The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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4 THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN IN POLICE STATION OBITUARY MRS ELLA TAYLOR LYON NICHOLSON WILL BE DRIVE CHIE locate COMMUNITY CHEST sergeant put be DR CLAUDE A RELIGH present JAMES NICHOLSON I and West and are the northern states been few cases i NEW DINNERWARE having failed by 12000000000 gallons se of correction in addition to be to reach its usual spring mark last ordcred t0 pay a $100 fine It was March or the first time in history bjs second conviction in the local the reservoir failed to fill this spring for illicit iigUOr dealing nnr on rrinnavc! flirt ahnrfaoo as CITY NEWS NOTES of Personal Service RIVER 112 CHARLES AV GRAHAM Corp 4 A As' be observed The bureau the and Polish Alfred red highly Charles II and Ulmer into the Stop bach to two is Tomor another Thurs Trinity avenue Tattersah connected station in sail from Officer Richard for many years army recruiting is scheduled to 1 len West of St Undertakers notvXnn st and Ellis rank Warren Charles SENATOR GILLETT WILL BE AT BECK Winslow Underwood Roadstrand and that after five labor we are near the fin with brass knuckles upon his wife Mary followed by at rock the kitchen window that rf shot had been STREET PETITIONS READY OR COUNCIL was active in all was always keen this trait and quite becom in the daughter of the Chicopee brother Mrs Lyon is Lyon was born at Chicopee the daughter of the late George as rust is to iron and steel recommends that the precau GETS MONTH IN JAIL OR LIQUOR SELLING orchestra of Clayton A the North the absence Dow greet Bicknell of Com Jlcsponslblc Optimistic A Crocker introduced as to this campaign man work harder goal is within only $231000 re and a tremendous upon you more splendid Go that while V'4 LOCAL BOY SCOUTS TO CLAIM RECORD OR SIGNAL TEST The 15000000000 gallons content of a year ago yesterday afternoon two after suffering a shock at her 19 Church street Chicopee This new Sebring Ivory Semi Porcelain we think is the smartest line of dinnerware that has been produced on Semi Porcelain by any American Pottery REV JAMES GILKEY GETS DIVINITY DEGREE Viola appealed from the sentence and Judge Heady held him under bands of $500 for appearance before the next sitting of the superior court He had not furnished the bond up to noon and was taken to the York street institution until such time ns he might be able to get a bondsman Viola was arrested Saturday night in a raid conducted by West Springfield officers under Capt Joseph A Demers Joseph Ciencima 36 of 61 Enfield street Indian Orchard also charged with liquor selling pleaded not guilty and his case was continued to July 13 for trial Sergt Harley Blodgett and Patrolmen Thomas rench and Carl Rolf of the vice squad arrested him in Indian Orchard Saturday afternoon A charge of transporting liquor was made against Douglas Johnson 27 of 250 Eastern avenue when arraigned in rourt for driving an automobile wiftout his license or registration certificates He pleaded not guilty to the liquor charge and guilty 'to the other count Both cases were contin ued to July 13 for completion Pa trolmen rench and Rolf arrested him on Columbus avenue Sunday afternoon and engineers say the water shortage will be a serious question next fall if the summer months are as dry usual Local Man to Lead Campaign of Elks Among Children for $500000 to Save James Nicholson formerly treas urer of the Springfield Breweries company and past grand exalted ruler of the Elks has been selected to di rect the national drive through the school children of the nation to raise $500000 for the restoration of VICE SQUAD GETS IVE PERSONS IN to the to the His naticnce was rewarded about 1130 when he saw Silva run in the rear of his home He was taken to the police station and booked for appearance in district court today Bis wife is expected to ask for an ad ditional complaint against him Daughter of irst Mayor Was Much Beloved for Interest in Needy Member of Congregation al Church Mrs Ella Taylor Lyon 78 widow of Henry Lyon and daughter of for mer Mayor George Taylor of Chico pee died hours home alls Mrs alls and Asenath (Cobb) Taylor and her whole life was spent in that village She was the eldest of a family of sev en children of whom her youngest brother Albert Taylor also former ly mayor1 of Chicopee is the sole sur vivor Her family on both sides she being a Chapin as well as a Taylor is one of the oldest in Chicopee Mrs Lyon was a home loving so ciably inclined woman whose home was always open to her host of friends Her heart went out perpet ually to the poor and scores of fami lies at the alls will remember her many benefactions with deep felt gratitude A lifelong member of Sec ond Congregational church Mrs Lyon for many years church affairs being a family ing moreover first mayor of Besides her survived by her daughter one of three children born to her Mrs red Ric kert of this city The funeral will be held nt the home 19 Church street to morrow afternon at 4 o'clock Rev Henry Hitchco*ck pastor of Second Congregational church will officiate Burial will be in' airview cemtery East Springfield Club Has Papers Prepared Asking lor Hardening of Highways The petitions for street hardening and construction of sewers in East Springfield that have been circulated among the residents of that section by the East Springfield Citizens club were reported completed at a meeting of the club last night The petitions will probably be submitted to the city council for action at its next meet in calling achievement WANT GUARDSMEN TO GET ULL PAY WHILE IN CAMP he met Capt "Walter Ellis of the signal corps Capt Ellis is a former Springfield man and was connected' with the United Electric Light coma pany several years They agreed that Springfield is ihe best city on earth Capt Ellis will leave in July for serv ice at ort Sam Houston Tex He is now married and has a son fundamentals but both are as being advantageous to Judge Anderson was non A large number of profit arc rcsi Alassachusetts South Church Pastor Among Those Honored by Colgate University Special Dispatch to The Republican Hamilton June Among the honorary degrees awarded at Col gate university today was that of doctor of divinity to Rev James Gor den Gilkey pastor of South Congre gational church Springfield The onlv other person to receive the hon or 'was Rev William Steele of Pekin China a graduate of Colgate in '94 The degree of doctor of laws was given to Owen Young of Schenec tady and Raymond osdick of New York who was commence ment speaker Prof Harry Col lins of the University of Pennsylva nia Colgate '03 Prop George Roor back of Harvard university Colgate '93 were made doctors of sciences 52 widow at West Members rom Valley Cities and Towns Give Interest ing Program Message Read Northampton June 22 The Kiwan ian neighborhood meeting at Masonic hall tonight was marked by a high pitch of the Kiwanian spirit of friend liness and a varied entertainment that kept the crowd of 200 amused and in terested The clubs represented were those of Springfield Holyoke Chic opee Westfield Greenfield and North ampton and the contributions to program made by the several clubs crowded the time up to the zero hour of 10 when the message from the in ternational president was read Din ner was served by Boyden at 630 and the proceedings during dinner includ ed music by the Landis Amherst greetings by Plumb vice president of ampton club speaking in of the president Dr ings by ex Mayor Harry president of the Chamber merce songs by the assembly led by Robert Day ot spnngneia ana Springfield Kiwanian Glee club roll calls of the several clubs The program after dinner was on by the several clubs the first being Holyoke which offered a pretty pro gram of children's dances The pea co*ck dance by Katherine Kelley was presented with graceful and beautiful effect and was followed by skilful dances by Helen Peck and Ruth Lane all being received with generous ap plause The music for the dances was played by Mrs Cecile Boedeker Chic opee's first stunt was a mock meeting of the Chicopee club at which the question of swapping the Springfield Rendering plant for Smith college was violently debated in and Engiisn Lussier and rechette of popular In Home City council Knights Columns held its 19th and last of a series of whist parties at the council rooms on Worthington street last night The first prize was won by Miss Catherine oley and the con solation by Diamond Other prize winners from the second through the 10th were Mrs Mary A O'Connell Miss Eleanor Simpson Edward itzgerald Mrs Richard If Lovett Miss Helen Houlihan Mrs Mary Geqion Philip Burke Whelan and red Stocks Renovation of the interior of school buildings throughout the city was started yesterday under direction of Superintendent of Public Buildings Hiram Dorman A force of 18 men was started at work repairing the desks and blackboards Arrangements will later be made for alterations in some of the buil lings and for changes in tpe location of portables the frigate Constitution poetically known as "Old now rotting at her pier in the Charlestown navy yard Mr Nicholson with 900000 mem bers of the Elks will carry the story of this famous fighting ship into every schoolroom in the country dur ing the week of October 12 to IS which has been dcsigpated as "Oil Ironsides Mr Nicholson this patriotic movement to Grand Exalted Ruler Price who had iwu mvwed by Secre tary of the Navy Curtis Wilbur to take over the drive Oddly "enough when James Nicholson was elected grand exalted ruler of the Elks in 1916 at Los Angeles ho was presented with a gavel made from the wood of "Old It is a coincidence that James It Nicholson should be selected director of the 'drive to save the frigate Con stitution for her first commander in 1797 was Capt Samuel Nicholson next April to friends here he says in the Banguet Hills The shapes are unusual and artistic and the body of the ware is that soft ivory tint mak ing a splendid background for the attractive decorations they put on this line and seme of the sets have solid coin gold handles An other interesting feature is the prices which you will find extremely moderate The 112 iiiece sets come as low as $4750 They are shown in the dinnerware balcony where there is an extensive line of new and exclusive patterns being shown for the first time this summer Troop' 33 of Asbury Method ist Church Sends 150 Words in Three Minutes 35 Seconds by Morse Code The local Boy Scout council will claim the world's championship in Morse signaling as the result of a competition held at orest park on Thursday Scout Executive Hamil ton Lewis announced yesterday Troop 33 of Asbury Methodist church at that time scored the record of send ing 150 words in three minutes and 35 seconds' The other troops entered in the competition were: Troop 1 of Chicopee and Troop 26 of Park Me morial Baptist church The latest official record in Scout signaling was made in January when Manhattan Troop517 of New York city required five minutes and 42 2 5 seconds to send 150 words in the Morse code Unofficial records show that Troop 126 of the Bronx sent 150 words in four minutes and two and 1 5 seconds Scouts who represented Troop 33 in the signaling competition making the record are Paul Jenney receiver Norman Menz reader loyd Warner sender Edwin Castaldini writer Charles Warner is scoutmaster of the winning troop The judges were Clarence Bacon of the local Scout council and his assistants Warner Norval A Bacon Warner Scout Executive Lewis attention to the boys pointed out that 150 words of the al phabet were sent making it impossi ble for the boys to fill in letters The words sent were made up of various letters such as instead of reg ularly accepted words The meet was an intertroop affair and the record estab lished has been indorsed by Scout Commissioner Brewer Corcoran Deputy Commissioners Sherman and Abbott Todd Rev Al AV owelJ community min ister of the district who was au thorized to submit plans for a camp ing trip for the young boys of the community reported that he had been able to secure the Boy Scout camp Camp Sherman for three days begin ning July 13 The boys that are to go between the ages of 8 and 12 and are now eligible for the Scout camp They will be taken to camp by cars furnished by the club members The parade committee in charge of arranging for a float for the ourth of July parade reported that one was in preparation and that there would also be about 50 automobiles from East Springfield in the parade The club of the district has been asked by the club to ride in the parade The next ball game in the series played by the club with the Berkshire Civic club will held Sunday at East Springfield The game last Sunday resulted in a 7 to 3 score in favor of East Springfield HEAR NEW ARGUMENTS ABOUT GO GAS PLANS Special Dispatch to The Republican Boston June 22 Judge Anderson in the federal court here today 'istened to arguments for and against two proposed plans for reorganizing the Go Gas company which is now in receivership in the federal court The court made no definite statement of ap proval of either plan and the case was continued until riday when it is thought the discussion will resume The plans carry provisions for the profit sharing certificate holders and former stockholders and all creditors Sufficient funds would be rpised by means of bond issue The plans dif fer in some represented all parties committal sharing certificate holders dents ot estern where some of the concern's gasoline stations are located Legislator and Wife in City Postoffice Must Wait for Congress United States Senator rederick Gillett is in town and with Mrs Gil lett will stay at the Hotel Kimball for two weeks while making arrange ments for a sojourn in the country Senator Gillett although he did not mention the matter will probably re main within convenient range of Pres ident Calvin Coolidge's call in the event that a conference is deemed necessary at the summer Capitol on the north coast Mr Gillett when asked if there were any new developments at Washing ton respecting the local postofiice and navigation projects said that their status remained unchanged and would so reAiain until after Congress convenes in December Secretary Hapgood of the Chamber of Commerce In structed to Negotiate With he said "and I think you have the fourth It is up to you to prove it Get into this thing Make up your mind to do if smiling and it will bo easier Cleveland Rochester Pitts burg and many other cities have gone much further for their colleges than is ueing asked ot Springfield It is a question of hard work and with that success wifi be ours" Mr Hoover announced that the first report meeting of the campaign will be held tit 6 this evening at the A and urged all to lie' present He promised a bonus of $1000 to every team having perfect attendance at the report meeting Half of that sum was given to the teams till of whose members attended last evening The reason tor the importance of the present campaign is that the time lim it on $918000 of conditional gifts ex pires one week from today If Spring field has not raised its $100000 and the rest of the country the rest of tlie $234000 required the college stands to lose all of these gifts leav ing the total returns of the cam paign less than $1500000 although $2500000 is the absolute need for ex pansion and endowment ormer Local Physician Dies Sudden ly at Easton Pa Was Prominent in Masonry Dr Claude Adelbcrt religh for merly of this city and prominent in the Masonic organizations here died Sunday morning at Easton Pa of acute pleuro pneumonia his illness lasting but three days Dr religh was associate surgeon for the depart ment of ear nose and throat at the Easton hospital Dr religh was born in Michigan was graduated in 1899 from the Uni versity of Vermont practiced for a while at New Y'ork city and then lo cated here He was a 32d degree Ma son While here he became a mem ber of Alelha temple Nobles of the Mystic Shrine and also became a Knights Templar He was a member of the American Medical society and the Northampton County Medical so ciety Dr reliegh is survived by his widow and one daughter Miss Helen religh of Pittsburg Pa The body is being taken to Boston for burial there Boston New York Bus Stops at Dm gstore The Boston andNew York bus line which is routed through Sumner ave nue has established its orest park terminal and ticket agency at Thom as McCarthy's drugstore at the corner of Belmont avenue and Dickinson street Daily trips to New York and Boston are scheduled and it was noticed that the bus for Bos ton morning was filled SHAW ALLOWED $1492 IN INVENTIONS CASE indings were yesterday made by Horace Allen as special master in the case of Clifford Crondn of Shel burne and Richard Shaw of this city against Allen Lampson of Shelburne The suit is for interest in patents and services as claimed by Cronan and for loans and board and rooms as claimed by Shaw In th? first claim the facts of the transaction are reported but no direct finding is made In the claim of Shaw the find ings are in his favor The amount found due Shaw is $1492 Milton Davis is the attorney for the plaintiffs and Robert olsom is for the defendant The bill in equity prayed that the money claims of the respective plain tiffs lie established and the inventions sold through a receiver to satisfy the claims The inventions consisted of the development of a grinding ma chine and of a reflector for use chiefly in automobile headlights Antonio' Silva 22 Said to Used Brass Knuckles on Spouse Her Mother Calls on Law Antonio Silva 22 of 1S0B William street was arrested about 1130 last night jn the rear yard of his home by Patrolman John Clearycharged with assault and battery af ter police had searchetLthe neighbor hood for three hours The assault charge against Silva grew out of an alleged beating he administered and 'which was thrown through A report saying fired through the window brought the police patrol with Officers Thomas Murphy ami Charles O'Malley to aid Officer Cleary in his search It was learned last night that hard feelings had been apparent between Silva and his wife for some time and only last night however did they culminate in serious consequences The first report the police received was from Mrs Silva's mother who was in the kitchen when the missile crashed through the window narrowly missing her This happen ed a half hour after the alleged beat ing and the mother thought it was time that police aid was asked Silva had left the scene by the time that police arrived but the three officers started a search through adjoining tenement houses and uncovered in formation leading search to a cer tain fiat This door 'was broken down and the officers were unable to their quarry The two officers returned station house and left Cleary search Miss McComb Reports Ac lion Taken at National Conference of Social Work ers at Denver Agencies participating in the Com munity Chest movement throughout the country are getting together on a better basis of co operation according to Miss Clara McComb secretary of the amily Welfare association who returned to this city yesterday after attending the national conference of social work at Denver Col In her report to trustees of the amily Welfare association yesterday afternoon at the Community Welfare building Miss McComb announced that Miss Gertrude Vail amily Wel fare worker had been elected national president The president last year said was a Community Chest man At the last meeting of the trustees of the amily Welfare association for this season held yesterday afternoon a special committee was appointed to I take charge of the annual meeting fo I be held in October Miss McComb re ported that the work of the associa tion for May was slightly less than that for April 33 cases being added to the list as compared with 38 for the previous month At the present time there are 400 families under care of the association Miss McComb also reported that only $700 was spent for relief in May whereas $1000 was spent in April LS AG EN Left to right loyd Warren Norman AIcnz Paul Jenney and Edwin Castaldini (Photo by The Republican Staff Photographer) rench Piano solos by violin solos by Chicopee proved the Chicopee program were also a dainty dance by Eugenia Starzyk aged four daughter of Air and Mrs Paul Starzyk and' a solo dance by Edna Batchelder which were cordially applauded Eugene president of the Chicopee club presid ed over the Chicopee program The Springfield program included besides the songs of the glee club led by Robert Day an entertainment by Neil Patterson the popular Scotch en tertainer from Springfield or West field red IT Scott gave an address on the qualifications of a Kiwanian Northampton was favored by a piece of good fortune in being able to pre sent Chief Caupolican a Metropolitan opera baritone who is now at his home in this city The audience greatly appreciated opportunity to Lear this famous singer and gave him a rousing reception The entertainment closed at the zero hour when the message from the international president Victor Johnson sent out from the interna tional convention now in session at St Paul Minn was read by the secretary of the Northampton club Charles Westervelt This message was read tonight at the same hour in all Ki wanian gatherings The proceedings closed with singing the "Star Spangled West Side Man Pleads Guilty and Then Appeals rom Sentence Arraigned before Judge Heady in district court yesterday morning in a charge of liquor selling Viola 45 of West Springfield will ingly pleaded guilty to the charge little flunking that it meant a om way ticket to York street jail A iolrt wns sentenced to one month in the DIED DESAUTELS Tn this city 21st Omer DcsaulelB 20 year old son ot Charles II and leoraiiwHia Desautels )t JOG Magazine street iinerttrom funeral home fist Slate street Thursday at 7SO a ni High mas at St cathedral at 815 a in Burial in St cemetery DUQUETTE In this city 20tti Mrs Em ma Marie Duquette 3" of Ififi Laurelton Street uneral at the home Tuesday morn ing at 815 followed by requiem high mass at Holy amily church fit 9 Burial in St cemetery NOBEKT At West Springfield 22d Mrs Mary Ellen Nobert 62 widow of Albert No of 62 Prince avenue West Springfield uneial from Byron's funeral home 684 State (Street Thursday at 815 a High mass at Thomas's church Brightwood at 9 a 4 mi Lurial In St cemeteryWest Springfield In thia city 22d Mrs Priscilla Richardson 29 widow ot Ernest Rich neral from she residence of her sister Mrs Maid Gagnon 220 High street Wednesday at 2 in Burial in Springfield cemetery In this city 20th Mrs Mary Webber wife of William A Webber ral from her late residence 199 Orange street Tuesday at 830 High mass of re nulajn at Holv Name church at 9 Burial In St Thomas's cemetery Mittineapue riends In this city 20th Harry Matthews 57 at his home 22 Howard plane uneral will be held at chapel "7 5O Howard street Tuesday morn ing wit 1030 Burial will be in Plainville WATER SUPPLY DWINDLES Boston June 22 (AP) Boston's water supply has reached the lowest point in the history of the Wachusett reservoir it was learned today reservoir is short of its ORMER RECRUITING OICER RETURNING ROM PHILIPPINES AVarant who was with the this city Manila I October 4 next follow ing the completion of a two yea is' for eign service tour He has requested a six months' extension of the tour and if the request is granted he will leave Manila early The club and the Cham ber of Commerce are taking definite steps to push the proposal of Rev John NoUan chaplain of the 104th regiment that state guardsmen of this citv be paid the difference between government pay and their regular pay while they are on two military duty at Camp DevOns next month At a meeting at the Nayasset club yesterday the club unani mously indorsed the so called "Minne apolis which provides that em ployers of guardsmen pay them this difference safeguard their positions for them in Their absence and give them regular vacation privileges in addition to their military leave Sec retarv Ben A Hapgood of the Cham ber of Commerce was instructed to ne gotiate with Col Hubbell secre tary of the local associa tion to see what might bo accom plished to this end through that body Congressman George Churchill addressed the meeting making a stir ring appeal for patriotic support of the national guard and Air Nolan again brought out the fact that this city lacks interest in its guardsmen that the local business men do not ap preciate the value of the organization and are not duly sympathetic in their action toward guardsmen employes Only £1 a Day Mr Nolan declared that many of the men who are leaving this city for camp July 11 compelled to do so by enlistment will not receive the differ ence in pay from their employers but only the one dollar a day from the state All other cities of the state Air Nolan said take a larger interest in their guardsmen than does this city President Henry IJerkins of The Chamber expressed surprise at the stand of the local employers and a long discussion of the situation fol iowed Air story Congressman Churchill dispelled all fears that the national guard is mak ing the country too militaristic all he said "that this country of ours is committed to a policy of peace AA'e have never been and never will be a militaristic nation AV therefore maintain our peacetime armed forces only as a skeleton basis at the (owest point consistent with The Presidents club also voted that the city government be requested to review the 104th regiment on the morning of July 11 when it departs for Camp Devens and it was sug gested that an effort be made to have Senator rederick Gillett present at the review in the absence of Con gressman Churchill who will be on a vacation Asbury Church Soy Scout Signalers lash Message for World's Record WOODRU WILL PRESENT CHANGES Changes of an extensive nature in traffic control will be submitted to the transportation board and the rules of the road committee at their joint ses sion this afternoon by Battis AVoodruff city traffic expert A pro posal for substantial modification of the present parking rules in the busi ness section will be made Reversal of direction on several one way streets will also be submitted for considera tion SPRINGIELD GOES ATER 000 IN LAST GREAT DRIVE Tober At Colton was Tuber was companion opening of Judge AVallace Heady's court this morning MUSIC SCHOOL PUPILS GIVE INE RECITAL Piano and violin pupils of Mary Steele and Miss Laura Jones (instructors at the School of Music) gave a recital at the studios at 42 Maple street last nignt row night at the same place recital will be given day and riday evenings at Community house Sumner students of the school will give con certs of ensemble music The piano students will be heard in selections for two pianos four and tight hands the violin pupils in duets trios an i quartets The students taking part are as fol lows: Abbio Collier Helen ilverman Elvira Ornoto Marion Hamilton Robrita Hamilton lorence Jackson May King Myra yer Gladys Elmer Martha Wing William Webb Donald Weaver Grace Kuhn Mil fired Blodgett Cecile Dobois Ruth Mehl mann Louise Smith Dorks arenteau Cecile Boucher Ruth Marie Dow Bernice Sugrue Cecelia Standish Lilian Stdndish Landon Head Natalie Goldstein Rose in Goldstein Marlon Goldstein Martha Rd jonen Aune Reijonon Onto Ttinimen Helen Silverman Silvia Rosenberg Mary Wood Harry Bartlett Catherine Doyle Edith La allc Dorothy Woodward Avis Morris Clara Charles rancis Goodro Beryl Hos mer Lucille Allbe Rose Robinovitz Phyllis Jewett Margaret airfield Sylvia Leavitt Reginald Beauvais John Beauvais Dana Urban Edward Beauvaos Rose Suhmuln vltz Elenore Hosford Marlon Tayb'i Wil liam McAhy lorence Milburn Barbara Chapman Doris Nichols Ronald Philip Ely Louise Scobbie Mary Elizabeth Moore Natalie Robinovitz Elizabeth Jones Howard Meehan Dorothy Crokcn Maurico Deleporte Robert airfield Jlia Mlchno our Meh and Arc Taken rom Street House and Charged With Various Offenses Vice squad uflicers last night raided a house at 26 Holyoke street alleged to be one of the worst of its kind in this city and arrested four men and a woman charged with various of fenses The raid was of a spectacular nature with great excitement running through th neighborhood as one of ficer fired in tlie air at a fleeing man than 300 persons watched the prisoners being led from tlie' house into the police automobile Those un der arrest are Mrs Jennie Colton 23 giving an address on Magazine street Louis Toiler 37 alleged keeper a house of ill fame at the place raided and three men charged with va grancy giving their names as Edward Gorton 33 of Thompsonville Ct Harry Aloyatt 27 or 226 Center street Indian Orchard said by police to be a frequent visitor at question able houses in this city and AKred Dupont 32 of Plattsburg Saw Lnw Violated TMio arrests of these people Mere brought about when a vice sq iad composed of Sergt rederick Run nells and Officers Arthur Parker and Victor Tetrault were making their usual rounds searching for evidence against lawbreakers They reached 26 Holyoke street and cau tiously made their way to a side win dow and looked in Inside they saw Mrs Colton with an unidentified man who made his escape in the excitement which followed Knowing that they were within their rights in raiding house without a warrant as the law says that officers may proceed when they crime committed they dep urated with Sergt Runnells ordering Tetrault to guard the front door and then starting for the rear door with Parker They knocked and the door was opened A heavy police shoe was placed in the crack made by a person peering out qnd the police were in side Instantly confusion reigned when the inmates attempted to make their way to safety Meanwhile Officer Tetrault at the front door had his hands full While his two brother officers were rounding up those in the house a man opened a side window and leaped to the ground Tetrault rec ognized him as Louis Tober alleged keeper of the house and gave chase Through back yards over fences out to the street and behind a house again chase led and finally end ed with Tetrault snooting ground to bring Tober to While he was on his May the house with his prisoner er men made their escape Aleanwhile Parker and the had been making things unpleaJant for the other inmates who were roundbd up and not being able to give an account of themselves they were taken in Bottles filled with al leged beer playing cards and dice were found in one room by the of ficers No liqqor was found and as the police had no evidence that the beer was sold they placed no liquor violation charge against police headquarters Airs charged with adultery bailed out while his stayed in jail to await LUNCH MANAGER ACES LARCENY CHARGE Joseph A Roberts 37 of 158 Wal nut street manager of the Ideal lunchroom chain in tliis city was ar rested on Alam street about 1140 yes terday by Lieut John leming and Mathew Meade charged with Lar ceny of about $90 from his employ ers Police said that Roberts had charge of collecting making out the payrolls and other financial duties and his work brought him in contact with large sums of money WARNS HOME OWNERS AGAINST WHITE ANTS Building commissioner red AV Lumis wafn home owners of the dam ages which so called white ants could do unless simple precautions which he outlines are taken The ants have caused serious damage in the South ctiitl V6Sl iinii me iiuw cuniins iniu AVhfle there have in this immediate locality the elimination of conditions favorable to these ants would serve tc prevent them from gaining a foothold here Alany reports have reached the government authorities at AVasbing ton of the injury beinge done to frame dwellings in the South and Aliddle AVest by termites or so called white ants Under favorable conditions these white ants are as destructive to cod lie Hons suggested by the federal depart ment of agriculture and recommended by the' National Lumber Manufactur ers association snouia while erecting buildings advises in general that all wood in direct contact with the earth should be impregnated with coal tar creosote or else such contact should be avoided by foundations of concrete or stone Brick is not advisable in foundations according to the government authori ties unless capped and faced with concrete because the termites are able to burrow into the mortar after a few years While termites cannot be driven from their habitations in wood by in secticides or fumigation they can be killed off by introducing concrete or treated wood insulation between the building and the ground at' all foundation or post contacts as they cannot live without the moisture that may be secured through their passage ways into Ute ground 1 (Teams Buckle Down to Raise Sum Which Will ii Clinch Entire $2500000 Endowment und AVith more than $9Q9000 trembling In the balance and the completion of a $13)0000 quota for Springfield as their goal nearly 100 business men of city last night started a short campaign that it is hoped will result in thainal wind up of the $2500000 expansion and endowment fund of Springfield college Headed by Col Benjamin A rank lin "veteran of a score of money raising1 'Campaigns Dr Laurence Doggett president of the college and Blake A Hoover secretary of the Spriiigfleld Al A the campaign organization got off to a running start at the opening dinner held last nightt the Young Christian associa tion' building AVith the admonition Mr Hoover to "umile and keep tip your the jp oup of teams took to the work t'f picking their prospect cards as ducks take to water and the whole organization was out of the dining hall and I presumably at work soon after a record for local campaigns Col J'ranklln College my opinion Springfield college Is the greatest college in the Col ranklin who presided over the meeting told the diners "You find many colleges where boys go with their fathers paying the bills and to fit themselves for a life that means working for themselves but the boys go to Springfield deliberately consecrate themselves to a life of service and 90 per cent of them work all or part of their way through by earning their own expenses "Springfield college is a well con stantly bubbling over with young men out to all parts of the world to help other men and boys They know that the return will be small in money and yet they pick a life of service to humanity arc asking Springfield having given once five years ago to this fund to give again to a college which be sides making the name of Spring field knowif all over the world also contributes actual commercial benefit to our city If people only knew what this college is they would give most generously and our task is also to advertise it five years Dr Doggett has giv en neart ana soul and never saw a at anything The striking distance mains to be raised i esponsibility rests You've never had a proposition to ell than this one tut and get the Pratt AYircs Enconraeernent Herbert Pratt president of the Standard Oil company and national chairman of the campaign wired to the diner's: 'cel certain we can put Spring field drive over the top if city Springfield can reach its £oal of 5 100000 I can get at $50000 of total amount AYe are working hard' here in New Y'ork with some success and wish you all success in youij final "I before me the tried veterans of many a campaign" said Dr Dog gett 'in greeting the workers It is most gratifying to see you and know I can depend on you at the college are in a serious situation and have been since so many readjustments became neces sary after the war The first con tribution of $200000 front Springfield va the foundation of our campaign It is fitting that Springfield should havd a chance to complete the struc ture college is a service corpora tion and the only way it can grow is by increasing its service This means added expense and we must have endowment fnuds to pay for our arrual deficits as the result of in creasing the service we render Springfield college is the largest and most progressive Institution of its type in the country and the support of itj by the city of Springfield is the greatest step in advance ever taken by a modem city Springfield is a pioneer in the work of service for its fellowmen I believe this campaign Js going to be a success as the result if your labors cars of Alan Clifton man for the cam naism eof the college told of talking to 5nany people about the need that the be raised and the $900 600 in contingent gifts he saved for the college and the city "I think you will be surprised at the response you will he told the workers task can be done and it can be done Blake A Hoover speaking on to Do the told of the four requisites ot a successful campaign a worth while cause good publicity a good prospect list and a good organi zation "The first three of these are Airs Alary Ellen Nobert Airs Manr Ellen Nobert of Alfred Nobert died yesterday her nomc 62 Prince avenue Springfield She was born in warn She leaves two brothers ry and Theophore Dubour of Springfield She was a member society of St church the St Thomas society of St church and the society of Pocahontas The funeral will be held Thursday at 815 a in with high mass following at St church Brightwood at 9 Burial will be in St cemetery AVest Spring field Airs AVHliam Al Gray Airs Elma A Gray 76 wife of AVil liant Al Gray and a former resident of this city died last Tuesday at al mouth Heights The funeral was held at the home Thursday afternoon Burial was in Oak Grove cemetery almouth Hights Airs Gray was a na tive of this city and had been a sum mer resident of almouth for 30 years About 16 years ago she took up a residence there and had made it her permanent home Besides her husband she leaves one grandson AVilliam Al Gray of this city and a sister Mrs Ralph Gibbs also of this city Airs Priscilla Richardson Mrs Priscilla Richardson 29 widow of Ernest Richardson died yesterday morning at the home of her sister Airs Alay Gossman of 220 High street after a short illness She is survived by four brothers Henry AValter Stanley and AVilfred Starkie and three sisters Airs Lena Taylor Airs Rose Hitchens and Miss May Starkie Burial will be in Springfield cemetery The funeral of Lizotte was held at parlor yesterday afternooji at 130 rank a gerburg officiating The bearers members of the order of the Aloose were James Baker rederick Bar bara Silas Dion Albert Dion red erick Lynch and Arthur Trudeau Burftil was in Oak Grove cemetery The funeral of Charles Edward AVil liams was held at funeral parlors yesterday afternoon at 330 Rev Dalton officiating Bearers were Edward Roberts George ree man Arthur Boulerice and Edward Wyco*ck Burial was in Tatham ceme tery AVest Springfield rX MESA'S Abv AT'! 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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.