the hoodie thing - warmmorningtea34 (2024)

"Shu ? Can you give me your hoodie and f*ck me in it ?"

The question is brought about so casually that it takes the recipient a good fistful of seconds before the meaning hits home.

Shu very eloquently goes "Whu-" before he proceeds to choke on his coffee for an embarrassingly lengthy bit, struggling not to spill it everywhere on the couch. And Luca has the audacity to laugh at the consequences of his actions, the menace. Only when the mess is successfully avoided is Shu able to answer - yet he finds himself at a loss for words.

"Luca ?" He finally utters, a mess of uncertainty and narrow eyes.

He is rightfully suspicious of it being some kind of prank on this peaceful Saturday evening - it wouldn’t be the first nor the last. But no, when Luca looks back at him, with all of his easy openness and eager fidgeting and sparkling eyes, Shu knows that he's being genuine.

"Yeah, Shu ? So, what's your answer ?"

The sorcerer sinks back into the sofa, nursing his coffee, cheeks as red as his mug. The idea is. So much more than appealing, he has to admit it.

"... Sure."

Luca chuckles, equal parts perplexed and delighted. "You sure Shu ?"

"You're the one asking !!"

"But you're the one who I'm asking !!"

Shu groans in his hand, ears burning. He knows he'll have to voice it because otherwise Luca won't do anything.

"... I'm sure, Luca."

"POG !!!"

The mafioso leans his head back against his shoulder, fiddling happily with his phone the way he does when he's satisfied with himself, singing a meme's tune under his breath - completely missing the confusion on Shu's face.

"So... Are we doing it, or...?"

"Hm ?"

"The- Hoodie thing. Are we not doing it now ?"

Luca lifts his head up to give him a smirk, and Shu gets the distinct feeling that he's gotten himself into a trap. "You like that so much that you wanna do it now, huh Shu ?"


"... Maybe ?" He mumbles, eyes wandering away while he sips on his coffee, a poor attempt at a shield against the teasing.

Luca, like the gremlin that he is, barks out a victorious laugh, before anchoring his gaze into Shu's - and oh, that's when the sorcerer realises just how serious he'd been about this. The sheer want that lurks there is more than enough to kindle the heat that's already been crawling up from below as soon as Luca's idea took root in his mind.

The mafioso takes his time shifting his body up ; kissing Shu deep and slow, all the while pushing him further into their sofa, until he's awkwardly nestled in the corner of it, glasses a bit askew.

"Wait for me, hm ?"

Luca grins, cheeks flushed, a flash of hungry tongue darting through his lips, before standing up to go retrieve whichever hoodie he wants from Shu's closet. Meanwhile the sorcerer lies dazedly on the couch, mind still replaying what just happened. Sometimes- No, scratch that, Luca is and always will be unpredictable, to the point that Shu isn't even sure who's, uhm, leading in their relationship. Not that he minds. Nuh uh. Far from that.

He has just enough of a clear mind to down the rest of his coffee and take most of his clothes off (read, his lounging t-shirt and shorts), only keeping his briefs on while waiting for Luca to return. He checks on the marks Luca left on his skin the other day just for the sake of it - a habit at this point. More are perhaps going to be left tonight ; good thing he likes them. The way he is so clearly interested in Luca's idea makes him chuckle in embarrassment though.

He takes his glasses off and lies back on the sofa for a while, fidgeting with his own hands, wondering if he should go help Luca choose, when an excited shout booms through the living room.

"Shuuuu ! Look !"

The sorcerer is quick to rise above the backrest to see Luca standing proudly, wearing nothing but Shu's biggest, comfiest hoodie - the one he wears whenever he knows they'll have the morning for themselves (and that he was, in fact, planning on wearing tonight).

He's pretty sure the memory of what they're gonna do will come up whenever he puts it on. Sus, Luca, unfair.

"You look great," he manages.

Luca smirks, crooked and smug, seemingly knowing full well what just went through his boyfriend's head. "POG !!" he exclaims as he slides the hood on, gold swallowed by purple.

He prowls around the sofa like a beast of prey while Shu very much feels like said prey, their gazes never leaving each other. Shu sits up against the pillows of the armrest and Luca takes his seat on his hips, creating more friction between them than strictly necessary as he does. The sorcerer's hands go to help steadying him by encircling his waist, reflexively leave soothing caresses as they settle by the narrow of it, skin-to-skin under the purple fabric.

It's only when Luca's hands in turn stretch over his bare chest for support that Shu recalls that he's almost naked as well. If the hum his boyfriend lets out is anything to go by, he's pleased with that.

"So, Shu ? Are you ready ?"

Shu answers with a hum of his own, still scarlet red, thoroughly transfixed as he takes in the way his hoodie floats around his boyfriend, purple engulfing his whole upper body and resting snuggly over his head and hips. It manages to make him look both rounder and softer, something Shu didn't really think was possible until, well, now. Probably something to do with how Luca usually wears fit t-shirts.

There's a mischievous grin on his lips as Luca lowers himself to press them against Shu's ear and goes "I said, are you ready, Shu ?", purposefully dragging on his words in a low, deep voice that has Shu squirming under him. The motion proves itself a mistake, the friction it inevitably cause between the both of them making Shu groan, tighten his hold on Luca's hips - which in turn doesn't fail at drawing a whine out of his boyfriend. Really, what is this ?

"Yes, yes, I am, Luca, I'm ready !" He rasps, pleads.

"Good, good, that's good," Luca drawls, eyebrows furrowed.

Shu wonders what's up with that until Luca lifts himself to slide down the sorcerer's briefs and he catches sight of a glisten between his legs. It dawns on him all at once - more like crashes - that Luca taking so long to come back wasn't, in fact, because he was choosing a hoodie.

If he wasn't hard already, he most definitely would be now.

Taking advantage of his distraction, Luca punches a moan out of them both as he takes him in one smooth motion, swift, his body readily swallowing Shu whole.

"Ah, fri- Luca ! Too fast !"

"S- sorry, Shu-" He does not sound sorry at all.

When Shu opens his eyes again, mind too fogged by pleasure to throw any convincing glare but fully intending to try anyway, he shudders instead. Seeing Luca licking his lips then sticking his tongue out as his jaw goes slack in pleasure, blush a deep shade of red and hair damply clinging to his face, the tent his arousal makes of Shu’s hoodie - all of it is an image that is far too dangerous for the sorcerer's sanity. He doesn't even think anything so lewd ever appeared in any of his fantasies.

The sorcerer tries to close his eyes again, but Luca frowns and pouts under his barely caught breath, "Hey, look at me, Shuuu...!"

Shu barely keeps himself from whining but relents, gazing up at him, and Luca grinds against him once, twice as a reward, hips drawing soft circling motions, making Shu coil underneath like a spring. A single, drawn-out moan escapes him, strangled raw.

He so desperately wants Luca to keep going, but the mafioso's thighs are strong and his own arms are too weakened from pleasure to lift his weight all on his own, so Shu can't move, much less escape.

Luca tuts, resting the pads of his fingers on his lips to shush him. "You're not allowed to move until I come, okay Shu ?"

The sorcerer would plead at him to have pity and give up on such a torturous idea, but the adamant glint in Luca's wisteria eyes tells him that he should comply, lest Luca finds a way to make this even more rigged. So he glares a bit yet nods pitifully, accepts his fate with a gulp and a twitch.

"Good boy," Luca singsongs merrily, before lifting his hips, grin ominously bright.

Oh no. This little-

Shu's breath dies in his throat, and he's so, so close to swearing it's not even funny. Luca's set the slowest pace he can possibly muster, using the strength of his legs to keep his rhythm steady, each impact cruelly unhurried yet forceful.

"Lucaaaaaa...!" He whines, desperately attempting not to thrash against Luca's hold.

Regardless, his protests are soon silenced by a hand tugging on his hair to angle his head up, a shiver wracking through him as his mouth easily parts - the perfect opening for Luca to slide his tongue down his throat so he can't complain again.

"Mmhgn- !"

Luca pushes his tongue in as slowly as he moves his hips, a maddening sync that has Shu's breath wrenched from him, the lack of oxygen all at once numbing his mind and amplifying any and every sensation. It fries his every single nerve down to the last. The soft fabric of the hoodie rustles against his chest, unexpected friction that makes him jolt, all at once teasing and electrifying.

He doesn’t emerge until Luca lets go of him, allowing him to take what feels like the largest breath of his life, searing through his lungs like he'd been drowning.

Yet Luca is merciful only for so long before he begins running his hands on Shu's chest, pinching his nipples playfully. Shu arches with a gasp, dizzily slides his hands up under the hoodie to pinch Luca's own nipples in retaliation, starting a struggle to decide who's going to succumb first to the sharp pleasure.

It's Luca, because of course, of course it is - his legs give up under him and he abruptly sits down on Shu, moaning long and high. Underneath, his boyfriend lets out a noise that snaps in half in the middle of his throat, overstimulation having shattered his voice apart.

The brutal motion has Shu seeing stars, wanting so very badly to move, to chase after that overwhelming friction... But. But. Luca said no.

It's so, so unfair.

Shu tries to whine for Luca to pick that pace back up already, his hands letting go of his boyfriend's chest to fall to his trembling thighs, clawing at them to hopefully let Luca know he needs him to move again. It doesn't help that every pant, every shiver, even the slightest of Luca's movements brings the barest of frictions, making Shu lose his mind over how not enough any of it is.

Luca's lust-dizzied gaze tumbles down on him from above, golden lashes glistening with sweat, and still he manages a trembling grin, licks his salty lips. And once again, Shu's overheated guts twist with an ominous hunch.

Luca lifts himself up, and suddenly there is so much more force when he brings himself down, Shu's throat burns from trying to hold his scream back. Luca repeats the motion, relentless, slamming his hips so forcefully the sofa creaks underneath - but neither of them hears it, minds too focused on each other. Luca’s so forceful the hood slides off. The fabric rubbing over the tent of his arousal wets, turning dark.

Shu swallows thickly, throws his head back in the cushions as he bites his lips, calling on every single shred of restraint in himself not to move an inch. Luca's pace picks up, entirely losing regularity as he smashes his hips down over and over again, wildly chasing after his high in this damn purple hoodie of Shu's.

The first spasms tear a cry from Shu even before they do from Luca, and in no time his boyfriend's thrusts come to a trembling stop, his whole body seizing from waves of pleasure ramming through. It keeps him unable to even breath for so long Shu briefly thinks he's going to go insane, before Luca finally slumps against him, pants erupting from him in lungfuls.

"Haa, haa... Haha..."

Shu cannot believe him.

Luca is smiling, boneless, a satisfied Cheshire grin as he struggles to lift himself again, and it's so, so unfair.

It's unfair, but still Shu waits until Luca nods to do anything. Then abruptly thrusts up, a revenge-thirsty smirk on his lips, making the mafioso lose his balance with a yelp, and allowing the sorcerer to flip their positions. Luca's grin turning a co*cky kind of self-satisfied under him doesn't escape Shu, but he can't dwell on his boyfriend's suspicious 'all-according-to-plan' behaviour when he can finally, finally move.

He holds Luca close as his hips ram in with desperate frenzy, nail digging into his waist from the stiffness of his grip. Shu watches as Luca's expression melts from smug to scrunched up in overstimulation, lips parting so prettily before him, his lovely tongue lolling out as moans are punched from him with every thrust.

Oh, what an immense satisfaction it is to f*ck all of Luca’s co*ckiness out of him, Shu muses somewhere in the back of his mind as strained groans escape him.

He doesn't think he's come so fast ever before in his life, org*sm hitting him like a bolt of lightning, eclipsing almost everything else around him. Almost immediately, his body gives limply like a ragdoll under his own weight.

After pulling out, he rests against Luca for minutes, maybe hours, struggling to calm his breathing as his boyfriend cards his hands in his hair, humming a song his dizzy mind knows but can't place.

Once Shu's no longer panting like a holed bellows, Luca helps manoeuvring their limbs so they can snuggle more comfortably - inviting Shu into a kiss in the process, who all but melts against him, a contented sigh escaping him before he can help it.

Gently, they rest their foreheads against each other, looking at each other fondly.

Still Luca somehow manages to etch the outline of a grin, and Shu rolls his eyes at the infuriating display, snorting tiredly before letting himself nuzzle the crook of his menace of a boyfriend's neck. Luca finds a way to wrap his arms around Shu's shoulders that is comfortable despite their position and promptly starts dozing off, still grinning.

They'll clean up their mess and themselves after, but for now, a bit of a nap is in order. Shu's definitely not wearing that hoodie anytime soon though.

the hoodie thing - warmmorningtea34 (2024)
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Name: Mr. See Jast

Birthday: 1999-07-30

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Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.