat.

Don't you know most boy cats and dogs?

Like the fight like cats and dogs?

We don't want anybody hearing us.

Someone's in my house!


I got it.

We'll never make it this way.

Then we'll have to go out the front before.


What do we do now?

What, if dogs do best?

Chase can'ts!

Come here, kitty!

My ew!

Not so important!

So sorry!


In the name of the law!

Oh, who am I kidding?

I'll never catch them.

This is your last chance.

Confess or else?

Or else what?

Good question.

Oh, would you just tell me where the little-est angel is?

We can.

Then I'll just have to make you talk.

What you doing?

I am, after all, still a hero, so I can't let you frighten the poor little creatures, even if they are just dumb animals.

Look who's calling us dumb.

Now promise you won't hurt the nice critters.


Just put me down!


Well, if you refuse to tell me where the littleest angel is, at least give him a message for me.

Well, how can we win you so far?

I knew it!

You do know where he is!

Kinda, but don't blame us, since it's mostly your fault that he's gone.

My fault!

That's right, Albin.

Maybe if you'd been nicer to the little fella, you would've felt like you fit in up here.

Then he wouldn't have been so sad that he missed his home, his box, and his earthly memories.

Have you ever heard such not poor little littlest?

I don't care about some silly box.

Just tell me where the boy went.

That's what we're trying to do.

You want to hear the story or not?

Oh, I love a good tale.

I want to hear the whole story from the very beginning.


So he went to Earth.

And so the mule told the angels everything he and the ox had seen.

And miracle of miracles.

It even seemed to have a softening effect on Angel Albin.

And that's the whole sad story.

Yes, well, perhaps I had been a tiny touch too strict with Saints Preserve Us.

And last I found you!

Half of heaven has been searching for you, Angel Albin.


I had no idea I was so popular.

God's announced what the big celebration is.

And you weren't there.


What is it?

I can't wait.

And I hope it involves party hats.

God's only son is going to be born on Earth to help spread peace to all mankind.


I knew it.

It's a birthday.

And birthdays always mean party hats.

You're supposed to be over at the Great Hall, helping the decorating committee.

Oh, and every one of the angels in your academy are supposed to prepare a special gift for the baby Jesus!

Yes, no!

Oh, I'm ruined.

I may even lose my wings!

Oh, this is all his fault!

Where on earth could he be?

I don't know.

It's a pretty big place.

Oh, don't be silly.

It's just an expression.

I mean, he couldn't actually have jumped cloud and...

Ridiculous to even consider.

Absolutely impossible.

I pray.

I think lost him.

Now, I don't want to say I'm an ace problem solver, but if good old King Solomon never needed advice, I'm definitely the dog to call.

Look out below world!

Watch it.

You almost...

my treasures!

Did someone say treasure?


Thanks for catching my box, mister.

I know what you're talking about.

This is my box.

Take a hike, kid.

That's my box, and I can prove it.

I said scan, and take that magic mud with me!


What's going here, creep, baby?

This kid and his vicious dog try to steal my box, and I'm sure they snuck in without buying a ticket.

Is that the truth?

No, but that's my thought.

He's the road.

They have it to call it the guard.







But not fair.

He stole my box.

I know, but nothing we can do about it right now.


There's no treasure here.

Not gold, no gems.

Just bunch of bigger, bigger- what you get for stealing from a poor little child.

What's backside about the kid, if it turned out to be real treasure?

Like you could ever find a real treasure or a real attraction for that matter.

It just so happens I'm onto something really big.

It's going to make me rich as a king.


If I had a coin for every time I heard that I would be rich.

Oh yeah, well you just wait and see.

Well, at least we know where the box is.

Now, let's just try and stay awake till they fall asleep.

Now, let's just try and stay awake till they fall asleep.

Then what do we do?

Trust me, those two creep-deeps are more than a few arches short of a cathedral.

It may be a catch, mind you.

This'll be like taking candy from a baby.

Not that you know anything about something like that.



Course not.

Hey, I got into heaven, didn't I?

You think every Tom Dick and Harry Mudd gets through those poily gates?

No, I guess not.



Did you have, you know, a boy or a girl back when you...

No, I was on my own, fancy-free.

Living in the city, nothing to tie me down.

Went where I wanted and did what I wanted.


Cuz the good book says the one may be overpowered two can defend themselves.

Oh, what are you good booking me at this time of night for?


I'm just saying it's really good to have a friend you can count on.

And when we get back to heaven, I'm really going to start trying harder.

Yeah, I know what you mean, the list.

I know what you mean.

Looks like we're in luck.

You Look out!

Hey Lo!

Keep going, Little Last!

Better listen to the talking dog kid and hit the road.

I can't just leave you?

Get going!

Unless want to feel my whip!

Save yourself, kid!

do are hiding something bigger than that so-called treasure, but this is even better than I dreamed of talking.

Oh, you're messing with the wrong mongrel, mister.

I'll go devil-dog on you.

My you, save your stupid threats for the show.

No way I'm leaving Earth without my best friend, but what can I do all alone against that big bully?

What do you think you're doing now?

See this dog?

This is the attraction I've been waiting for my whole life.

I've heard that one before.


Well, you've never heard the talking dog before.

Hello, I'm a talking chicken, remember?

This isn't a fake.

This dog really talks.

Just listen for once in your life.

Tell her!










Oh, amazing!

He's talking in tongues!

Talking dog, my f- Oh, Mother was right!

I married a nincompoop!

Don't you miserable material!


What's going on?

It's working!



Are you okay, Halo?

Wait, wait, are you talking to me or the other Halo?



We better blow this freak show.

You still got your treasure box, right?

It's safe and sound.

Then let's make wings and flap for home.

That'll list.

That'll list.

Now, this is what I call the greatest attraction on Earth.

A real love angel.

Keep going, Halo.

Don't stop or go catch you too.

It can't be.

A talking dog with wings.

Oh, I don't think I can handle the two of them.

He's getting away.

Do something.

Oh, forget that mutt.

Quick, you better hide.

I can't believe you just stood there while the fortune flew away.

Who cares?

I just netted a gold mine.

I bagged myself a real-life angel.

I don't see any angel, and no one else is ever going to see one either.




Don't kid yourself, kid.

You'll sprout those wings the minute I order you to.

I won't do it.

You don't scare me.

Oh, I don't scare ya, huh?

Well, why don't you ask them to?

What happens when...

Oh, you'll pop those wings, or I'll find a way to rip them out of you.

She's not that cruel.

Or is she?

Remember, my angels?

Place the gifts in an orderly pile.


Out my way!

Come and throw him!

What is the meaning of all this?

Look, Elbin.

It's a doggy.

Here, doggy, doggy.

Is he for real?


How dare you barge into the great hall and paw me?

Hey, not my idea of heaven, either, pal.

But your friend and my friend, the littlest angel, is in bank trouble, back on oil.

We have to rescue him right now.


Oh, dear.

It's Angel Eve.

No, we can get this mud out of here.


Then I guess I'll just have to tell my troubles, too.

Oh, Angel, eeeed.



No, she mustn't know anything's wrong.

Then you better help save the littlest angel.

Tick tock.

Time's running out.

All right.

Just keep your snout.

Alvin, did you call me?


No, definitely it wasn't me.

Logan and I were just helping us don't find the way out.

Oh, no, no.

Hey, glance for brains, your mind?

Not at all.

I'm quite strong, you know.

I could carry you all day.

Down, boy.


All right, so what do you know about the whereabouts of that little wing-tipped wonder?

He's on oath, and is all village, and rescuing him ain't gonna be easy.

Alert the troops!

Let the battle begin!



No one can know what's happened!

Even better!

A secret mission!


Two battles!

My, how I've missed having a good cause to fight for...


Dead, downward!

I really blew it this time.

All I wanted was my special box to remind me of home, but now I've lost the best friend I ever had.

And I'm all alone, no offense.

But, I really miss Halo.

But, I've still got my other Halo, I hope.

Thank heaven, you're still here.

Let's see if you like playing fetch too.

That's it!

You got the key!

And I've got my box!


You're the best!

Come on!

Let's get out of here!

Sorry, there's no time But I can't leave you with those cool creepy deeps Yeah Come back in!


Don't let it get away!

I can't use my wings without really breaking the rules.

Don't let them get away!

Come Don't let them get away!


You let them get away!

This is get my wings in.


Don't let him get away.

Come on.

Come Come On the other.

On other.

Oh my god.

Oh my god.


Come here.

Come here.

Where is the miniature mischief maker?

Oh He they went that away Come back here!

Hey, stop it!




Ha ha ha!


Back off, buster!

Ha ha ha!


Ha ha!

Gonna stop me!


We'll see who the wimp is here.

Show him Logan.


Put him in the fountain!


Get ready to meet your maker!






Oh, no!

Thank you.

Thank you.

I can do two shows a night with a matinee on Saturday.

Hello, anyone in there?

This is no time for theatrics.

We've got to get back to you nowhere.


Sorry, previous engagement calls, but how can we fly with everyone's staring at us?

I do not take orders from her, what the heck.

He wants to ride the Ferris wheel now.

Oh, goodie!

You two getting this one.

Halo and I will take the next one.

Don't be ridiculous.

What are you doing?

Who can turn down a free ride?

You're ready, Halo?



got them now see we grab him as soon as they swing back it down Gee,

we're up so high, no one can even see us way up here.

Oh, that's it!

We can spread our wings now without breaking the walls!


They're all the apity!

Well, they couldn't just fly away!

I don't care the way they want it!

But you two are out of here.

You travel the Makers and leave it in this traveling shore right now.

Wait, wait.

You don't understand.

We can have the chance.

We have chance.

And we don't have to come to Banger.

And leave it in.


Take that, you have win.

Wow, I can't believe you all came just to rescue me.

What are heroes for, littlest?

It's good to be back on solid clouds again.

So, how about showing us what's so important about that box of yours?

Sure thing!

I mean, if it's alright with my headmaster.


Are we sure we have the right angel?

I know I haven't acted much like a real angel.

Just thinking about what would make me happy and not realizing I was putting all my friends in danger

But from now on I'm going to be the best behaved angel ever so can I please May I?

And all right.

Then see what we whisked our wings for.

Okay, here goes.

Aren't they just the greatest?

Yes, really Yeah, well...

You don't like them?

It's not bad.

He's just...

Every great treasure has a story.

I guess we need to hear yours.

Of course, the legend of the treasure, oh, do tell.

Well, this is a rock from the banks of the river, where I used to swim and play with all my friends.

And once I found this nest and a tree just outside my window,

so I got to watch the eggs hatch and the baby birds grow up and fly off.

I wonder if they had as much trouble getting used to their wings.

Anyway, when the nest was empty, I found this beautiful butterfly inside.

Its spirit had already gone.

Well, you know.

No, that's it, heaven forbid.

And this string was on my favorite cut

and it got loose and flew so high I imagined it must have gone all the way up to heaven.


Remind me to check the heavenly lost and found when we get back to Celestial City.

In this belong to my first best friend, my old dog.

Now doubt about it.

The best treasures I ever saw.

And now you won't have to be sad anymore missing Earth.

No way!

I have all the best stuff right here with me forever and ever.

You see Headmaster.

I'm going to make you proud of me.

The The The The The The Angels we are On the high street,

singing on the plains, And the mountains hear the fire, Co-ring their joy and strength!


In that choses day on, Gloria.


Oh, yeah, the life shall sit down Aah!




I'm not going to See?

I knew you had a little angel in ya.

We mustn't Dally Angels, it's merely time for the big event.

What big event?

Lot's gone on here since you left, littleest.

God is sending his only son, Jesus, as a savior for all mankind.



Gather up your gifts for the Lord and meet in the Great Hall!


Of course.

It's Jesus' birthday, after all.

The very first Christmas.

Gee, Halo!

Where am I going to find a present nice enough to give to God's Son?

Come on, we don't have much time, but maybe we can track down something really special.

MUSIC It's known We searched all over heaven, and I couldn't find anything nice enough to give God's only son.

Lucky for us dogs, we're just born joy-givers, so we don't have to come up with actual presents.


Look at all those priceless treasures!

That's it, Halo!

I'm sure God's little boy's gonna love them just as much as me!

Oh no, no, no, no, no!

What will God think when he sees that box of old junk?


Well, I'm sorry, but honesty is the best policy.

And it's just not suitable for...

Oh dear, this is it!

Every angel places, please!

Hello, what am I going to do?

Albin's right.

My box is just a bunch of old junk.

I just have to get it back before God sees it.

It's now or never.

Littlest Angel, what are you doing?

Um, I made a Lord.

I gave a gift, but then I realized it's not nearly a nice enough gift for your son.

I mean, I know it probably just looks like old junk next to all the magnificent gifts, but to me, they're the best treasures ever.

Ah, that poor little guy.

I warned him.

You all hurt me.

No one can blame me.

Can they?



The littleest angel gave the things he cherished most.

What greater gift could there ever be?

This box, filled with a child's pure joy and wonder, shall forever be a beacon to light the way.

Known to one and all, as the star of Bethlehem.

You did it, where did it go?

I you had it in you.

Did you see that, Elbon?

Littlest Angel is our very own shining star.

Oh, amazing!

Indeed, today the Littlest Angel proved that he's ready to begin traveling to Earth as a junior angel in training.


But he hasn't performed his three good deeds.

but he has indeed.

I have?

Good deed number one, Littlest chose to help the ball even after it had been so mean to him.

Good deed number two, Littlest risked his own freedom to save these two helpless creatures.

I guess I see how those were good deeds, but that's only two.

What's the third?

Oh, oh, oh, I know, I know!

Yes, Logan.

When the little-est angel gave away his beloved treasures to bring joy to another child.

My wings!

Your heavenly reward for performing three very good deeds.

today about real friendship and human kindness and forgiveness yes well it seems

we've all seen the light today and now it's time for you to spread God's eternal

light helping humanity to feel his love Does that mean what I think it means?

Yes, my little-est angel.

From now on, you will be traveling to Earth to perform more good deeds.

But of course, you will need an older angel to guide you.

So, Albin, you have been chosen to be there to help him every step of the way.

Oh, me?

Oh, heaven help me.

Music I'll see you in Music You ["Pomp and Circ*mstance"] You MUSIC You Thanks for watching!

Trancy - YouTube AI zweisprachige Untertitel & Language Reactor Pro (2024)
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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Author information

Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.