The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2024)

at of nt and native a of THE SAN FRANCISCO EXAMINER: FRIDAY. OCTOBER 13, 1933 19 WATER SUPPLY SHORT. SAYS CAHILL Utilities Manager, Urging Bond Issue, Asserts Local Reservoirs Have but 2 Days Reserve There is not sufficient water in reservoirs within the city limits at the present time to last for more than two days. This was stressed yesterday by Edward G. Cahill, manager of the Public Utilities Commission.

Cahill spoke before members of the Down Town Association in support of two bond issues to remedy the situation. TO RAISE DAM. One of these bond issues would provide for heightening the O'Shaugnessy dam at a cost of $3,500,000 and the other would provide a new water distribution system for San Francisco at a cost of $12,094,000, "Both of these issues," Cahill said, "will be self-liquidating. They will not cost the taxpayers A penny. If these projects are started now they will provide thousands of days' work and will he aided substantially by Federal funds through the NRA.

ADDED REVENUE. "Heightening of the O'Shaugnessy dam will mean sufficient water to operate the city's power plant at Moccasin Creek all year round, bringing an added revenue of quarter of million dollars a year to the city. LOCAL RESERVOIRS. "The other bond issue would bring the water to San Francisco from the Irvington tunnel. It would also provide for the building of two, new reservoirs which will raise the city's reserve supply from that of less than two days to seven days.

It would be self-liquidating." Lewis F. Byington, president of he Public Utilities Commission, Iso indorsed the two bond issues. farshal Hale presided at the lunchon. Charles Dillon Funeral Today Funeral services for Charles A. Dillon, 83, pioneer San Francisco lesident, will be held at the Star of he Sea Church this morning, relaves announced yesterday.

Three years ago Dillon celebrated is golden wedding anniversary rith Mrs. Annie Dillon. But the Inion that lasted so long ended Wednesday noon when he died at is home, 2360 Fulton street. Dillon was an employe of the ussman, Wormser Company, grocerers, for over forty ears. He retired twelve years ago.

native of Ireland, he came to this puntry in 1874. Besides his widow, is survived by five daughters, W. R. Roberts, Mrs. William asey, Mrs.

Walter Martenson, and Irs. Bessie Regan, all of San Franisco. O'Toole's Backers in Drive for Large Vote By WILLIAM H. JORDAN Utmost confidence was yesterday by City Attorney John J. O'Toole's large committee of and indorsers in his responsors election by a large majority.

But that has not deterred them from organizing a campaign for the retention of the able official who has guided the city law business for the last eight years, it was declared, with success and intelligent direction. TO FORM CLUBS. To the end that the citizens generally shall have opportunity of knowing that record, district club formation under way. Mrs. A.

C. Bennett has been elected president of the Twenty-eighth Assembly District organization with Dr. George Herzog as vice president and Mrs. Martha McGovern secretary. With headquarters established in the Marshall Square Building, 1182 Market street, announcement has been made that major indorsem*nts from representative groups are being daily received.

Among these are the Union Labor Party, the Civic League of Improvement Clubs and Associations, Steuben Society, Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen and San Francisco Retailers Protective Association. Numerous others were reported as "on their way" to join the large list. SHOW RECORD. In a statement from the committee this was emphasized: "City Attorney O'Toole has given to San Francisco strong administration of that Important public office. He has rendered a service to the city which is outstanding, both from the point of view of the legal ability shown and the high character of his work.

His office is notably one of the best organised and administered in the city governmention many problems of unusual Importance pending, it would, we feel, be serious blunder not to continue undisturbed this competent, high-grade service. HAVE CONFIDENCE. "We feel that there is no doubt on this score. But we also feel that Mr. O'Toole should be returned by a majority which will attest the regard, esteem and confidence which the people of San Francisco unquestionably repose in him.

To that end our efforts are devoted." Supervisor James B. McSheehy last night addressed the Twentysecond District Democratic Club at St. Helen's Hall, declaring for "whole-hearted support of the NRA." "Spread of employment is the essential to be considered," said the veteran official. "That is why I have sponsored and obtained passage of the ordinance making mandatory thirty-six hour week on public work. "It may be necessary to limit that to thirty hours throughout the country in order to reach the unemployment problem.

In the long run the employer as well as the employed will be the gainer. The buying power of America must be stepped up or demand for products will fail. And that demand is what will restore normal prosperity." Four Very Fine Players In Lot of Bad Bidding By JOSEPHINE CULBERTSON A Lot of Bad Bidding A correspondent wrote me ently that he greatly enjoyed readg these articles because I do not ondemn the faults of my partners opponents unsparingly. No one ho ever played Bridge, howver, can be at all times a "Pollyana" in discussing the various trors of omission and commission ommitted by Bridge, players. other Crockford's lub, New York, I saw a hand layed by four very fine players hich had compressed into it a reat deal of bad bidding as well a great deal of bad play.

The tuation was a fairly crucial one, he rubber game having been cached. East, Dealer. Both sides vulnerable; North and buth, part-score 30. QJ 9 QJ10 0 A01064 4 109 A A985 North DAK9762 Cal 0 KJ975 68762 South 32 K5 A K10643 02 08543 4A043 The bidding: South West North 2 0 2 Pass Pass ouble Pass Pass Redouble Pass Pass North's free Raise of his partr's Overcall of one spade appears rite daring. Of course, he feels asonably confident that his partr has a five-card suit and this ew is strengthened greatly by the session of the Queen and Knave.

pwever, the free Raise is rather ld. East's bid of three diamonds based on the possession of a ven-card suit and South, void of suit, is emboldened to continue bidding because of partner's GUNMEN SLAY SHERIFF, FREE BANK ROBBER Desperadoes Invade Jail to Release Pal; Victim Names Prison Fugitive as Assailant LIMA Oct. one of the boldest jail deliveries in Ohio history, a trio of gunmen late today shot and fatally wounded Sheriff Jesse Sarber, 50, and freed John Dillinger, a prisoner identified as A notorious Mid-West bank robber. After shooting the Sheriff, the gunmen seized Mrs. Sarber and Deputy Wilbert Sharpe, and locked them in a cell where they were found later.

RECOGNIZES FUGITIVE. Before the sheriff died he told doctors and newspapermen he recognized one of the gunmen as "Harry Copeland," who he said, was named in circulars as one the ten convicts who broke out of the Michigan City, prison, September 26. Indiana State police said none of the Michigan City fugitives was known by that name, but that there was a "Harry Copeland" who had been paroled from the prison and known AS one of Dillinger's inti- mates. DEMAND PRISONER. Sheriff Sarber said he was alone in the Allen County jail office when the three strangers walked in and announced, "We've come to get Dillinger." "Where are your credentials?" Sarber said he demanded.

One of the three produced revolver and said, "These are our credentials. Turn him over." Sarber made a move toward gun and the gunmen fired. Realty Remains Prime Investment Real estate for -that's what shrewd men and women have always said. And now they're saying it again, with realty values so attractive. All over San Francisco and the Bay Area you will find opportunities for profitable investment.

And there's no better place to locate the day's best buys than through the "Real Estate" columns of Examiner Want Ads. Today the following offers appear under "Income Property;" A 5-room bungalow and store, on A corner, with an extra lot sultable for another business. The price is $4,750. $1,000 cash will handle. A Marina flat, with steam heat and colored tile baths.

They have six rooms, with electric refrigeration. The price is $9,995. A modern, fireproof, one-story industrial building on a lot 100 by 100. There is an additional 50 by 100 lot with trackage. The price is $35,000.

These and many more offers appear under Classification Property for today's Examiner Want Ads. Suicide Bullet Imperils Another A suicide attempt was frustrated and another death narrowly averted at the luncheon hour in San Francisco's Labor Temple, Fourteenth and Guerrero streets, yesterday. Patrick J. Sandquist, 56, out of work, pressed by unpaid household bills, suddenly drew a revolver from his pocket and raised it to his temple. He pulled the trigger.

The shell failed to explode. A second attempt also failed and he pointed the gun toward the wall. A crash followed and a bullet narrowly missed John Kelly, secretary of the Plumbers' Union, seated at his desk. Meanwhile, fellow members of the temple seized Sandquist and took away the revolver. Commercial Club Plans Bridge Play Continuing its open house to San Francisco business men in celebration of its 46th anniversary, the San Francisco Commercial Club will hold a bridge tournament toat its quarters on the roof night.

Merchants' Exchange it WAS announced by President Robert Newell. Advertisem*nt A WARNING TO EVERY WOMAN The daily practice of feminine hygiene is vitally important to every woman who values true feminine daintiness. Realizing this, many thousands of modern women have turned to TAKARA Hygienic Powder and have found it the SAFE answer to their problems of feminine hygiene. Takara is always gentle in action, soothing and refreshing the SAFE antiseptic wash to use daily, as often as desired. Never accept substitutes, for they often contain caustic and corrosive ingredients.

which in cases have been known to cause harmful burns. Pur. chase TAKARA Hygienic Powder at ALL. LEADING DRUGGISTS' demand the genuine, You'll find the large package A real saving. Write Takara Laboratories, 17-A.

N. W. Fourth Portland, for FREE generous trial SUSPECT SHOWS HE ALONE SET REICHSTAG FIRE German Court Convinced After Van der Lubbe Demonstrates at Actual Scene of Arson BERLIN, Oct. tenacious insistence of Marinus van der Lubbe, the Dutch brickmason, that he alone set the fire at the Reichstag and had no accomplices, was substantiated tonight to the satisfaction of the Supreme Court in a spectacular session at the scene of the conflagration. WITNESS BACKS DOWN.

As torches glared fitfully in the darkened Reichstag in a reconstruction of circ*mstances surrounding the mysterious blaze, a witness whose testimony last Tuesday was the cause of tonight's rehearsal backed down on his former story, in which he said he saw two persons enter the building the night of the fire. THOUSANDS LINE STREETS. The reconstruction of the famous fire for which five alleged Communists are on trial took place with the Supreme Court judges and fendants huddled outside the Reichstag in the autumn darkness. Thousands of spectators lined the streets. Advertisem*nt She Almost Lost Her Husband Women Should Not Grow Careless.

the About mistake Their so many Weight women make, She grew careless about her figure, allowed herselt to get fat. And her band--well, slender women do attract. Ask your druggist for A package of mint-flavored Harvin Salts, which contains the famous Harvin Plan. Take half teaspoonful of the Salts every morning in glass of water and follow the Plan. In a few short weeks, your friends will be amazed at the change.

Surplus fat will have disappeared: your figure will be slim -the kind of figure men admire and women envy. And your complexion. too, will be clear, healthful, radiant. Mint -flavored Harvin Salta. pleasant to take AR An after -dinner mint, stimulate sluggish glands.

the cause of overweight in 80 out of 100 persons. They also keep your intestinal tract free from poisonous waste, and prevents distressing acidity, The Harvin Plan allows you to have the foods you enjoy most--even sweets are not denied. Yet it keeps your weight under scientific control at all times. Start today to lose fat, to have a der figure. Ask at Owl or any druggist for A pAckage of mint-flavored Harvin Salta.

The cost is a trifle. (Harvin Salts do not make you nauseous.) -Adv. Advertisem*nt Stops Falling Hair Mr. D. Mallory, Geer, writes: "My hair came out in patches and waw totally bald in spots.

used 2 bottles of Japanese Oil. It not only stopped my hair from falling, but grew new hair on the bald JAPANESE OIL. the antiseptic counterirritant, is used by thousands for baldness, falling hair, loose dandruff and scalp itch. Price 60c. Economy size, $1.

All druggists. FREE booklet, "Truth About the Hair '-write National Remedy 56 W. 45th N. FALSE TEETH Can Not Embarrass Most wearers of false teeth have suffered real embarrassment because their teeth dropped or slipped at just the wrong time. Do not live in fear of this happening to you.

Just sprinkle a little FASTEETH on your plates. Makes teeth stay in place and feel comfortable. Sweetens breath. Get FASTEETH at any good drug store. CA Thrilling Radio Drama TONIGHT "THE UNFORGIVABLE SIN' The tragic romance of a woman who sacrificed husband and honor for love yet gave up love itself for a slight! On These Stations KTAB 8:15 KMJ 9:00 KQW 10:00 KFBK 8:45 KWG 9:00 KIEM 6:15 Featuring Florence MALONE Eustace WYATT Based on an article in the American Weekly Magazine, distributed each Sunday with the SAN FRANCISCO EXAMINER BIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND Leaders in San Francisco musical circles have formed a committee of thirty members to campaign for the re-election of Supervisor J.

Emmet Hayden. This, William M. Coffman, campaign committee chairman, announced as a testimonial to the effective service which Supervisor Hayden has rendered in building up that cultural side of the community life. LARGE ORGANIZATION. It is proposed to create an organization of several thousand members actively to take part in the Hayden canvass.

Alfred Metzger, editor of the Pacific Coast Musical Review, is leading this movement. Metzger said: "As president of the Board of Supervisors and 1 for years chairman of the board's music committee, Supervisor Hayden has been outstanding among the city officials who developed interest of the city government in music. "Supervisor Hayden organized the Municipal Band in 1912. In 1915 he organized the municipal organ recitals, following this by starting the municipal concerts in 1922, and later on by forming the municipal chorus, which last year made eight public appearances. He was active in the formation of the San Francisco Opera Association, of which he is a memher of the board of governors." TO HAVE LUNCHEON.

In appreciation of Supervisor Hayden's services to the city, music lovers are giving A luncheon on Wednesday, October 25, at the Clift Hotel, in his honor. H. H. Stratmann is chairman of the arrangements committee, with Mayor Rossi and Richard M. Tobin as honorary chairmen.

A large attendance assured. War veterans supporting Supervisor Carl W. Miles for re-election yesterday announced organization with Thomas M. Foley as chairman of a general group of fifty-nine veteran leaders. Other officers are vice chairmen: Thomas J.

Riordan, Eugene Peckham, Harry W. Glensor, and Alvin Gerlack, with J. Francis McMullin, secretary. CITE TAX CUT. "We believe that Supervisor Miles as chairman of the Finance Committee deserves re-election on remarkable record of achievement in leading the way for a reduction of San Francisco's tax rate In two years from $4.04 to $3.48 and the operating budget cut by more than 000.

That's why we are for Miles, not as war veterans necessarily, but because of his splendid civic record." Supervisor Victor J. Canepa is making a. driving campaign for reelection. He is effecting strong organization throughout the city, according to his campaign committee. Canepa will present a report to the citizens on work on the Board of Supervisors, which his supporters are saying is well worthy of support and his retention on the new board.

Adolph Uhl's campaign for five candidates for supervisor, himself included, has been organized for a city canvass. Uhl and Frank B. Lorigan; attorney, will speak Monday night, October 16, before the Women's Civic Club at the Whitcomb Hotel. John M. Ratto, merchant, is representing the ticket.

before the North Beach Property Owners Association, 1524 Powell street, that night, and Rr. Adolph Schmidt and Charles T. Phillips, the other members of the quintet, will address the Divisadero District Merchants and Improvement Association the same evening at 2460 Sutter street. The Golden Gate Valley Improvement Association is meeting Tuesday night, October 17, to hear candidates. Martin J.

Cummings, newly elected president, will preside. Headquarters for Charles J. Gavin Jr's. campaign for city treasurer have been opened at 1166 Market street, in charge of Richmond P. Flatland.

Organization for the campaign of the union labor group will be effected today at a meeting at Building Trades Hall to be attended by representatives from all unions in the city affiliated with the San Francisco Labor Council and the Building Trades Council, Supervisor E. Jack Spaulding was notified yesterday of indorsem*nt of his candidacy for re-elecnotion by Twin Peaks Lodge, No. 947, Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen. Organization of members under direction of F. L.

Updike, secretarytreasurer, was announced as under way to aid Spaulding's campaign. WHISPERED Great Complexion Secret! TO her friend she confessed secret of her flawless clear white skin. Long ago she learned that no cosmetic would hide blotches, pimples or sallowness. She found the secret of real com. plexion beauty in NR Tablets (Nature's Remedy).

They cleansed and cleared the eliminative tract corrected sluggish bowel action -drove out the poisonous wastes. She felt better, too, full of pep, tingling with vitality. Try this mild, safe, dependable, all vegetable corrective tonight. See your complexion improve, see headaches, At dullness all 25c. druggists' vanish.

AR TOMORROW A.PICHT -only Quick relief heartburn. for acid Only indiges- 10c. "TUMS" tion, which contains many very priate forms for "Cards of Thanks." These cards are now being published extensively, in place of sending out individual letters. The booklet also contains "In Memoriam" verses and correct wording for "Mass Notices' and "Tombstone Dedications." Call. write or phone The Examiner, SUtter 2424.

for A Free Copy of this helpful booklet or for further information. FREE BOOKLET. Examiner has printed Dratha BEHRENDT, JOHANNA BOTHWELL, JOHN RANDOLPH-89 FFS, BRYANT, NATLIE BUNKER. HARRY MAYO CASEY. FRANK J.





KATHERINE WEBB, WILLORD T. BEHRENDT-In this city. Oct. 19. 1933, Johanna Behrendt, beloved sister of Miss Ida and Marie Faust and Mrs.

Bertha Sonntax of Gainesville, Texas. A member of Companion Court Golden Gate No. 165, I. 0. and Christian Mutterverein.

Friends are invited to attend the funeral Saturday morning at 8:30 o'clock, from Schotield's. 1744 Divisadero thence to St. Boniface's Church, Golden Gate near Leavenworth where a solemn requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing at 9 o'clock. Interment, Holy Cross Cemetery, BOTHWELL-In this city, Oct. 12.

1933, John Randolph Bothwell, beloved husband of Alexandra Bothwell, beloved father of Murray B. Bothwell and Margaret Manson Bothwell, and beloved stepfather of Mrs. Minnie Sanders and Allen Wheeler of Los Angeles, a native of Illinois, aged 89 years. An ex-Lieutenant of the Regular Army in the Civil War. Remains Memorial Chapels of Carew English.

Masonic at Golden Gate ave, Funeral and interment priVate, BRYANT -In this city. Oct. 12. 1933. Natlie Bryant, loving wife of Everett Bryant.

devoted mother of Liberty E. Bryant. Funeral services will be held tomorrow (Saturday), at 9 o'clock p. from the mortuary of Halsted 1123 Sutter near Polk. BUNKER- -In Belvedere.

Marin Oct. 11, 1933. Harry Mayo Bunker, husband of Anne King Bunker. son of the late Henry Chase and Sara Mayo Bunker, and brother of Richard Bassett and Herbert Harding Bunker, native of San Francisco. Friends are invited to attend the funeral service at 2:30 o'clock.

Friday afternoon. Oct. 13. at Grays. Divisadero street at Post.

Interment private. CASEY- rest. in this city. Oct 10. 1933.

Frank Casey. dearly beloved hushand of Alice Casey. loving father of Frank Jr. and Walter Casey. and beloved brother of Mrs.

Catherine Shewbridge. A native of Illinois. Friends are invited to attend the funeral today (Friday) At 9 m. from the chapel of H. F.

Suhr 0919 Mission near 25th, thence 10 St. Emydius Church. Ashton and DeMontford where a requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul. commencing at 9:30 a. m.

Interment. Cross. CHEVALIER -In Burlingame, Oct. 12. 1933 Theresa V.

Chevalier, beloved wife of Edward Victor Chevalier loving mother of Edward Victor Frank Grecory and Genevieve Gertrude Manila Plans New Freedom Mission MANILA, Oct. (AP)- -The Philippine Senate tonight joined the House in approving a concurrent resolution declining offer of insular independence in the form presented by the last. Congress. The Senate authorized a new mission to be headed by its President. Manuel Quezon, to ask assurance of the Washington that Congress will cadministration ments before the Hawes-Cutting Act lapses January 17.

The Senate changed the wording "rejects" to "declines to accept" in acting upon the independence offer, but the House is expected to concur in the softened phrasing. S. F. Woman Heads Forestry Library Miss Helen M. Moore, librarian of the California Region, U.

S. Forest Service, in San Francisco, has been named chief librarian at the Forest Service headquarters in Washington, it was revealed yesterday in dispatches. Miss Moore will leave for Chicago today to represent the Forest Service at the American Library Association convention there, October 16 to 21. Teacher College Cast Offers Barry Comedy Following weeks of strenuous rehearsals, the curtain last night rang up on Philip Barry's flip comedy, "You and staged in the Frederic Burk auditorium by students at the San Francisco State Teachers College. Directed by Miss Jessie Casebolt, the cast is headed by Alice Gillogly and Dick Marsh.

It will be played again tonight. Lamson Prosecutor Takes Rest in South LOS ANGELES, Oct. District Attorney Fred Thomas.of Santa Clara County, who had charge of the prosecution of David A Lamson, former Stanford University press representative, for the murder of his wife, arrived in Los Angeles today for a visit. Thomas said there was no further significance to his visit than that he wanted a rest. Chevalier, a native of Mazatlan, Mexico, aged 54 years, A member of Burlingame Chapter No.

275. 0. E. and American Legion Auxiliary, Unit No. 163.

Announcement of funeral later. Remains at the chapel of Frank C. Wyckoff, 221 Park Road. CHINELL---In Sonoma county, California, October 11. 1933.

Florence dearly teloved wife of Tedward 0, Chinell. loving daughter of Mrs. E. Weinberg. Funeral services will be held today (Friday) at o'clock p.

m. from the mortuary of Halsted 1123 Sutter street, near Polk. COLLINS---In Fruitvale, at Our Lady's Home, Oct. 12. 1933.

Bridget Collins. beloved cousin of Mrs. Mary Dineen, and beloved aunt of Mrs. Ella Smith. Mrs.

Irene Callanan. Henry and the late George B. Carroll, a native of County Cork. Ireland. The funeral will take place tomorrow (Saturday), Oct.

14, 1933, At 8:30 o'clock 8. from the Memorial Chapels of Carew English. Masonic at Golden Gate San Francisco: thence to St. Ignatius' Church, where A requiem mass will be offered for the repose of her soul, commencing at 9 o'clock. Interment, Holy Cross Cemetery.

this city. Oct. 10, 1933, the Mary Frances. loving daughter of late Bernard and Margaret Conlon, beloved sister of Thomas F. and the late James John Bernard Laurence Joseph Conlon, a native of San Francisco.

A charter member of McKinnon Institute No. 3. Y. L. I.

and Ladies Sodality of St. James Church. Funeral Friday at 9:30 a. from Gantner, Felder, Kenny Chapel. 1965 Market street at Duboce thence to St.

James Church, where A solemn requiem high mass will be celebrated at 10 A. m. Interment, Holy Cross Cemetery, COOPER--In this city, Oct. 11, 1933, Mabel Cooper, loving mother of Mrs. Charles C.

Danforth and Mrs. Orval I. McReynolds: native of Tec*mseh. Nebraska. Friends may call at Gray's, Divisadero street at Post.

until 4 o'clock Friday afternoon. Interment, Tec*mseh, Nebraska. DAVIDSON-In this city. Oct. 11.

1933, Herbert Orr, beloved husband of Ruby Davidson, loving father of Dorothy Davidson, a native of Los Angeles, aged 40 years. Funeral services will be held Friday, Oct. 13. 1933. at 10 o'clock from the chapel of Magendie.

1340 Golden Gate bet. Fillmore and Steiner. Incineration at Cypress Lawn Memorial Park. DILLON--In this, city. Oct.

11. 1933. Charles A. beloved husband of Annie Dillon. and loving father of Mary A Dillon.

Mrs. Ann 1. Roberts, Mrs. cilia Casey. Mrs.

Elizabeth Regan, Mrs. Rosella Martenson and the late John J. Dillon. a native of Kilkenny. Ireland.

A member of The Holy Nate Society of Star of The Sea Church. The Third Order of St. Francis of St. Boniface's Church and Division No. A.

O. H. The funeral will take place today (Friday), October 13, 1033. at 9:30 o'clock 8. from the Memorial Chapels of Carew and English.

Masonic at Goiden Gate thence to Star of The Sea Church. where a requiem mass will be offered for the repose of his soul. commencing at 10 o'clock. Interment, Holy Cross Cemetery, Kindly omit flowers. FLOCKHART-In this city, Oct.

11. 1933. James loving son of Mr. and Mrs. James Flockhart, brother of Joseph Flockhart, a native of New York, aged 11 years.

Friends are invited to attend the funeral Friday. Oct. 13th, at 2 o'clock. from the mortuary of the Peter E. McLaughlin 435 Duboce ave.

(Phone MArket 2800.) GL.YNN-In this city, Oct. 19. 1933. Mary Glynn, loving sister of Mrs. D.

Pucci, Mrs. D. C. Monaghan and the late Martin Glynn, beloved aunt of Leo J. and Alicia C.

Pucci, a "native 'of Kilrush, County Clare. Ireland. The funeral will take place Saturday at 9:30 a. from Sacred Heart Church. where a solemn requiem high mass will be offered for the repose of her soul.

Interment. Holy Cross Cemetery, Friends may call at the chapel of J. C. O'Connor, 455 Valencia st. HAUSER-In Oakland, October 11.

1933. Louis Hauser, beloved husband of Kate Hauser, stepfather of Fred and Carl Mueller, and Mrs. Elizabeth Harrison: brother of Emil Hauser and the late Robert and Alex Hauser. a native of Switzerland, aged 79 vears. A member of Oakland Turn Verein, Gruetli Verein of San Francisco and Swiss Rifle Club, Friends are invited to attend the funeral services at 3 o'clock p.

Friday October 13. 1933, at the New Mortuary of Albert Engel 3630 Telegraph Ave. corner 37th street. Oakland. RENRY--In this city.

Oct. 12, 1033. Katherine Macdonald Henry, wife of Lieut. George E. Henry, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Roval P. Macdonald. JENNINGS-In Madera. Oct.

11. 1933. Laurence Sherman Jenniazs. dearly beloved husband of Virginia Pinkston Jennings. loving father of Laurence Sherman Jr.

and Margaret Helen Jennings and devoted son of Rufus P. Jennings. Funeral services will he held day (Friday) at p. m. at the Albert Brown Funeral Chapel.

3476 Piedmont Oakland. Interment. Mt. View Cemetery. KOLANDER--In this city.

Oct. 10, 1933. Daniel. loving son of Edward and Emma Kolander. beloved brother of William Kolander.

Funeral services will be held today (Friday). at o'clock p. from the mortuary of Halsted 1143 Sutter near Polk. KRIEG-In Saratoga, Hermine, wife of the late Joseph Krieg, mother of the late William Krieg and Bertha Shelby. Services and interment Odd Fellows' Home.

Saratoga. 10 A. Saturday, LANGAN-In Oakland. Oct. 10 1933.

Fred beloved husband of Ethel Langan, loving father of Aileen. Fred H. Jr. Kenneth and Betty Ethel Langan, son of Sophia Langan, and nephew nt Mary Tobener. native of San Francisco.

Friends are invited to attend the fitneral Friday. at 22 p. 111.. from the parlors of Jas. H.

Reilly 29th and Dolores sts. thence to Holy Cross Cemetery for interment. LARSEN -In this city, Oct. 12. 1933.

Adelina, beloved wife of Christen Larsen. A native of Poland, Services Saturday at 1:30 p. At the chapel of Gantner Maison, to 717 Valencia near 19th. Inurnment. Olivet Memorial Park.

LE GUENNEC--In this city, Oct. 1933. Charles William, loving son of Charles and Bessie Le Guennec. brother of Lawrence, Robert Le Guennec, nephew of Robert J. J.

and W. A. Butler, A native of San Francisco. Friends are invited to attend the funeral Saturday at 8:30 A. at the chapel of Gantner Maison, 771 to Valencia near 19th thence to St.

James' Church. where a requiem mass will be celebrated at 9 A. m. Interment. Holy Cross Cemetery, LOBREE-In this city.

Oct. 11, 1933. Carrie, beloved wife of Lucien Lobree. loving mother of Carol Lobree. loving daughter of Mrs.

Betcha Scheuer. loving sister of Mrs. Al. D. Lobree and Stanley Scheuer.

a native of California. Services today (Friday), at p. nt the chapel of Gantner Maison, 771 to Valencia near 19th st. Interment private. LOPEZ-In this city.

Oct. 10. 1933, Thomas Lopez. Notice of funeral hereafter. Friends may call at the mortuary of Halsted 1143 Sutter near Polk.

MAHORIC--In this city. Oct. 10. 1933. Joseph Mahorie, dearly beloved husband of Helen Mahoric.

loving father of Richard H. and George M. Mahonie, and Mrs. Mary Vukelich. and beloved brother of Frank.

John, Mathew. Anthony. Henry and Paul Mahorie. a native nf Austria. aged 114 Years, member Slavonic National Benevolent tion and Croatian Fraternal Union No.

ti1 Friends are invited to attend the funeral services Saturday, October 11. nt the chapel af H. Suhr 0019 Mission near 25th. then to St. Anthony's Church.

Army and Fol. som sts where a requiem mass will 1-e celebrated for the repose of his soul. commencing at 9:30 Interment. Holy Cross. MAXWELL-In this city, Oct.

12. 1933. John Andrew Maxwell, loving father of J. W. Maxwell.

Remains were forwarded to Sacramento for funeral services and interment. (Halsted Co. service.) MeCLAIN-In this city. Oct. 1933.

Margaret. loving daughter the late of Peter and Katherine McClain, devoted sister of the late Katherine Colgan, native of San Francisco, Calif A requiem high mass will be offered for the repose of her soul. Saturdar. Oct. 14th.

at St. Anne's Church. conmenein at 11:15 a. m11. Interment.

Holy Cross Cemetery, Friends mav call al White's Service Chapel, 2200 Sutter st N. W. corner of Pierce, Me(00k-In this city. Oct. 11.

19:33 James beloved husband Met'ook. loving father Betty Cook. beloved son Mary the 8 Met ook. and beloved brother Site and John Met San Francisco, Cal. member Carpenters' 1'nion.

No Castro Parlor No. The funeral will take place tomorrow (Saturday). Oct. 14. 1033.

at 9 a. from the Memorial Chapels Golden of Carew English. Masonic at Gate thence to St. Anne's Church, where a requiem high mass will be offered for the repose of his soul. commencing at 9:30 o'clock.

Interment, Holy Cross Cemetery. MORAN-In this city. Oct. 12, 1933. Lawrence, heloved husband of the late Hannah Moran, loving brother of Mra.

Catherine Reynolds, loving uncle of Charles T. Lucy and Douglas E. Taureck. a native of Midway, Mass. Friends are respectfully invited to tend the funeral tomorrow (Saturday), at 9 a.

from the Funeral Home and Chapel of United Undertakers. Howard st. at 904 st. (now known as 1096 Van Ness Ave, South, at 12d thence to St. Elizabeth's Church.

where A quiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul At 9:30 a. m. Interment. Holy Cross Cemetery, 'MULLANEY Entered into rest at his residence. 154; Twenty-first Oct.

11. 1933. Patrick beloved father of Edmund J. Mullaney, Mrs. Frances Possell.

Mrs. Reta Hall and William 1. Mullanev, brother of Mrs. M. Luper.

A native of New York, aged 81 years. Friends are invited to attend the funeral Saturday. Oct. 14. 1933.

at 10 o'clock a. from the chapel of Peter Magendie. 1340 Golden Gate be. tween Fillmore and Steiner thence to St. Anne's Church.

where at 10:30 o'clock a requiem high mass will be sung for the repose of his soul. Interment. Holy Cross Cemetery. MULLER--In this city, Oct. 12.

1933. Anzalettie dearly beloved wife of Rudolph F. Muller. and sister of Mrs. Louella Vitt.

Albert T. and William C. Adkins. A member of Rainbow Rebekah Lodge No. 97, 0.

0. of Stockton, Calif. Friends are invited to the services tomorrow (Saturdav). at 2 p. at Martin Brown's, 1515 Scott between Geary and Post sts, 0'BRIEN-In this eity, Oct.

12. 1933. Daniel dearly beloved husband of Margaret L. O' Brien. loving father of George and Daniel J.

O'Brien grandfather of Daniel J. O' Brien III, brother of Mrs. Frank Judson. Mrs. Benjamin McDonald and Miss Georgia O' Brien and the late John O' Brien, a native of San Francisco.

Calif. Funeral will be held tomorrow (Satur. day). at 9:15 o'clock a. from the mortuary of Halsted 1123 Sutter near Polk: thence to St.

Mary's Cathedral. Van Ness Ave and O' Farrell where a solemn requiem high mass will he sung for the repose of his soul, commencing at 10 o'clock a. m. ment. Holv Cross Cemetery.

SOUTH OF MARKET BOYS. INC.The officers and members Are respectfully requested to attend the funeral of our late brother. Daniel J. O' Brien. AL KATSCHINSKI.

President, PETER R. MALONEY. Secretary, RINCON PARLOR No. 79. N.

S. G. -Officers and members are hereby requested to attend the funeral of our late brother. Daniel J. O'Brien, row (Saturday), at 9:15 o'clock a.

from the mortuary of Halsted 1123 Sutter near Polk. ALBERT GRANZELLA. President. JOHN A. GILMOUR, Secretary, PRAGER-In this city.

Oct. 11, 1933, Josephine. beloved wife of Lesser Prager, dearly beloved sister of Mrs. Dora Saalburg and Charles S. Saalburg of New York.

aunt of Mrs. S. B. Dickson, Alice and Lawrence Prager. Funeral services will be held today (Friday) at 10 o'clock a.

m. from the Mortuary of Halsted 1123 Sutter near Polk. Interment strictly private. -In this city. October 10.

1033. Mary Anne. beloved wife of the late Elias Reudy, loving mother of Mrs. J. F.

Petersen and George H. Reudy, native of County Galway. Ireland. Friends are invited to attend the neral. Fridav, at 8:30 a.

from Avoy O'Hara Market near Church. thence to St. James" Church, where a requiem mass will be ed at 9 a. m. Interment, Holy Cross Cemetery, ROBINSON-In Alameda.

Oct. 11. 1933. William Thomas, idolized husband el Cathleen Taggart Robinson, loving father of William Thomas Jr. Jerryan and Monte Robinson.

Friends are invited to attend the funeral Saturday at 9:30 A. from McAvoy-O' Hara Market near Church: thence to Mission Dolores Church, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated at 10 A. m. RUSSO-In this city. Oct.

19. 1233. Conetta, dearly beloved wife of Victor Russo, loving mother of Mrs. Helen Cunba, Mrs. Jean Fitzell and Antone.

Mario and Josephine Russo; a native of Italy, Friends may call at the partore of Suhr Wieboldt. 1463 Valencia near 26th st. TWOHIG-In this city. Oct. 10.

1933. Katherine. dearly beloved wife of Dennis Twehig. loving sister of Mrs. Ed.

Twohiz. Mrs. William Hermance. Mrs. J.

Ferguson. John. Elizabeth and the late Jeremiah and Daniel Murphy. loving aunt of Virginia Twohiz and Florence Carter. a native of Millstreet.

County Cork, Ireland. A member of the Sodality of St. Monica's Church. Funeral. Friday.

October 13. at 8:45 a. m. from the parlors of Comisky and Connolly, 1159 Valencia between 02nd and 3rd sts. thence to St.

Monica's Church. where a solemn requiem high mass will be offered for the repose of her soul. at 9:30 a. m. Interment.

Holv Cross Cemetery. WEBB--In this city. Oct. 11. 1933.

lord beloved husband of Mary E. Webb. He is survived by eight children, A native of U'tah, Funeral services Friday evening at 8 o'clock under the auspices of the L. D. Church.

at Gantner. Felder. Kenny Chapel. 1965 Market st. at Duboce ave, Funeral Saturday at R.

m. ment. Cypress Lawn Memorial Park. In Memoriam McMAHON-In sad and loving memory of 111 dear son. Augustus J.

McMahon. who passed away seven years AgO today, October 13. 1926. Sadly missed by his mother. MRS.

HELENA M. McMAHON. Raise of his bid. As a matter of fact, had three diamonds become the final contract, East would have had difficulty in making more than 5 tricks a against good defense. The hearts would have been of little value against the spade Opening, followed by the lead of a trump, which would have made the Dummy of little value.

Against the contract of three spades, West opened the singleton diamond, and the Declarer made the serious mistake of playing the Queen. The play of the Ace would have permitted South to fulfill his contract. As it was, South was defeated 1,800 points, and on the next hand East and West made a vulnerable Grand Slam, accounting for the difference of 5,000 points in the scores of the opponents. Today's Question Please explain the scoring of overtricks at an undoubled trump contract. Answer: Odd-tricks (all tricks taken over the book of six) are valued the same whether contracted for or not--that is, the first, third, fifth, and seventh tricks, 30 points each.

For example, if Declarer at a one notrump contract succeeds in taking two-odd, he scores 30 points in the trick score and 40 points in the honor column. If Declarer at a two notrump contract succeeds in taking three-odd, he scores 70 points (30-40) in the trick score and 30 points in the honor column. If the contract is three notrump and Declarer takes six-odd, he scores 100 (30-40-30) in the trick score and 110 points (40-30-40) in the honor column. COR CORSETS We are in position to take care of your Corset and Brassiere problem. Expert surgical fitters.

THEO. SCHMIDT Corset and Surgical Appliance House 959 MARKET ST. Opp. Mason GODEAU INC. Funeral Service JULIUS S.

GODEAU, Pres. A Dignified Service SAN FRANCISCO 41 Van Ness Ave. HEmlock 1230 OAKLAND 2110 Webster St. HI gate 4045 "Independent of the Trust" THE ORIGINAL HALSTED CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS 1123 SUTTER ST.

near LARKIN ST. TELEPHONE ORDWAY 3000 Cost within the reach of all and a service marked with DIGNITY and THOUGHTFUL CARE BAR EN RAL M. F. Suhr Inc. FUNERAL DIRECTORS FRED SUHR.


The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2024)
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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.