Table of Contents: American Antiquity (2024)

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Bibliographic Details
Corporate Author: Society for American Archaeology (Washington DC)
Format: Serial
Published: Washington : Society for American Archeology ; 1962-






Online Access:Texto completo en Biblioteca electrónica del MinCyt. JSTOR desde 1935 hasta 2019. (Sin acceso a los últimos 4 años). Disponible a través de las terminales de la UNC. [Consulta: 2023/11/13].
Texto completo, algunos artículos de los últimos años. [Consulta: 2022/04/12].
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Table of Contents:

  • Consultar índice en enlace Mincyt.
  • no.1 v.28 (1963) An Archaeological “Restudy” of an Andean Ethnohistorical Account / John V. Murra
  • Hopewellian Affiliations of Certain Sites on the Gulf Coast of Florida / William H. Sears
  • Two “South American” Metal Techniques Found Recently in Western Mexico / Dudley T. Easby, Jr.
  • A Stylistic and Historical Analysis of Shoulder Patterns on Plains Indian Pottery / W. Raymond Wood
  • Plateau Shoshonean Prehistory: A Suggested Reconstruction / James H. Gunnerson
  • Sea Levels and Archaeology in the Long Island Sound Area / Bert Salwen
  • Interpreting the Function of Primitive Implements / J. Sonnenfeld
  • Stone Artifacts of Southeastern Alaska / Edward L. Keithahn.
  • no.2 v.28 (1963) Worsaae's Law and the Use of Grave Lots for Archaeological Dating / John Howland Rowe
  • The Earliest Cultures in the Western United States / Alex D. Krieger
  • The Intermontane Western Tradition / Richard D. Daugherty
  • Early Cultures in Northwestern America / Earl H. Swanson, Jr.
  • Early Man's Utilization of the Great Plains Environment / Fred Wendorf, James J. Hester
  • Prehistoric Cultural Development in the Southern Californian Deserts / William J. Wallace
  • U-Shaped “Ornaments” Identified as Finger-Loops from Atlatls / Gordon F. Ekholm
  • The Machalilla Culture: An Early Formative Complex on the Ecuadorian Coast / Betty J. Meggers, Clifford Evans
  • Late Quaternary Climates in Arizona / Ernst Antevs
  • A Test of Magnetometry as an Aid to Archaeology / Glenn A. Black, Richard B. Johnston
  • The Restoration and Preservation of Some Objects from Etowah / Douglas S. Byers
  • Archaeology as Anthropology / Lewis R. Binford.
  • no.3 v.28 (1963) Administrative Problems of the River Basin Surveys / Robert L. Stephenson
  • Administration of Contract Emergency Archaeological Programs / Jesse D. Jennings
  • Archaeology and Private Enterprise: A Need for Action / Fred Wendorf
  • An Archaeological Survey of Nankoweap Canyon, Grand Canyon National Park / Douglas W. Schwartz
  • Ceramic Clues to Pueblo-Puebloid Relationships / Keith M. Anderson
  • Extended Burials in the Prehistoric Southwest / Michael B. Stanislawski
  • Poverty Point Sites in Southeastern Louisiana / Sherwood M. Gagliano, Roger T. Saucier
  • Pre-Columbian Pottery Mushrooms from Mesoamerica / Stephan F. De Borhegyi
  • Cult Traits in Southeastern Costa Rica and Their Significance / Doris Stone
  • A Pre-agricultural Occupation on the Central Coast of Peru / Edward P. Lanning
  • Observations on Archaeological Remains in Northeastern Bolivia / George Plafker.
  • no.4 v.28 (1963) Prehistoric Soil and Water Conservation on Chapin Mesa, Southwestern Colorado / Arthur H. Rohn
  • Hypotheses on the Origin of Canadian Thule Culture / William E. Taylor, Jr.
  • The Ringo Site, Southeastern Arizona / Alfred E. Johnson, Raymond H. Thompson
  • Feasible Ocean Routes to and from the Americas in Pre-Columbian Times / Thor Heyerdahl
  • Time Perspective within the Coalescent Tradition in South Dakota / Carlyle S. Smith
  • The Statistical Use of Artifact Distributions to Establish Chronological Sequence / Paul Dempsey, Martin Baumhoff
  • The Levi Site: A Paleo-Indian Campsite in Central Texas / Herbert L. Alexander, Jr.
  • Archaeological Materials from the Chukchi Peninsula / N. N. Dikov.
  • no.2 v.33 (1968) Solid Core Drilling of Monks Mound: Technique and Findings / Nelson A. Reed, John W. Bennett, James Warren Porter
  • A Functional Analysis of Certain Chipped Stone Tools / George C. Frison
  • Functional Analysis of Flaked Stone Artifacts / Edwin N. Wilmsen
  • Metallurgical Characteristics of North American Prehistoric Copper Work / David L. Schroeder, Katharine C. Ruhl
  • Mississippian Hunting and Butchering Patterns: Bone from the Vista Shelter, 23SR-20, Missouri / W. Raymond Wood
  • Electronic Data Processing for Radiocarbon Dates / R. E. Taylor, Rainer Berger, B. Dimsdale
  • A Synthesis of the Prehistory of the Central Little Colorado Valley, Arizona / George J. Gumerman, S. Alan Skinner
  • Pollen at Broken K Pueblo: Some New Interpretations Pollen at Broken K Pueblo: Some New Interpretations / James N. Hill, Richard H. Hevly
  • Stone Sinkers from Western Nevada / Donald R. Tuohy
  • Ceramic Phases for Chiriqui, Panama, and Their Relationship to Neighboring Sequences / Olga Linares de Sapir
  • A Formative-Period Painted Pottery Complex at Ancón, Peru / Ramiro Matos Mendieta.
  • no.3 v.33 (1968) The Extent and Content of Poverty Point Culture / Clarence H. Webb
  • Muskeeta Cove 2: A Stratified Woodland Site on Long Island / Bert Salwen
  • Grand Canyon Dams, Split-Twig Figurines, and “Hit-and-Run” Archaeology / Stephen C. Jett
  • Select Flotation Techniques for the Recovery of Small-Scale Archaeological Remains / Stuart Struever
  • Radiocarbon Dating of the Organic Portion of Ceramic and Wattle-and-Daub House Construction Materials of Low Carbon Content / R. E. Taylor, Rainer Berger
  • Archaeological Applications of Factor, Cluster, and Proximity Analysis / George L. Cowgill.
  • no.4 v.33 (1968) Archaeological and Other Evidence: A Fresh Look at the “Laurentian Iroquois” / Bruce G. Trigger
  • Environmental Potential and the Postglacial Readaptation in Eastern North America / James E. Fitting
  • Mesoamerican Polyhedral Cores and Prismatic Blades / Don E. Crabtree
  • A Suggested Terminology and Classification for Burial Description / Roderick Sprague
  • Chalcatzingo, Morelos, Mexico: A Reappraisal of the Olmec Rock Carvings / David C. Grove.
  • no.1 v.34 (1969) Identification of the Sources of Hopewellian Obsidian in the Middle West / James B. Griffin, A. A. Gordus, G. A. Wright
  • Testing Stratigraphy and Artifact Reuse through Obsidian Hydration Dating / Joseph W. Michels
  • Apache Archaeology in Northeastern New Mexico / James H. Gunnerson
  • Red Mountain: An Early Pioneer Period Hohokam Site in the Salt River Valley of Central Arizona / Donald H. Morris
  • The Archaeological Record of Chili Peppers (Capsicum spp.) and the Sequence of Plant Domestication in Peru / Barbara Pickersgill .
  • no.1 v.35 (1970) Brazilian Archaeology in 1968: An Interim Report on the National Program of Archaeological Research / Pronapa
  • Paleo-Indian Tool Types in the Great Plains / Henry T. Irwin, H. M. Wormington
  • Archaeological Pollen Studies of the Colorado Plateau / James Schoenwetter
  • Walnut Creek Village: A Ninth-Century Hohokam-Anasazi Settlement in the Mountains of Central Arizona / Donald H. Morris
  • The San Pablo Pantheon Mound: A Middle Preclassic Site in Morelos, Mexico / David C. Grove
  • Community Settlement Patterns at Chan Chan, Peru / Michael West
  • Of Hohokam Origins and Other Matters / Julian D. Hayden
  • Validity of Radiocarbon Dates on Terrestrial Snail Shells / M. A. Tamers.
  • no.4 v.35 (1970) The Nature of Archaeological Explanation / John M. Fritz, Fred T. Plog
  • Ethnobotanical Aspects of Snaketown, a Hohokam Village in Southern Arizona / Vorsila L. Bohrer
  • An Archaeological Evaluation of the Codice Xolotl / Jeffrey R. Parsons
  • Preclassic Ceramics from Chalchuapa, El Salvador, and Their Relationships with the Maya Lowlands / Robert J. Sharer, James C. Gifford
  • Microscopic Examination of Human Femurs Buried at Washington Island, Wisconsin / G. Richard Peske, N. C. Tappen
  • Core and Column Sampling / Richard W. Casteel
  • Arikara Glassworking Techniques at Leavenworth and Sully Sites / Douglas H. Ubelaker, William M. Bass
  • Costs of Shell Analysis / Alan Koloseike
  • Notes on Uniface Retouch Technology / Harry J. Shafer.
  • no.1 v.36 (1971) The Revolution in Archaeology / Paul S. Martin
  • Comments on Archaeological Data Requirements and Research strategy / Stuart Struever
  • Ethnomineralogy of Ticul, Yucatan Potters: Etics and Emics / Dean E. Arnold
  • The Reconstruction of Kinship from Archaeological Data: The Concepts, the Methods, and the Feasibility / William L. Allen, James B. Richardson III
  • Arithmetic in Maya Numerals / W. French Anderson
  • Patterning in Death in a Late Prehistoric Village in Pennsylvania / Jacob W. Gruber
  • The Buffalo Pound in North-Western Plains Prehistory: Site 48 CA 302, Wyoming / George C. Frison
  • Geology of the Ruby Site Area, Wyoming 48 CA 302 / John Albanese
  • An Olmec Stela from San Miguel Amuco, Guerrero / David C. Grove, Louise I. Paradis
  • Entombment, Authority, and Descent at Altar de Sacrificios, Guatemala / William A. Haviland
  • Archaic and Poverty Point Zoomorphic Locust Beads / Clarence H. Webb.
  • no.2 v.36 (1971) Carrying Capacity and Dynamic Equilibrium in the Prehistoric Southwest / Ezra B. W. Zubrow
  • Preceramic Transhumance in the Callejón de Huaylas, Peru / Thomas F. Lynch
  • The Lithic Assemblage of the Western Desert Aborigines of Australia / Richard A. Gould, Dorothy A. Koster, Ann H. L. Sontz
  • An Early Burial from Gordon Creek, Colorado / David A. Breternitz, Alan C. Swedlund, Duane C. Anderson
  • Sex, Age, and Tooth Position as Factors in the Production of Tooth Wear / Stephen Molnar
  • Finger-Loops and Cruciform Objects / Ann S. Johnson
  • An Archaic Sequence for Southern New England / Dena F. Dincauze
  • The Production of Secondary Multiple Flakes / Arthur J. Jelinek, Bruce Bradley, Bruce Huckell
  • A Woodland “Mummy” from Salts Cave, Kentucky / Louise M. Robbins
  • On the Use of Cumulative Curves and Numerical Taxonomy / David H. Thomas.
  • no.2 v.37 (1972) Monument Thievery in Mesoamerica / Merle Greene Robertson
  • Archaeological Context and Systemic Context / Michael B. Schiffer
  • Cultural Dynamics and the Development of the Oneota Life-Way in Wisconsin / Guy E. Gibbon
  • Osteology of Social Organization: Residence Pattern / Rebecca A. Lane, Audrey J. Sublett
  • From Sacred to Profane: Style Drift in the Decoration of Jesuit Finger Rings / Charles E. Cleland
  • Rising Sea Level and Prehistoric Cultural Ecology in Northern New England / Dean R. Snow
  • Oconastota / Duane H. King, Danny E. Olinger
  • Ridged Fields and Associated Features in Southern Campeche: New Perspectives on the Lowland Maya / Alfred H. Siemens, Dennis E. Puleston
  • The Salvage Archaeology of a Zoned Bichrome Cemetery, Costa Rica / Frederick W. Lange, Kristin K. Scheidenhelm
  • Soil Chemistry of Postmolds and Rodent Burrows: Identification without Excavation / Nikolaas J. van der Merwe, Pat H. Stein
  • Moche Copper Analyses: Early New World Metal Technology / Arnold M. Friedman, Edward Olsen, Junius B. Bird.
  • no.3 v.37 (1972) The Caribou/Wild Reindeer as a Human Resource / Ernest S. Burch, Jr.
  • Primitive Bone Fracturing: A Method of Research / Hind Sadek-Kooros
  • Functional Considerations of Warfare in the Southeast during The Mississippi Period / Lewis H. Larson, Jr.
  • Some Archaeological Uses of Fish Remains / Richard W. Casteel
  • Abandonment and Post-Abandonment Behavior at a Rural Central American House-Site / Frederick W. Lange, Charles R. Rydberg
  • Native Made Glass Pendants from East of the Mississippi / Margaret Kimball Brown
  • New Data on the Antiquity of Polychrome Painting from Venezuela / Alberta Zucchi.
  • no.4 v.37 (1972) Lurin Valley, Peru: Early Intermediate Period Settlement Development / Timothy K. Earle
  • Language, History and Prehistory: Mississippian Lexico-Reconstruction / Marion Johnson Mochon
  • The Need-Achievement Test Applied to the Hohokam / Bruce E. Rippeteau
  • The Effect of Temperature on Protein Decay in Bone: Its Significance in Nitrogen Dating of Archaeological Specimens / Donald J. Ortner, David W. vonEndt, Mary S. Robinson
  • An Archaeological Survey of the Tehuacan Valley, Mexico: A Test of Color Infrared Photography / George J. Gumerman, James A. Neely
  • Mound J, Monte Albán: Possible Astronomical Orientation / Anthony F. Aveni, Robert M. Linsley
  • Astronomical Tables Intended for Use in Astro-Archaeological Studies / Anthony F. Aveni
  • A Seasonal Campsite in the Peruvian Montana: Ethnography and Ecology in Archaeological Interpretation / Thomas P. Myers.
  • no.1 v.38 (1973) The Need for a Common Language of Measurements / Sarunas Milisauskas
  • The Significance of Mammalian Faunas From Paleolithic Occupations in Cantabrian Spain / L. G. Freeman
  • On the Methodological Validity of Frequency Seriation / Charles H. Mcnu*tt
  • Multistage Fieldwork and Analytical Techniques / Charles L. Redman
  • William Rotch Bullard, Jr., 1926-1972 / Gordon R. Willey
  • Preceramic Textiles and Cordage From Guitarrero Cave, Peru / James M. Adovasio, Thomas F. Lynch
  • A Functional Analysis of “Clear Fork” Artifacts From the Rio Grande Plain, Texas / Thomas Roy Hester, Delbert Gilbow, Alan D. Albee
  • A Statistical Determination of the Black Sand Occupation at the Macoupin Site, Jersey Co., Illinois / Frank Rackerby
  • Culture Sequence at the Old Fort, Saline County, Missouri / W. Raymond Wood.
  • no.2 v.38 (1973) Limitations of Archaeological Inference: An Information-Theoretic Approach with Applications in Methodology / John S. Justeson
  • Cognitive Models for Archaeological Interpretation / Alice B. Kehoe, Thomas F. Kehoe
  • An Empirical Test for Steward's Model of Great Basin Settlement Patterns / David Hurst Thomas
  • An Archaeological Indicator of Matrilocal versus Patrilocal Residence / Melvin Ember
  • Prehistoric Human Occupations of the Western Venezuelan Llanos / Alberta Zucchi
  • The Localization of the Sixteenth Century Map Called the Maguey Plan / Edward E. Calnek
  • Trilobal Eccentrics at Teotihuacan and Tula / Terrance L. Stocker, Michael W. Spence
  • The Life Style of El Tajin / Paula H. Krotser, G. R. Krotser.
  • no.3 v.38 (1973) Economic Aspects of Commercial Archaeology in Costa Rica / Dwight B. Heath
  • Spatial Analysis of Occupation Floors I: Application of Dimensional Analysis of Variance / Robert Whallon, Jr.
  • Location Analysis of Prehistoric Maya Sites in Northern British Honduras / Ernestene L. Green
  • Painting, Writing, and Polity in Teotihuacan, Mexico / Clara Millon
  • The Pillage of Prehistory / Payson D. Sheets
  • Statistical Tests of Spatial Association in the Locations of Tool Types / Michael F. Dacey
  • Iron Utilization by Thule Eskimos of Central Canada / A. P. McCartney, D. J. Mack
  • X-Ray Diffraction Analysis of Prehistoric Pottery / John W. Weymouth
  • Experimental Archaeology: A New Outlook / Stephen C. Saraydar, Izumi Shimada.
  • no.4 v.38 (1973) On Explanation in Archaeology: A Rebuttal to Fritz and Plog / Michael E. Levin
  • Archaeological Evidence for Occupational Specialization Among the Classic Period Maya at Tikal, Guatemala / Marshall Joseph Becker
  • Texcoco Region Archaeology and the Codex Xolotl / Thomas H. Charlton
  • The Historical Validity of the Codex Xolotl / Edward E. Calnek
  • Application of Geomorphic Data to Archaeology: A Comment / David L. Weide, Margaret L. Weide
  • On the Methodology of Faunal Analysis / Donald K. Grayson
  • The Distribution and Development of Fremont Maize Agriculture: Some Preliminary Interpretations / Joseph Winter
  • Aspero, Peru: A Reexamination of the Site and Its Implications / M. Edward Moseley, Gordon R. Willey
  • Sectioning of Charcoals and Dry Ancient Woods / Frank H. Smith, Brian L. Gannon.
  • no.2-1 v.39 (1974) Boundary Conditions for Paleolithic Social Systems: A Simulation Approach / H. Martin Wobst
  • A Reappraisal of the Roles of Technology and Organization in the Origin of Civilization / Robert L. Carneiro
  • The Origins of Specialized Nomadic Pastoralism: A Systemic Model / Susan H. Lees, Daniel G. Bates
  • The Social History of Evolution in Britain / Mark A. Gordon
  • Testing Contemporaneity and Averaging Radiocarbon Dates / Austin Long, Bruce Rippeteau
  • Some Comments on Typologies in Archaeology and an Outline of a Methodology / Dwight W. Read
  • Construction of a Deductive Model by Simulation of a Traditional Archaeological Study / M. Borillo
  • Some Uses of R-Mode Analysis in Archaeology / D. E. Dumond
  • Middle Mississippi Exploitation of Animal Populations: A Predictive Model / Bruce D. Smith
  • Pollen Records of Guila Naquitz Cave / James Schoenwetter
  • Paleoecology and Diet at Clydes Cavern / Joseph C. Winter, Henry G. Wylie
  • Nearest Neighbor Analysis of Pueblo I-III Settlement Patterns along the Rio Puerco of the East, New Mexico / Dorothy Koster Washburn
  • Ceramic Longevity and Archaeological Interpretation: An Example from the Upper Ucayali, Peru / Warren R. Deboer
  • A Functional Estimator of Population from Floor Area / Polly Wiessner
  • Dendrochronologic Calibration of the Radiocarbon Time Scale / P. E. Damon, C. W. Ferguson, A. Long, E. I. Wallick
  • Coccidioidomycosis among Archaeology Students: Recommendations for Prevention / S. Benson Werner.
  • no.3 v.39 (1974) Prehistoric Diet in Southwest Texas: The Coprolite Evidence / Vaughn M. Bryant, Jr.
  • Freshwater Mussels as a Prehistoric Food Resource / Paul W. Parmalee, Walter E. Klippel
  • The Cuyamel Caves: Preclassic Sites in Northeast Honduras / Paul F. Healy
  • Computer Use at an Archaeological Field Location / Sylvia W. Gaines
  • Improve Field Research Administration? How? / Robert D. Cunningham
  • The Jaguar in North America / Pierre M. Daggett, Dale R. Henning
  • A Preservative Compound for Archaeological Materials / Margaret Kimball Brown
  • Comparison of Source and Artifact Characterization Data Using a Generalized Distance Measure / Graeme K. Ward
  • Combined Thermal and X-Ray Diffraction Technique for Identification of Ceramicware Temper and Paste Minerals / Wayne C. Isphording
  • The Relationship of “Volcanic Ash,” sak lu'um, and Palygorskite in Northern Yucatan Maya Ceramics / Wayne C. Isphording, Eugene M. Wilson.
  • no.4-1 v.39 (1974) Evidence for the Origins of the Pueblo Katchina Cult as Suggested by Southwestern Rock Art / Polly Schaafsma, Curtis F. Schaafsma
  • Variation in Protohistoric Maya Settlement Pattern / Donald E. McVicker
  • On the Remains of Fish Scales from Archaeological Sites / Richard W. Casteel
  • Explanatory Models for the Evolution of Coastal Adaptation in Prehistoric Eastern New England / David P. Braun
  • The Thorny Oyster and the Voice of God: Spondylus and Strombus in Andean Prehistory / Allison C. Paulsen
  • On the “Making” of an Assemblage of Stone Tools / Albert J. Ammerman, Marcus W. Feldman
  • Two Ethnographic Functions of Bird-Form Pottery from Oaxaca, Mexico / Dudley M. Varner
  • A Simpler Simplified Procedure for Photographing Obsidian / Irwin Rovner.
  • no.1 v.41 (1976) Some Aspects of Eastern North American Prehistory: a Review 1975 / Don W. Dragoo
  • Fossil Bison and Artifacts From an Early Altithermal Period Arroyo Trap in Wyoming / George C. Frison, Michael Wilson, Diane J. Wilson
  • Inference in Archaeology / Richard A. Watson
  • Matthew Williams Stirling, 1896-1975 / Michael D. Coe
  • The Anomalous Ixil-Bypassed by the Postclassic? / Benjamin N. Colby
  • A Linguistic Look at the Olmecs / Lyle Campbell, Terrence Kaufman
  • Archaeological Data Banks in Theory and Practice / Sandra Scholtz, Robert G. Chenhall
  • Get Them Young? Age and Sex Inferences on Animal Domestication in Archaeology / Stephen Collier, J. Peter White
  • The Dogs of Awatovi / Stanley J. Olsen
  • Xeroradiography: A New Archaeological Tool / S. Heinemann.
  • no.2 v.41 (1976) Downslope Movement and Archaeological Intrasite Spatial Analysis / John W. Rick
  • Mushrooms, Drugs, and Potters: A New Approach to the Function of Precolumbian Mesoamerican Mushroom Stones / Ulrich Kôhler
  • Topoxte and Tayasal: Ethnohistory in Archaeology / Arlen F. Chase
  • A Trend-Surface Analysis of Central Plains Radiocarbon Dates / Donna C. Roper
  • Thermally Altered Siliceous Stone from Prehistoric Contexts: Intentional versus Unintentional Alteration / Michael L. Gregg, Richard J. Grybush
  • New Information on the European Discovery of Yucatan and the Correlation of the Maya and Christian Calendars / Michael P. Closs.
  • no.3 v.41 (1976) More on Contingency Table Analysis, Decision Making Criteria, and the Use of Log Linear Models / G. A. Clark
  • Pre-Altithermal Archaeology in the Sierra Pinacate, Sonora, Mexico / Julian D. Hayden
  • A Refinement of Chronological Seriation Using Nonmetric Multidimensional Scaling /Robert D. Drennan
  • Additional Evidence for Cannibalism in the Southwest: The Case of LA 4528 /Lynn Flinn, Christy G. Turner II, Alan Brew
  • Early Boundary Maintenance in Northwest Yucatan, Mexico / Edward B. Kurjack, E. Wyllys Andrews V
  • The Sims Site: Implication for Paleoindian Occupation / Lou C. Adair
  • Chronology of the Farmington Complex / Eric W. Ritter, Brian W. Hatoff, Louis A. Payen
  • Stratigraphic Excavations in the Eastern Lowlands of Costa Rica / Michael J. Snarskis
  • Formative Period Occupations in the Highlands of Northern Ecuador / Thomas P. Myers
  • Ghosts, Water Barriers, Corn, and Sacred Enclosures in the Eastern Woodlands /Robert L. Hall
  • Quarter Sections and Forests: An Example of Probability Sampling in the Northeastern Woodlands / William A. Lovis, Jr.
  • Lateral Displacement of Artifacts Due to Plowing / Donna C. Roper.
  • no.4 v.41 (1976) The Processes of Farming Diffusion in the Southwest and Great Basin / Joseph C. Winter
  • Prehispanic Architecture and Sculpture in Central Yucatan / David F. Potter
  • Classic Maya Obsidian Trade / Raymond V. Sidrys
  • Demographic Correlations of the Wari Conquest of Junin / David L. Browman
  • New Clues to Stone Tool Function: Plant and Animal Residues / Frederick L. Briuer
  • Reconstructing Ceramic Assemblages: An Experiment to Derive the Morphology and Capacity of Parent Vessels from Sherds / Jonathon E. Ericson, Suzanne P. De Atley
  • Comparison of Iron Meteoritic Material From Ohio and Illinois Hopewellian Burial Mounds / Jerome Kimberlin, John T. Wasson
  • An Efficient, Inexpensive Arid Lands Flotation System / Paul Minnis, Steven LeBlanc
  • Application of Orthophoto Mapping to Archaeological Problems / Elton R. Prewitt, Robert K. Holz
  • Thermoluminescent Dating and the Monsters of Acambaro / Gary W. Carriveau, Mark C. Han
  • A New Approach to the Significance of the “Weighted” Spear Thrower / John L. Palter
  • On the Orientation of Precolumbian Buildings in Central Mexico / Anthony F. Aveni, Sharon L. Gibbs
  • Prismatic Blade Replication / J. B. Sollberger, L. W. Patterson
  • Q = A · V: Prehistoric Water Canals in Southern Arizona / C. D. Busch, L. Mark Raab, R. C. Busch
  • A Preliminary Analysis of Antemortem Tooth Loss Among the Fremont / Edward E. Graham, John Burkart.
  • no.4 v.42 (1977) An Anthropocentric Perspective for Eastern United States Prehistory / Robert L. Hall
  • Geoarchaeology: The Geomorphologist and Archaeology / Bruce G. Gladfelter
  • Spatial Analysis: Multiple Procedures in Pattern Recognition Studies / Harold J. Hietala, Dominique E. Stevens
  • Two Middle Preclassic Engraved Monuments at Tzutzuculi on the Chiapas Coast of Mexico / Andrew J. McDonald
  • An Archaeological Survey on the Xoxocotlan Piedmont, Oaxaca, Mexico / Roger D. Mason y otros
  • An Ancient Clay Mine at Yo’ K'at, Yucatan / Dean E. Arnold, Bruce F. Bohor
  • A Prehispanic Irrigation System near Santa Clara Xalostoc in the Basin of Mexico / William T. Sanders, Robert S. Santley
  • Identification of a Sinagua Agricultural Field by Aerial Thermography, Soil Chemistry, Pollen/Plant Analysis, and Archaeology / G. Lennis Berlin y otros
  • Deerskins and Hunting Territories: Competition for a Scarce Resource of the Northeastern Woodlands / Richard Michael Gramly
  • An Experimental Study of the Morphological Characteristics of Tool Marks / Phillip L. Walker, Jeffrey C. Long
  • An Obsidian Hydration Rate for the Lower Columbia River Valley / Rick Minor
  • Textile and Basketry Impressions from Icehouse Bottom, Tennessee / B. J. Chapman, J. M. Adovasio.
  • no.1 v.43 (1978) Bahamas Prehistory / William H. Sears, Shaun O. Sullivan
  • History and Archaeology of the Northern Fur Trade / Arthur J. Ray
  • Interregional Trade and the Formation of Prehistoric Gateway Communities / Kenneth G. Hirth
  • Transect Interval Sampling in Forests / Joseph L. Chartkoff
  • Minimum Numbers and Sample Size in Vertebrate Faunal Analysis / Donald K. Grayson
  • The Utilization of Pomacea Snails at Tikal, Guatemala / Hattula Moholy-Nagy
  • Tecali Vessel Manufacturing Debris at Tollan, Mexico / Richard A. Diehl, Edward G. Stroh, Jr.
  • Coba, Quintana Roo, Mexico: An Analysis of a Prehispanic and Contemporary Source of Sascab / William J. Folan
  • Consistency in Archaeological Measurement and Classification: A Pilot Study / Paul R. Fish
  • 2 Analytical Methods and Prehistoric Textiles / Mary Elizabeth King.
  • no.2 v.43 (1978) Taking the Pulse of Method and Theory in American Archaeology / Michael B. Schiffer
  • The Status of Archaeological Research Design in Cultural Resource Management / Albert C. Goodyear, L. Mark Raab, Timothy C. Klinger
  • What Can Systems Theory Do for Archaeology? / Merrilee H. Salmon
  • Archaeology beyond Anthropology / George J. Gumerman, David A. Phillips, Jr.
  • Style and Function: A Fundamental Dichotomy / Robert C. Dunnell
  • Trajectory Discontinuity and Morphogenesis: The Implications of Catastrophe Theory for Archaeology / Colin Renfrew
  • Pattern Recognition in Historical Archaeology / Stanley South
  • The Awful Truth about Statistics in Archaeology / David Hurst Thomas
  • Individuals and Their Artifacts: An Experimental Study in Archaeology / James N. Hill
  • Optimal Location in Settlement Space: A Model for Describing Location Strategies / John J. Wood
  • A Conceptual Framework for the Study of Artifact Loss / Jacqueline R. Fehon, Sandra C. Scholtz
  • Pathways Revisited: A Quantitative Model of Discard / John A. Hildebrand
  • Sampling in Archaeological Surveys: A Critique / Stephen Plog
  • The Size Effect: An Explanation of Variability in Surface Artifact Assemblage Content / Charles M. Baker
  • The Archaeo-Ethnology of Hunter-Gatherers or the Tyranny of the Ethnographic Record in Archaeology / H. Martin Wobst.
  • no.3 v.43 (1978) Dimensional Analysis of Behavior and Site Structure: Learning from an Eskimo Hunting Stand / Lewis R. Binford
  • Valdivia, Jomon Fishermen, and the Nature of the North Pacific: Some Nautical Problems with Meggers, Evans, and Estrada's (1965) Transoceanic Contact Thesis / Gordon F. McEwan, D. Bruce Dickson
  • Was Huari a State? / William H. Isbell, Katharina J. Schreiber
  • Ceramic Patterning and Social Structure at Two Late Historic Upper Creek Sites in Alabama / Roy S. Dickens, Jr., James H. Chapman
  • Plant Husbandry in Prehistoric Eastern North America: New Evidence for Its Development / Stephen A. Chomko, Gary W. Crawford
  • Changing Holocene Environments at the Koster Site: A Geo-Archaeological Perspective / Karl W. Butzer
  • Chert Sources and Trace-Element Analysis / Barbara E. Luedtke
  • Obsidian Sources in Guatemala: A Regional Approach / Luis Hurtado de Mendoza, William A. Jester
  • High-Precision Chemical Characterization of Major Obsidian Sources in Guatemala / F. Asaro, H. V. Michel, R. Sidrys, F. Stross
  • Cairn Burials of the California Deserts / Philip J. Wilke
  • Comments on the Pleistocene Age Assignment and Associations of a Human Burial from the Yuha Desert, California / Louis A. Payen y otros
  • So-Called Jaguar-Human Copulation Scenes in Olmec Art / Whitney Davis – An Eighteenth Century Reference to a Fluted Point from Guatemala / Warwick Bray – Arrowheads and Atlatl Darts: How the Stones Got the Shaft / David Hurst Thomas – Reevaluation of the Lindenmeier Folsom: A Replication Experiment in Lithic Technology / J. Jeffrey Flenniken
  • Controlling Pressure in Experimental Lithics Research / Neal W. Ackerly
  • A New Technique for the Measurement of Artifact Angles / Robert J. Burgess, Kenneth L. Kvamme
  • Two Techniques for Better Theodolite and Transit Setups / Jonathan E. Reyman.
  • no.4 v.43 (1978) Fundamental Changes in the Interpretations of the Mixtec Codices / Nancy P. Troike – Economy of a Prehistoric Urban Context: Commodity and Labor Flow at Moche V Pampa Grande, Peru / Izumi Shimada – Floods and Archaeology / William A. Turnbaugh – Archaeological Use and Abuse of Ecological Concepts and Studies: The Ecotone Example / Robert E. Rhoades – Meadowcroft Rockshelter, 1977: An Overview / J. M. Adovasio, J. D. Gunn, J. Donahue, R. Stuckenrath – The Formative Site of Las Haldas, Peru: Architecture, Chronology, and Economy / Tsugio Matsuzawa, Izumi Shimada – The Provenience and Contents of the Porfirio Diaz and Fernandez Leal Codices: Some New Data and Analysis / Eva Hunt – The Initial Series on Stela 5 at Pixoy / Michael P. Closs – Dental Caries and Early Ecuadorian Agriculture / Christy G. Turner II – The Fishweirs at Atherley Narrows, Ontario / Richard B. Johnston, Kenneth A. Cassavoy – Butchering and Stone Tool Function / Phillip L. Walker – A Test of Paleodemographic Models / Roberta L. Hall – Room 44, Wupatki: Rejecting False Profits / Jonathan E. Reyman – Replicated Collection of Site Surfaces / A. J. Ammerman, M. W. Feldman.
  • no.1 v.44 (1979) The Decline and Rise of Mesopotamian Civilization: An Ethnoarchaeological Perspective on the Evolution of Social Complexity / Norman Yoffee – Culture Areas and Interaction Spheres: Contrasting Approaches to the Emergence of Civilization in the Maya Lowlands / David A. Freidel – Routes: Alternate Migration Corridors for Early Man in North America / K. R. Fladmark – An Economic Evaluation of the Potential of Fish Utilization in Riverine Environments / W. Frederick Limp, Van A. Reidhead – The Analysis and Distribution of Volcanic Ash-Tempered Pottery in the Lowland Maya Area / Michael P. Simmons, Gerald F. Brem – The Earliest Lowland Maya? Definition of the Swasey Phase / Norman Hammond y otros – The Aztec Marketing System and Settlement Pattern in the Valley of Mexico: A Central Place Analysis / Michael E. Smith – Turrialba: A Paleo-Indian Quarry and Workshop Site in Eastern Costa Rica / Michael J. Snarskis – Early Watertable Farming on the North Coast of Peru / Michael West – Largo-Gallina Towers: An Explanation / James Mackey, R. C. Green – Measuring the Selective Utilization of Animal Species by Prehistoric Human Populations / Bruce D. Smith.
  • no.2 v.44 (1979) Historic Site Content, Structure, and Function / Stanley South
  • Comments on the Theory of Holocene Refugia in the Culture History of Amazonia / Richard G. Whitten
  • Climatic Oscillation as a Factor in the Prehistory of Amazonia / Betty J. Meggers
  • Geoarchaeology: The Geologist and Archaeology / Fekri A. Hassan
  • Field Systems and Frost Drainage in the Prehistoric Agriculture of the Upper Great Lakes / Thomas J. Riley, Glen Freimuth
  • Thermoluminescence Determinations on Early Ceramic Materials from Coastal Southern California / Christopher E. Drover y otros
  • Osteological Identification of Sandhill Crane versus Turkey / L. L. Hargrave, S. D. Emslie
  • A Maya Dam in the Copan Valley, Honduras / B. L. Turner II, William C. Johnson
  • Paleodemography of the Valdivia III Phase at Real Alto, Ecuador / Linda L. Klepinger
  • 9,700 Years of Maritime Subsistence on the Pacific: An Analysis by Means of Bioindicators in the North of Chile / Agustín Llagostera Martinez
  • The Aggressive Field Lab / Jacqueline Nichols, June Evans.
  • no.3 v.44 (1979) Escaping the Confines of Normative Thought: A Reevaluation of Puebloan Prehistory / Linda S. Cordell, Fred Plog
  • The Nearest-Neighbor Statistic: Archaeological Application and New Developments / David Pinder, Izumi Shimada, David Gregory
  • Economic and Social Stress and Material Culture Patterning / Ian Hodder
  • Multivariate Statistical Analysis of a Regional Subsistence-Settlement Model for Owens Valley / Robert L. Bettinger
  • An Inquiry into the Development of Complex Society at Chalcatzingo, Morelos, Mexico: Methods and Results / Mark E. Harlan
  • The Economics of Pottery at Tikal, Guatemala: Models of Exchange for Serving Vessels / Robert E. Fry
  • Electron Microprobe Analysis of Weathered Florida Chert / David E. Clark, Barbara A. Purdy
  • Aspartic Acid Racemization and Radiocarbon Dating of an Early Milling Stone Horizon Burial in California / Darcy Ike y otros
  • The Archaeology of Vacant Lots in Tucson, Arizona / Richard Wilk, Michael B. Schiffer
  • Available Meat from Faunal Remains: A Consideration of Techniques / R. Lee Lyman
  • A Quantitative Analysis of Superimpositions in the Rock Art of the Coso Range, California / Klaus F. Wellmann, M.D.
  • A Chronology of Upper Willamette Valley, Oregon, Prehistory / John R. White
  • Snail Shells and Maize Preparation: A Lacandon Maya Analogy / James D. Nations.
  • no.4 v.44 (1979) Paradigms and the Nature of Change in American Archaeology / David J. Meltzer
  • Mortuary Behavior and Social Organization at Indian Knoll and Dickson Mounds / Nan. A. Rothschild
  • Evidence for Interregional Relationships during the Middle Horizon on the North-Central Coast of Peru / Ruth Shady, Arturo Ruiz
  • Calumet Ceremonialism as a Nativistic Response / William A. Turnbaugh
  • New Views on the Fremont: The Fremont and the Sevier: Defining Prehistoric Agriculturalists North of the Anasazi / David B. Madsen
  • Butchery and Natural Disarticulation: An Investigatory Technique / Andrew Hill
  • The Identification of Sources of Chert Artifacts / Barbara E. Luedtke
  • Ceramic Depictions of Maize: A Basis for Classification of Prehistoric Races / Mary Eubanks Dunn
  • A Lowland Maya Calendar Round-Long Count Conversion Computer Program / C. M. Krowne, R. V. Sidrys, S. K. Cooperman
  • A New Mayan Long Count-Gregorian Conversion Computer Program / David C. Doty
  • The Reduction of Maya Long Count Dates and Calendar Round Position to Their Gregorian Equivalents / Leo P. Biese, Emilio Iannuccillo
  • The Archaeology Film Festival: Making New Friends for Archaeology in the Screening Hall / Marilyn P. Beaudry, Ernestine S. Elster.
  • no.1 v.45 (1980) Willow Smoke and Dogs’ Tails: Hunter-Gatherer Settlement Systems and Archaeological Site Formation / Lewis R. Binford
  • Copena Galena: Source Identification and Analysis / John A. Walthall, Stephen H. Stow, Marvin J. Karson
  • Lowland to Highland Mexicanization Processes in Southern Mesoamerica / John W. Fox
  • A Permutation Technique for the Spatial Analysis of the Distribution of Artifacts into Classes / Kenneth J. Berry, Kenneth L. Kvamme, Paul W. Mielke, Jr.
  • X-Ray Diffractometer Investigations of Bones from Domestic and Wild Animals / Morten Østergård
  • Recent Data Bearing on the Question of the Origins of the Bow and Arrow in the Great Basin / Gary S. Webster
  • A Closer Look at Clusters / John R. White
  • Lowland Maya Subsistence: Notes from Ethnohistory and Ethnography / Ruben E. Reina, Robert M. Hill II
  • The Sun, Moon and Venus at Uxmal / Weldon Lamb
  • Maya Blue—A New Perspective / Edwin R. Littmann
  • The Early Horizon Site of Huaca de los Reyes: Societal Implications / Thomas Pozorski
  • Separation of Bone, Charcoal, and Seeds by Chemical Flotation / Connie Cox Bodner, Ralph M. Rowlett.
  • no.2 v.45 (1980) A Measure of Settlement Pattern Change and Stability / Michael C. Robbins, Richard A. Diehl
  • Discovering Architectural Patterning at a Complex Site / Charles L. Redman, Ronald D. Anzalone
  • Revolutionary Developments in Carbon-14 Dating / L. A. Pavlish, E. B. Banning
  • Evidence of Early Man Exposed at Yuha Pinto Wash / W. Morlin Childers, Herbert L. Minshall
  • Behavior and Status in a Middle Woodland Mortuary Population from the Illinois Valley / Joseph A. Tainter
  • A Brief Report on Paleoindian-Archaic Occupation in the Quiche Basin, Guatemala / Kenneth L. Brown
  • Gallinazo Maize from the Chicama Valley, Peru / Robert McK. Bird, Junius B. Bird.
  • no.3 v.45 (1980) Toward a More Behavioral Approach to Archaeological Lithic Concentrations / George Hamley Odell
  • The Northeast Petén Revisited / Don S. Rice, Prudence M. Rice
  • The Implications of Nahua (Aztecan) Lexical Diversity for Mesoamerican Culture-History / Alvin H. Luckenbach, Richard S. Levy
  • Future Trends in Computer Applications / Sylvia W. Gaines, Warren M. Gaines – Spiral Fractures and Bone Pseudotools at Paleontological Sites / Thomas P. Myers, Michael R. Voorhies, R. George Corner
  • Discard Location: The Ethnographic Data / Priscilla Murray
  • An Objective Test of the Effects of Heat Treatment of Flakeable Stone / Peter Bleed, Marlene Meier
  • Archaeomagnetic Dating in the American Southwest / Jeffrey L. Eighmy, Robert S. Sternberg, Robert F. Butler
  • Demographic Structure of Pecos Indians: A Model Based on Life Tables / Charles M. Mobley
  • Trends in North American Rock Art Research: A Quantitative Evaluation of the Literature / Klaus F. Wellmann
  • Trace Element Analysis of Obsidian Artifacts from Three Shell Midden Sites in the Littoral Zone, Chiapas, Mexico / Fred W. Nelson, Barbara Voorhies.
  • no.4 v.45 (1980) Archaeology and the Image of the American Indian / Bruce G. Trigger
  • Central Places and Cities: A Consideration of the Protohistoric Tarascan State / Helen Perlstein Pollard
  • Ancient Agriculture and Population at Tikal, Guatemala: An Application of Linear Programming to the Simulation of an Archaeological Problem / D. Bruce Dickson
  • A Statistical Examination of Settlement Patterns at Tikal, Guatemala / Jeanne E. Arnold, Anabel Ford
  • The Shape of Time: Some Political Implications of a Four-Part Figure / Clemency Coggins
  • Crocodilians and Olmecs: Further Interpretations in Formative Period Iconography / Terry Stocker, Sarah Meltzoff, Steve Armsey
  • Conservation in Archaeology: Moving toward Closer Cooperation / Bruce J. Bourque y otros
  • The Dating of Casas Grandes / Steven A. LeBlanc
  • Cucurbits from Phillips Spring: New Evidence and Interpretations / Marvin Kay, Francis B. King, Christine K. Robinson
  • Raw Materials Source Areas and “Curated” Tool Assemblages / Richard Michael Gramly
  • Spatial Bounding and Settlement History at Three Walled Northern Maya Centers / David Webster
  • Plumbate Origins Revisited / Karen Olsen Bruhns
  • Archival Reports of Poor Crop Yields in the Early Postconquest Texcocan Heartland and Their Implications for Studies of Aztec Period Population / Jerome A. Offner
  • A Comparative Study of Basic Edge Angle Measurement Techniques / Harold L. Dibble, Mary C. Bernard.
  • no.1 v.46 (1981) Cultural Materialism, Split Inheritance, and the Expansion of Ancient Peruvian Empires / Geoffrey W. Conrad
  • The Archaeology of the Absurd: Comments on Cultural Materialism, Split Inheritance, and the Expansion of Ancient Peruvian Empires / Allison C. Paulsen
  • On the Inapplicability of “Oriental Despotism” and the “Asiatic Mode of Production” to the Aztecs of Texcoco / Jerome A. Offner
  • On Carrasco's Use of Theoretical “First Principles” / Jerome A. Offner
  • Cultural-Ecological Aspects of the Pithouse-to-Pueblo Transition in a Portion of the Southwest / Michael E. Whalen
  • Trend Surface Analysis and the Lowland Classic Maya Collapse / Frederick J. Bove
  • Effects of Ecological and Paleoecological Patterns on Subsistence and Paleoenvironmental Reconstructions / Frances B. King, Russell W. Graham
  • Seeds in Archaeological Sites: Sources and Some Interpretive Problems / Paul E. Minnis
  • Seasonality of Mollusk Collecting Determined from O-18 Profiles of Midden Shells / John S. Killingley
  • Estimating a Hydration Rate for Chimaltenango Obsidian / Luis Hurtado de Mendoza
  • Symbolic “One-Leggedness”: Pacal as Tezcatlipoca / P. M. Fitzer
  • Ancient Human Remains from Central Peru / Diane E. Beynon, Michael I. Siegel
  • A New Method for Describing and Analyzing Artifact Shape / Harold L. Dibble, Philip G. Chase.
  • no.2 v.46 (1981) Radiocarbon Dating in Eastern Arctic Archaeology: A Flexible Approach / Wendy Hanford Arundale
  • Factor Analysis, Random Data, and Patterned Results / Robert K. Vierra, David L. Carlson
  • Linear Nearest Neighbor Analysis / Barbara L. Stark, Dennis L. Young
  • Spatial Patterns and Regional Growth among Classic Maya Cities / R. E. W. Adams, Richard C. Jones
  • The Archaeology and Ethnohistory of Utatlan: A Conjunctive Approach / Robert M. Carmack, John M. Weeks
  • Further Light on Carbon Isotopes and Hopewell Agriculture / Margaret M. Bender, David A. Baerreis, Raymond L. Steventon
  • A New Paleo-Indian Site in the State of Maine / Richard Michael Gramly, Kerry Rutledge
  • An Osteological Test of Changes in Subsistence and Settlement Patterns at Casas Grandes, Chihuahua, Mexico / David S. Weaver
  • Buffer Zones in the Cultural Ecology of Aboriginal Amazonia: An Ethnohistorical Approach / Warren R. DeBoer.
  • no.3 v.46 (1981) Rise and Fall of Axum, Ethiopia: A Geo-Archaeological Interpretation / Karl W. Butzer
  • A Column-Wise Approach to Seriation / Michael Ester
  • Ritual Continuity and Transformation in Mesoamerica: Reconstructing the Ancient Maya Cuch Ritual / Mary Pohl
  • The Location of Tayasal: A Reconsideration in Light of Peten Maya Ethnohistory and Archaeology / Grant D. Jones, Don S. Rice, Prudence M. Rice
  • Alluvial Geology and Archaeological Potential of the Texas Southern High Plains / Thomas Stafford, Jr.
  • Soil pH, Bone Preservation, and Sampling Bias at Mortuary Sites / Claire C. Gordon, Jane E. Buikstra
  • Nearest Neighbors, Boundary Effect, and the Old Flag Trick: A General Solution / Charles H. Mcnu*tt
  • The Radiocarbon Evidence for the Temporal Priority of Chavin de Huantar / Richard L. Burger
  • The Incorporation of Small Contract Projects into a Regional Sampling Design / Shirley Powell, Glen E. Rice
  • Preservation of Archaeological Sites through Acquisition / Mark R. Barnes
  • Holocene Mangrove Formations on the Santa Elena Peninsula, Ecuador: Pluvial Indicators or Ecological Response to Physiographic Changes / Edwin N. Ferdon, Jr.
  • Downtown Survey: The Discovery of Sixteenth-Century St. Augustine in an Urban Area / Kathleen Deagan
  • Child's Play: A Distorting Factor in Archaeological Distribution / Gawain Hammond, Norman Hammond.
  • no.4 v.46 (1981) Plant Preservation and the Content of Paleobotanical Samples: A Case Study / David J. Hally
  • A Biocultural Analysis of Social Organization at Monte Albán / Richard G. Wilkinson, Richard J. Norelli
  • The Origin and Spread of the Calumet Ceremony / Donald J. Blakeslee
  • Obsidian Production and the State in Teotihuacan / Michael W. Spence
  • The Evolution of Social Ranking on the Northwest Coast of North America / Kenneth M. Ames
  • The Maritime Foundations of Andean Civilization: A Reconsideration of the Evidence / J. Scott Raymond
  • Explaining Socially Determined Ceramic Distributions in the Prehistoric Plateau Southwest / Steadman Upham, Kent G. Lightfoot, Gary M. Feinman
  • Costume Analysis and the Provenience of the Borgia Group Codices / Patricia Anawalt
  • Prehistoric Agricultural Ecosystems: Avifauna from Pottery Mound, New Mexico / Steven D. Emslie
  • Congenital Deformities and the Olmec Were-Jaguar Motif / Carson N. Murdy
  • The Production Step Measure: An Ordinal Index of Labor Input in Ceramic Manufacture / Gary M. Feinman, Steadman Upham, Kent G. Lightfoot
  • The Use of Chipped Lithic Material in the Contemporary Maya Highlands / Brian Hayden, Margaret Nelson.
  • no.1 v.47 (1982) New Perspectives on Moche Metallurgy: Techniques of Gilding Copper at Loma Negra, Northern Peru / Heather Lechtman, Antonieta Erlij, Edward J. Barry, Jr.
  • Heuristic Approaches to Spatial Analysis in Archaeology / Keith W. Kintigh, Albert J. Ammerman
  • Social Differentiation and Leadership Development in Early Pithouse Villages in the Mogollon Region of the American Southwest / Kent G. Lightfoot, Gary M. Feinman
  • An Interpretation of the Pictographs at La Peña Pintada, Jalisco, Mexico / Joseph B. Mountjoy
  • Testing Flotation Recovery Rates / Gail E. Wagner
  • A Middle Formative Irrigation System near Santa Clara Coatitlan in the Basin of Mexico / Deborah L. Nichols – Prehistoric Flood Management on the Peruvian Coast: Reinterpreting the “Sunken Fields” of Chilca / Gregory Knapp
  • Osteological Identification of Long-Eared and Short-Eared Owls / Steven D. Emslie.
  • no.2 v.47 (1982) Toward a More Comprehensive Model of Interregional Commodity Distribution: Political Variables and Prehistoric Obsidian Procurement in Mesoamerica / Robert N. Zeitlin
  • Conjoinable Pieces and Site Formation Processes / Paola Villa
  • The Effects of Variable Site Occupation Span on the Results of Frequency Seriation / Philip L. F. de Barros
  • Alta Vista (Chalchihuites), Astronomical Implications of a Mesoamerican Ceremonial Outpost at the Tropic of Cancer / Anthony F. Aveni, Horst Hartung, J. Charles Kelley
  • Periodic Markets in Precolumbian Mexico / Ross Hassig
  • Manufacture of Mesoamerican Prismatic Blades: An Alternative Technique / John E. Clark
  • Easem*nts and Artifacts: An Archaeological Investigation of the Internal Revenue Code / Glenn F. Tiedt
  • The Chronological Position of the Dalton Horizon in the Southeastern United States / Albert C. Goodyear
  • A Late Formative Period Stela in the Maya Lowlands / Norman Hammond
  • Maya Blue-Further Perspectives and the Possible Use of Indigo as the Colorant / Edwin R. Littmann.
  • no.3 v.47 (1982) The Numic Spread: Great Basin Cultures in Competition / Robert L. Bettinger, Martin A. Baumhoff
  • Evolution of “Tribal” Social Networks: Theory and Prehistoric North American Evidence / David P. Braun, Stephen Plog
  • Aboriginal Thermal Alteration of a Central Pennsylvania Jasper: Analytical and Behavioral Implications / Debra L. Schindler y otros
  • The Dating and Cultural Associations of the “Potbellied” Sculptural Style: New Evidence from Western El Salvador / Arthur Demarest, Roy Switsur, Rainer Berger
  • Hydraulic Engineering Aspects of the Chimu Chicama-Moche Intervalley Canal / Charles R. Ortloff, Michael E. Moseley, Robert A. Feldman
  • Yucatec Influence in Terminal Classic Northern Belize / Diane Z. Chase, Arlen F. Chase
  • Functional Variation of Maya Spiked Vessels: A Practical Guide / Michael Deal.
  • no.4 v.47 (1982) Cultural Materialism: A Theoretical Review / Barbara J. Price
  • Some Opinions about Recovering Mind / Mark P. Leone
  • The Inland Shore Fishery of the Northern Great Lakes: Its Development and Importance in Prehistory / Charles E. Cleland
  • Hafting and Retooling: Effects on the Archaeological Record / Lawrence H. Keeley
  • The Origins and Evolution of Usulutan Ceramics / Arthur A. Demarest, Robert J. Sharer
  • On Small Mammal Remains in Archaeological Context / Peter W. Stahl.
  • no.1 v.48 (1983) Divided We Stand: Aspects of Archaeology and Information / A. Colin Renfrew
  • Reconstructing Early Formative Village Organization in Oaxaca, Mexico / Michael E. Whalen
  • The Architectural Analogue to Hopi Social Organization and Room Use, and Implications for Prehistoric Northern Southwestern Culture / E. Charles Adams
  • Oriented Raised Fields in Central Veracruz/ Alfred H. Siemens
  • Frequencies of Spiral and Green-Bone Fractures on Ungulate Limb Bones in Modern Surface Assemblages / Gary Haynes
  • A Truncated Initial Series from Xcalumkin / Michael P. Closs
  • Review of the Early Preceramic Complexes of the Santa Elena Peninsula, Ecuador / Karen E. Stothert.
  • no.2 v.48 (1983) Fifteen Years on the Rock: Archaeological Research, Administration, and Compliance on Black Mesa, Arizona / Shirley Powell y otros
  • Style and Social Information in Kalahari San Projectile Points / Polly Wiessner
  • Earthworm Activity: A Source of Potential Disturbance of Archaeological Sediments / Julie K. Stein
  • Growth and Aggregation at Canyon Creek Ruin: Implications for Evolutionary Change in East-Central Arizona / Michael W. Graves
  • Chemical Weathering of Bone in Archaeological Soils / E. M. White, L. A. Hannus
  • Precise Characterization of Guatemalan Obsidian Sources, and Source Determination of Artifacts from Quiriguá / Fred H. Stross y otros
  • Directional Glyphs in Maya Inscriptions and Codices / Victoria R. Bricker
  • A Recently Discovered Amber Source near Totolapa, Chiapas, Mexico / Douglas Donne Bryant.
  • no.3 v.48 (1983) Lowland Maya Archaeology at the Crossroads / Joyce Marcus
  • Stable Populations and Skeletal Age / Lisa Sattenspiel, Henry Harpending
  • Microwear, Microdrills, and Mississippian Craft Specialization / Richard W. Yerkes
  • Ancient Maya Chert Workshops in Northern Belize, Central America / Harry J. Shafer, Thomas R. Hester
  • Obsidian Hydration Dating Update
  • Improvements in the Permutation Test for the Spatial Analysis of the Distribution of Artifacts into Classes / Kenneth J. Berry, Kenneth L. Kvamme, Paul W. Mielke, Jr.
  • Flake Dispersal Experiments: Noncultural Transformation of the Archaeological Record / Peter M. Bowers, Robson Bonnichsen, David M. Hoch
  • The Mesoamerican Pecked Cross as a Calendrical Device / Morgan Worthy, Roy S. Dickens, Jr.
  • Cucurbits in Andean Prehistory / Thomas W. Whitaker
  • The Seating of the tun: Further Evidence concerning a Late Preclassic Lowland Maya Stela Cult / John S. Justeson, Peter Mathews.
  • no.4 v.48 (1983) Toward the Identification of Formation Processes / Michael B. Schiffer
  • Epistemology of the Significance Concept / Joseph A. Tainter, G. John Lucas
  • A Preclassic Maya Water System / Vernon L. Scarborough
  • A Rock Feature Complex from Northwestern California / Joseph L. Chartkoff
  • The Quantification of Artifactual Assemblages: Some Implications for Behavioral Inferences / Aubrey Cannon
  • Thermoluminescent Determination of Paleoindian Heat Treatment in Ontario, Canada / L. A. Pavlish, P. J. Sheppard
  • Patterns of Jade Consumption and Disposal at Cerros, Northern Belize / James F. Garber.
  • no.1 v.49 (1984) Contact between Native North Americans and the Medieval Norse: A Review of the Evidence / Robert McGhee
  • Long-Distance Movement of Goods in the Mesoamerican Formative and Classic / Robert D. Drennan
  • Measuring Archaeological Diversity by Comparison with Simulated Assemblages / Keith W. Kintigh
  • Fire and Ice: New Evidence for the Production and Preservation of Late Archaic Fiber-Tempered Pottery in the Middle-Latitude Lowlands / Kenneth C. Reid
  • Notes for a Sequence of Rulers of Machaquilá / Federico Fahsen
  • The History and Science of Gastropods in Archaeology / Peter T. Bobrowsky
  • Tikal Obsidian: Sources and Typology / Hattula Moholy-Nagy, Frank Asaro, Fred H. Stross
  • Maize Recovered at La Ponga, an Early Ecuadorian Site / Ronald D. Lippi, Robert McK. Bird, David M. Stemper
  • Terra Preta Soils and Their Archaeological Context in the Caquetá Basin of Southeast Colombia / Michael J. Eden y otros
  • An Evaluation of Postdepositional Changes in the Trace Element Content of Human Bone / Dorothy A. Nelson, Norman J. Sauer
  • Classic Maya Wells at Quiriguá, Guatemala: Household Facilities in a Water-Rich Setting / Wendy Ashmore.
  • no.2 v.49 (1984) The Management of Late Andean Irrigation Systems on the North Coast of Peru / Patricia J. Netherly
  • Middle-Range Theory in Archaeology: A Critical Review of Origins and Applications / L. Mark Raab, Albert C. Goodyear
  • Evidence for Aboriginal Tobaccos in Eastern North America / Thomas W. Haberman
  • The Carter/Kerr-McGee Paleoindian Site: Cultural Resource Management and Archaeological Research / George C. Frison
  • Broken Bones, Bone Expediency Tools, and Bone Pseudotools: Lessons from the Blast Zone around Mount St. Helens, Washington / R. Lee Lyman
  • The Distribution and Contents of Inca State Storehouses in the Xauxa Region of Peru / Terence N. D'Altroy, Christine A. Hastorf
  • A Mississippian Period Ritual Cave in Tennessee / Charles H. Faulkner, Bill Deane, Howard H. Earnest, Jr.
  • A Comparison and Differentiation of Phytoliths from Maize and Wild Grasses: Use of Morphological Criteria / Dolores R. Piperno
  • A Bison Antiquus Kill Site, Wacissa River, Jefferson County, Florida / S. David Webb y otros.
  • no.3 v.49 (1984) The Burden of Tribalism: The Social Context of Southern African Iron Age Studies / Martin Hall
  • Social and Temporal Implications of Variation among American Bottom Mississippian Cemeteries / George R. Milner
  • Mississippian Specialization and Salt / Jon Muller
  • Cultural and Natural Formation Processes of a Historic Inuit Snow Dwelling Site, Somerset Island, Arctic Canada / James M. Savelle
  • Irrationality and Popular Archaeology / Kenneth L. Feder
  • The Zooarchaeology of the Storehouse and the Dry Well at Monticello / Diana C. Crader
  • Identification of Cultigen Amaranth and Chenopod from Rockshelter Sites in Northwest Arkansas / Gayle J. Fritz – Architecture of the Early Valdivia Village / Jonathan E. Damp
  • NTIS Reports on Contract Archaeology: Their Bibliographic Characteristics and Place in an Academic Library Collection / Nancy J. Schmidt
  • The Calculation of Volumes of Middens, Mounds, and Strata Having Irregular Shapes / Peter E. Sorant, J. Richard Shenkel
  • Late Preclassic Mortuary Patterns and Evidence for Human Sacrifice at Chalchuapa, El Salvador / William R. Fowler, Jr.
  • no.4 v.49 (1984) The Contemporaneity Problem / Robert M. Schacht
  • Ceramic Vessels, Site Permanence, and Group Size: A Mississippian Example / Gary Shapiro
  • The 12 Mile Creek Site: A Reinvestigation /Richard A. Rogers, Larry D. Martin
  • A TL/ESR Study of the Hearth Feature at the Calico Archaeological Site, California / James L. Bischoff, Motoji Ikeya, Fred E. Budinger, Jr.
  • The Provenience of Galena from Archaic/Woodland Sites in Northeastern North America: Lead Isotope Evidence / Ronald M. Farquhar, Ian R. Fletcher
  • A Case Study in Faunalturbation: Delineating the Effects of the Burrowing Pocket Gopher on the Distribution of Archaeological Materials / Jon M. Erlandson
  • An Example of hom*ophony in Maya Script / Stephen D. Houston
  • Maya-7: A Diagnostic Program for the Calendar Round / Sorab K. Ghandhi
  • Archaeological Uses of Microcomputers with “Off the Rack” Software / Dennis H. O'Neil
  • Trace Element Analysis of Obsidian Artifacts from a Classic Maya Residential Group at Nohmul, Belize / Norman Hammond, Mary D. Neivens, Garman Harbottle.
  • no.1 v.51 (1986) A Non-Hierarchical Approach to Ceramic Decoration Analysis: A Southwestern Example / E. W. Jernigan
  • Shellfishing Seasons in the Prehistoric Southeastern United States / Cheryl Claassen
  • Technological Efficiency and Tool Curation / Douglas B. Bamforth
  • Stable Carbon Isotopic Evidence for Maize Agriculture in Southeast Missouri and Northeast Arkansas / Mark J. Lynott y otros
  • A New Technique for Separating Flotation Samples / Ann F. Ramenofsky y otros
  • New Evidence for the Early Use of Cultigens in the American Southwest / Alan H. Simmons
  • Experiments in Ceramic Technology: The Effects of Various Tempering Materials on Impact and Thermal-Shock Resistance / Gordon Bronitsky, Robert Hamer
  • Isolation and Identification of Spanish Moss Fiber from a Sample of Stallings and Orange Series Ceramics / Daniel L. Simpkins, Dorothy J. Allard
  • The Nahuatl Myth of the Creation of Humankind: A Coastal Connection? / Jean-Claude Delhalle, Albert Luykx
  • Glyph X of the Maya Lunar Series: An Eighteen-Month Lunar Synodic Calendar / John H. Linden
  • An Ancient Maya Measurement System / Patricia J. O'Brien, Hanne D. Christiansen.
  • no.2 v.51 (1986) Mississippian Period Population Density in a Segment of the Central Mississippi River Valley / George R. Milner
  • An Analysis of the Symbolism Expressed by the Birger Figurine / Guy Prentice
  • The Identification of Vessel Function: A Case Study from Northwest Georgia / David J. Hally
  • Site Surface Characteristics and Functional Inferences / Sarah H. Schlanger, Janet D. Orcutt
  • Terminal Classic Interaction on the Southeastern Maya Periphery / Rosemary A. Joyce
  • Toward Peopling the New World: A Possible Early Palaeolithic in Tohoku District, Japan / T. E. G. Reynolds
  • Re-Evaluation of the First Radiocarbon Age for the Folsom Culture / Vance T. Holliday, Eileen Johnson
  • Spurred End Scrapers as Diagnostic Paleoindian Artifacts: A Distributional Analysis on Stream Terraces / Richard A. Rogers
  • Broken Canines from Alaskan Cave Deposits: Re-Evaluating Evidence for Domesticated Dog and Early Humans in Alaska / E. James Dixon, George S. Smith
  • A Late Paleoindian Animal Trapping Net from Northern Wyoming / George C. Frison y otros
  • Sulphur Springs Woman: An Early Human Skeleton from Southeastern Arizona / Michael R. Waters
  • Historical Aspects of the Calaveras Skull Controversy / Ralph W. Dexter – Prehistoric Long-Distance Transport of Construction Beams, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico / Julio L. Betancourt, Jeffrey S. Dean, Herbert M. Hull
  • Dental Evidence for Prehistoric Dietary Change on the Northern Channel Islands, California / Phillip L. Walker, Jon M. Erlandson
  • Unproductive Lithic Resources at Lake Mead / Kathryn A. Kamp, John C. Whittaker
  • New Evidence for Early Woodland Seasonal Adaptation from Southern Ontario, Canada / L. J. Jackson.
  • no.3 v.51 (1986) No Surprises? The Reliability and Validity of Test Pit Sampling / Jack D. Nance, Bruce F. Ball
  • Regional Surveys in the Eastern United States: The Strengths and Weaknesses of Implementing Subsurface Testing Programs / Kent G. Lightfoot
  • Coring Archaeological Sites / Julie K. Stein
  • Fertility and the Development of Agriculture in the Prehistoric Midwest / Jane E. Buikstra, Lyle W. Konigsberg, Jill Bullington
  • An Alyawara Day: Making Men's Knives and beyond / Lewis R. Binford
  • Early Corn Remains from Tumamoc Hill, Southern Arizona / Paul R. Fish y otros
  • Application of Landsat Data and Synoptic Remote Sensing to Predictive Models for Prehistoric Archaeological Sites: An Example from the Delaware Coastal Plain / Jay F. Custer y otros
  • Rodent Ecology and Burrowing Behavior: Predicted Effects on Archaeological Site Formation / Barbara Bocek
  • Morphological Projectile Point Typology: Replication Experimentation and Technological Analysis / J. Jeffrey Flenniken, Anan W. Raymond.
  • no.4 v.51 (1986) The Institutional Organization of Mississippian Religion / Vernon James Knight, Jr.
  • The Exotic Origins of Fishes Depicted on Prehistoric Mimbres Pottery from New Mexico / Stephen C. Jett, Peter B. Moyle
  • Old Bottle, New Wine: The Function of Chultuns in the Maya Lowlands / Bruce H. Dahlin, William J. Litzinger
  • The Optimal Design of Hunting Weapons: Maintainability or Reliability / Peter Bleed
  • The Agricultural Foundations of the Tiwanaku State: A View from the Heartland / Alan L. Kolata
  • Contextual and Nutritional Analysis of Freshwater Gastropods from Middle Archaic Deposits at the Hayes Site, Middle Tennessee / Walter E. Klippel, Darcy F. Morey
  • Duck Decoys from Lovelock Cave, Nevada, Dated by 14C Accelerator Mass Spectrometry / Donald R. Tuohy, L. Kyle Napton
  • The Ecology of Lucayan Arawak Fishing Practices / William F. Keegan
  • Radiocarbon Dating of Corn / Darrell Creel, Austin Long
  • Recent Research on Obsidian from Iowa Archaeological Sites / Duane C. Anderson, Joseph A. Tiffany, Fred W. Nelson.
  • no.1 v.52 (1987) Thule and Historic Copper Use in the Copper Inuit Area / David A. Morrison
  • Factors Maintaining Low Population Density among the Prehistoric New York Iroquois / William Engelbrecht
  • Reexamination of the Early Central California Culture / Clement W. Meighan
  • The Expansion of the Aztec Empire: A Case Study in the Correlation of Diachronic Archaeological and Ethnohistorical Data / Michael E. Smith
  • Dates as Data: An Examination of the Peruvian Preceramic Radiocarbon Record / John W. Rick
  • Alyawara Site Structure and Its Archaeological Implications / James F. O'Connell
  • Reexamination of the Early Central California Culture / Clement W. Meighan
  • The Interpretation of Middle Paleolithic Scraper Morphology / Harold L. Dibble
  • A Reevaluation of the Marmes Rockshelter Radiocarbon Chronology / John C. Sheppard y otros
  • On the Analysis of Vertebrate Mortality Profiles: Sample Size, Mortality Type, and Hunting Pressure / R. Lee Lyman
  • Statistical Relevance and Site Locational Data / Douglas C. Kellogg
  • The Chipped Stone Industry of Cihuatan and Santa María, El Salvador, and Sources of Obsidian from Cihuatan / William R. Fowler, Jr. Y otros
  • Antiquity, Interpretation, and Stylistic Evolution of Petroglyphs in West Mexico / Joseph B. Mountjoy.
  • no.2 v.52 (1987) Uses of the Past: Archaeology in the Service of the State / Don D. Fowler
  • Surface Collection, Sampling, and Research Design: A Retrospective / Charles L. Redman
  • Conquest and Consolidation: A Comparison of the Wari and Inka Occupations of a Highland Peruvian Valley / Katharina J. Schreiber
  • A Postulated Tsunami and Its Effects on Cultural Development in the Peruvian Early Horizon / Robert McK. Bird
  • Application of Allometry to Zooarchaeology / Elizabeth J. Reitz y otros
  • Recognition of Bituminous Coal Contaminants in Radiocarbon Samples / Kenneth B. Tankersley, Cheryl Ann Munson, Donald Smith
  • The Siphon Technique: An Addition to the Flotation Process / George Gumerman IV, Bruce S. Umemoto
  • Defining and Measuring Midden Catchment / James L. Boone III
  • Intimachay: A December Solstice Observatory at Machu Picchu, Peru / David S. P. Dearborn, Katharina J. Schreiber, Raymond E. White
  • Evidence for Early Maize (Zea mays) from the Icehouse Bottom Site, Tennessee / Jefferson Chapman, Gary D. Crites
  • Domesticated Chenopodium in Prehistoric Eastern North America: New Accelerator Dates from Eastern Kentucky / Bruce D. Smith, C. Wesley Cowan
  • New Evidence Concerning the Chronology and Paleoethnobotany of Salts Cave, Kentucky / Paul S. Gardner
  • Linguistic Divergence and the Collapse of Preclassic Civilization in Southern Mesoamerica / Bruce H. Dahlin, Robin Quizar, Andrea Dahlin
  • Precolumbian Animal Domesticates from Salango, Ecuador / Peter W. Stahl, Presley Norton.
  • no.3 v.52 (1987) Estimating Tillage Effects on Artifact Distributions / George H. Odell, Frank Cowan
  • Economic Specialization and Construction Personnel in Classic Period Copan, Honduras / Elliot M. Abrams
  • Conditional Spatial Patterning: Beyond the Nearest Neighbor / Albertus Voorrips, John M. O'Shea
  • Toward a Processual Understanding of the Initial Variant of the Middle Missouri Tradition: The Case of the Mill Creek Culture of Iowa / Duane C. Anderson
  • Architecture as Artifact: Pit Structures and Pueblos in the American Southwest / Patricia A. Gilman
  • Obscuring Cultural Patterns in the Archaeological Record: A Discussion from Southwestern Archaeology / Linda S. Cordell, Steadman Upham, Sharon L. Brock
  • The Work of Metallurgical Artificers at Machu Picchu, Peru / John W. Rutledge, Robert B. Gordon
  • Petrographic Analysis of Basalt Artifacts from Three Aleutian Sites / Owen K. Mason, Jean S. Aigner
  • Diagnostic Opal Phytoliths from Rinds of Selected Cucurbita Species / Steven R. Bozarth.
  • no.4 v.52 (1987) The Formation of Flakes / Brian Cotterell, Johan Kamminga
  • Circ*mscription by Anthropogenic Environmental Destruction: An Expansion of Carneiro's (1970) Theory of the Origin of the State / D. Bruce Dickson
  • Iroquoian Stemware / Martha A. Latta
  • Human-Plant Mutualism and Niche Expression in the Paleoethnobotanical Record: A Middle Woodland Example / Gary D. Crites
  • The Political Economy of Prehispanic Tarascan Metallurgy / Helen Perlstein Pollard
  • Resource Diversity in Belize and Its Implications for Models of Lowland Trade / Elizabeth Graham
  • Metallic Powder as an Aid to Stone Tool Photography / Errett Callahan
  • Identification of Cultural Site Formation Processes through Microdebitage Analysis / Kathleen L. Hull
  • John Rowzée Peyton and the Myth of the Mound Builders / Donald J. Blakeslee
  • Rethinking Apachean Ceramics: The 1985 Southern Athapaskan Ceramics Conference / Timothy G. Baugh, Frank W. Eddy
  • Salt Production at Hierve El Agua, Oaxaca / William P. Hewitt, Marcus C. Winter, David A. Peterson
  • The Mexican (“Aztec”) and Western Yucatec (Landa) Maya 365-Day Calendars: A Perpetual Relation / R. David Drucker.
  • no.1 v.53 (1988) Since Herodotus, Has History Been a Valid Concept? / T. Cuyler Young, Jr.
  • History and Archaeological Theory: Walter Taylor Revisited / James Deetz
  • Prehistoric Southwestern Ceramic Manufacture: The Limitations of Current Evidence / Alan P. Sullivan III
  • Coastal Adaptations near Point Conception, California, with Particular Regard to Shellfish Exploitation / Michael A. Glassow, Larry R. Wilcoxon
  • Paleoeskimo Variability: The Early Arctic Small-Tool Tradition in the Central Canadian Arctic / E. Bielawski – Some Thoughts on Sican Marked Adobes and Labor Organization / Raffael Cavallaro, Izumi Shimada
  • The Role of Shellfish in Prehistoric Economies: A Protein Perspective / Jon M. Erlandson
  • The Role of Resolution and Sample Preparation in Hydration Rim Measurement: Implications for Experimentally Determined Hydration Rates / Barry E. Scheetz, Christopher M. Stevenson
  • Updating the past: The Establishment of the International Radiocarbon Data Base / Renee Kra
  • Archaeological Investigations in the Choctaw Homeland / Jerome A. Voss, John H. Blitz
  • Nauyalik Fish Camp: An Ethnoarchaeological Study in Activity-Area Formation / Claudia Chang
  • Middle Woodland Ceremonialism at Pinson Mounds, Tennessee / Robert C. Mainfort, Jr.
  • no.2 v.53 (1988) Coming into the Country: Early Paleoindian Hunting and Mobility / Robert L. Kelly, Lawrence C. Todd
  • Archaeological Visibility and the Underclass of Southwestern Prehistory / Steadman Upham
  • Early Archaic Settlement in the Southeastern United States: A Case Study from the Savannah River Valley / David G. Anderson, Glen T. Hanson
  • Myth, Environment, and the Orientation of the Templo Mayor of Tenochtitlan / A. F. Aveni, E. E. Calnek, H. Hartung
  • The Treatment of Human Remains on Navajo Lands / Anthony L. Klesert, Michael J. Andrews
  • Stable Carbon- and Nitrogen-Isotope Ratios of Bone Collagen Used to Study Coral-Reef and Terrestrial Components of Prehistoric Bahamian Diet / William F. Keegan, Michael J. DeNiro
  • Content, Provenience, and Significance of the Codex Vergara and the Códice de Santa María Asunción / Barbara J. Williams, H. R. Harvey
  • Tenam Rosario-A Political Microcosm / Olivier de Montmollin
  • The Paleoindian Component at Charlie Lake Cave (HbRf 39), British Columbia / Knut R. Fladmark, Jonathan C. Driver, Diana Alexander.
  • no.4 v.53 (1988) The Effectiveness of Subsurface Testing: A Simulation Approach / Keith W. Kintigh
  • Measurement of Archaeological Diversity and the Sample-Size Effect / David Rhode
  • The Three Sides of a Biface / Robert L. Kelly
  • The Archaeological Analysis of Plantation Society: Replacing Status and Caste with Economics and Power / Charles E. Orser Jr.
  • Sources of Archaeological Obsidian in the Southwest: An Archaeological, Petrological, and Geochemical Study / M. Steven Shackley
  • Patterns of Population Movement and Long-Term Population Growth in Southwestern Colorado / Sarah H. Schlanger
  • Desert Ground Drawings in the Lower Santa Valley, North Coast of Peru / David J. Wilson
  • The Penis-Headed Manikin Glyph / Michael P. Closs
  • An Alternative View of Sedentary Period Hohokam Shell-Ornament Production / Deni J. Seymour
  • Use of a Falling-Weight Tester for Assessing Ceramic Impact Strength / Jonathan Mabry y otros.
  • no.1 v.54 (1989) On Tool-Class Use Lives and the Formation of Archaeological Assemblages / Michael J. Shott
  • The Maize Tamale in Classic Maya Diet, Epigraphy, and Art / Karl A. Taube
  • Interregional Interaction in Prehistory: The Need for a New Perspective / Edward M. Schortman
  • Burials Dedicated to the Old Temple of Quetzalcoatl at Teotihuacan, Mexico / Saburo Sugiyama
  • The Use of Indentation Testing to Obtain Precise Hardness Measurements from Prehistoric Pottery / Arleyn W. Simon, William A. Coghlan
  • Organic-Tempered Pottery: An Experimental Study / James M. Skibo, Michael B. Schiffer, Kenneth C. Reid
  • A Quantitative Approach to the Petrographic Analysis of Ceramic Thin Sections / James B. Stoltman.
  • no.1 v.55 (1990) Glacial-Age Man in South America? A Critical Review / Thomas F. Lynch
  • Island Carib Origins: Evidence and Nonevidence / Dave D. Davis, R. Christopher Goodwin
  • The Spatial Dynamics of Ontario Iroquoian Longhouses / Mima Kapches
  • From Twining to Triple Cloth: Experimentation and Innovation in Ancient Peruvian Weaving (ca. 5000-400 B.C.) / S. J. Doyon-Bernard
  • An Instance of Rapid Ceramic Change in the American Southwest / Barbara K. Montgomery, J. Jefferson Reid
  • Diagnostic Opal Phytoliths from Pods of Selected Varieties of Common Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) / Steven R. Bozarth
  • Identification of the Species of Origin of Residual Blood on Lithic Material / D. C. Hyland, J. M. Tersak, J. M. Adovasio, M. I. Siegel
  • A Mammoth-Ivory Semifabricate from Blackwater Locality No. 1, New Mexico / Jeffrey J. Saunders y otros
  • The Provincial Organization of Inka Ceramic Production / Terence N. D'Altroy, Ronald L. Bishop
  • Cacao Residues in Ancient Maya Vessels from Rio Azul, Guatemala / Grant D. Hall y otros
  • Obsidian Sources and Elemental Analyses of Artifacts in Southern Mesoamerica and the Northern Intermediate Area / Payson Sheets y otros.
  • no.2 v.55 (1990) Impacts of Climatic Variabiity and Population Growth on Virgin Branch Anasazi Cultural Developments / Daniel O. Larson, Joel Michaelsen
  • The Isthmus and the Valley of Oaxaca: Questions about Zapotec Imperialism in Formative Period Mesoamerica / Robert N. Zeitlin
  • The Effect of the Inka State on Sausa Agricultural Production and Crop Consumption / Christine A. Hastorf
  • The Emperors’ Cloak: Aztec Pomp, Toltec Circ*mstances / Patricia Rieff Anawalt
  • A Reconsideration of Chronology for the La Quemada Portion of the Northern Mesoamerican Frontier / Charles D. Trombold
  • Antiquity of Maize Cultivation in Ecuador: Summary and Reevaluation of the Evidence / Deborah M. Pearsall, Dolores R. Piperno
  • The Nondestructive Identification of Worn Coins from the Marquette Mission Site, St. Ignace, Michigan / Russell K. Skowronek, Max M. Houck
  • The Meadowcroft Rockshelter Radiocarbon Chronology 1975-1990 / J. M. Adovasio, J. Donahue, R. Stuckenrath
  • A 7,290-Year-Old Bottle Gourd from the Windover Site, Florida / Glen H. Doran, David N. Dickel, Lee A. Newsom
  • Reevaluation of Early Cochise Artifact Associations with Pleistocene Lake Cochise, Southeastern Arizona / Anne I. Woosley, Michael R. Waters
  • One-Sample Tests in Regional Archaeological Analysis: New Possibilities through Computer Technology / Kenneth L. Kvamme
  • Curatorial Considerations for Systematic Research Collections: AMS Dating a Curated Ceramic Assemblage / William A. Lovis
  • The Two-Curvature Method for Reconstructing Ceramic Morphology / Melissa B. Hagstrum, John A. Hildebrand
  • On the Macroscopic Identification of Used Flakes / Donald Young, Douglas B. Bamforth.
  • no.3 v.55 (1990) Hopewell Obsidian Studies: Behavioral Implications of Recent Sourcing and Dating Research / James W. Hatch y otros
  • A New Synthesis of Middle Paleolithic Variability / Nicolas Rolland, Harold L. Dibble
  • Studies in Archaeological Maize I: The “Wild” Maize from San Marcos Cave Reexamined / Bruce F. Benz, Hugh H. Iltis
  • Why Pearson's r is Not a Good Similarity Coefficient for Comparing Collections / George L. Cowgill
  • Simulation Models and the Interpretation of Archaeological Diversity / Peter H. McCartney, Margaret F. Glass
  • Sensitivity, Precision, and Accuracy: Their Roles in Ceramic Compositional Data Bases / Ronald L. Bishop y otros
  • Areal Decrease, Density Increase, and Circ*mscription: A Mathematical Note / Robert Bates Graber
  • Characteristics of Bifacial-Reduction Flake-Size Distribution / Leland W. Patterson
  • Sacrifice, Death, and the Origins of Agriculture in the Codex Vienna / John Monaghan
  • Redefinition of the Swasey Phase at Cuello, Belize / E. Wyllys Andrews V, Norman Hammond.
  • no.4 v.55 (1990) Ozymandias, King of Kings: Postprocessual Radical Archaeology as Critique / Richard A. Watson
  • Slave Diet at Monticello / Diana C. Crader
  • Bioarchaeological Evidence for a Spanish-Native American Conflict in the Sixteenth-Century Southeast / Robert L. Blakely, David S. Mathews
  • Plains-Pueblo Interdependence and Human Diet at Pecos Pueblo, New Mexico / Katherine A. Spielmann, Margaret J. Schoeninger, Katherine Moore
  • There's No Percentage in It: Intersite Spatial Analysis of Bushman (San) Pottery Decorations / Rosanna Ridings, C. Garth Sampson
  • Microrefuse and Site Structure: The Hearths and Floors of the Heartbreak Hotel / Duncan Metcalfe, Kathleen M. Heath
  • Site Structure of the Orbit Inn: An Application of Ethnoarchaeology / Steven R. Simms, Kathleen M. Heath
  • Seasonality of the Scottsbluff and Lipscomb Bison Bonebeds: Implications for Modeling Paleoindian Subsistence / Lawrence C. Todd, Jack L. Hofman, C. Bertrand Schultz.
  • no.1 v.56 (1991) Interpretive Archaeology and Its Role / Ian Hodder
  • Operations Research and Archaeology / Peter Bleed
  • Update on Natchez Man / John L. Cotter
  • Bison Hides in Late Prehistoric Exchange in the Southern Plains / Darrell Creel
  • Prehistoric Cultural Collapse in the Lillooet Area / Brian Hayden, June M. Ryder
  • A Graph-Theoretic Approach to the Evolution of Cahokia / Peter Peregrine
  • A Multidimensional Investigation of Biocultural Relationships among Three Late Prehistoric Societies in Tennessee / C. Clifford Boyd, Jr., Donna C. Boyd
  • Direct Dating of Prehistoric Canal Sediments Using Archaeomagnetism / Jeffrey L. Eighmy, Jerry B. Howard
  • Ceramic Petrography as a Technique for Documenting Cultural Interaction: An Example from the Upper Mississippi Valley / James B. Stoltman.
  • no.2 v.56 (1991) Horizonal Integration and Regional Diversity: An Alternating Process in the Rise of Civilizations / Gordon R. Willey
  • Technological Organization and Hunter-Gatherer Land Use: A California Example / Douglas B. Bamforth
  • Altithermal Archaeology and Paleoecology at Mustang Springs, on the Southern High Plains of Texas / David J. Meltzer
  • Prehistoric Clinker Use on the Cape Bathurst Peninsula, Northwest Territories, Canada: The Dynamics of Formation and Procurement / Raymond J. Le Blanc
  • Ceramics, Chronology, and Horizon Markers at Wickliffe Mounds / Kit W. Wesler
  • Evaluating the Construction Sequence and Population of Pot Creek Pueblo, Northern New Mexico / Patricia L. Crown
  • Environmental Variability and Settlement Changes on the Pajarito Plateau, New Mexico / Janet D. Orcutt.
  • no.3 v.56 (1991) A Multivariate Study of Rock Art Anthropomorphs at Writing-on-Stone, Southern Alberta / Martin P. R. Magne, Michael A. Klassen
  • Marine-Resource Value and the Priority of Coastal Settlement: A California Perspective / Terry L. Jones
  • Basketmaker II Subsistence: Carbon Isotopes and Other Dietary Indicators from Cedar Mesa, Utah / R. G. Matson, Brian Chisholm
  • On Manos, Metates, and the History of Site Occupations / Sarah H. Schlanger
  • Cabeza de Vaca and the Sixteenth-Century Copper Trade in Northern Mexico / Jeremiah F. Epstein
  • Trampling the Archaeological Record: An Experimental Study / Axel E. Nielsen
  • The Experimental Hydration of Obsidian as a Function of Relative Humidity and Temperature / J. J. Mazer, C. M. Stevenson, W. L. Ebert, J. K. Bates
  • AMS Radiocarbon Dating of Preclassic Maya Burials at Cuello, Belize / Rupert A. Housley, Norman Hammond, Ian A. Law.
  • no.4 v.56 (1991) Warfare in Late Prehistoric West-Central Illinois / George R. Milner, Eve Anderson, Virginia G. Smith
  • Incorporating Variation in Occupation Span into Settlement-Pattern Analysis / Robert E. Dewar
  • Method in Archaeology: Middle-Range Theory as Hermeneutics / Peter Kosso
  • Evaluating Tree-Ring Interpretations at Walpi Pueblo, Arizona / Richard V. N. Ahlstrom, Jeffrey S. Dean, William J. Robinson
  • Impact of Carnivore Ravaging on Zooarchaeological Measures of Element Abundance / Curtis W. Marean, Lillian M. Spencer
  • Immunological Identification of Small-Mammal Proteins on Aboriginal Milling Equipment / Robert M. Yohe II, Margaret E. Newman, Joan S. Schneider
  • Toward Distinguishing Human and Raptor Patterning on Leporid Bones / Bryan Scott Hockett
  • Bone Refuse and Insect Remains: Their Potential for Temporal Resolution of the Archaeological Record / Stephen A. Chomko, B. Miles Gilbert
  • Prehistoric Diet and Parasitic Infection in Tennessee: Evidence from the Analysis of Desiccated Human Paleofeces /Charles T. Faulkner
  • Assessing Feature Function and Spatial Patterning of Artifacts with Geophysical Remote-Sensing Data / William A. Martin, James E. Bruseth, Robert J. Huggins.
  • no.1 v.57 (1992) The Interplay of Evidential Constraints and Political Interests: Recent Archaeological Research on Gender / Alison Wylie
  • The Role of Adaptation in Archaeological Explanation / Michael J. O'Brien, Thomas D. Holland
  • Complex Hunter-Gatherer-Fishers of Prehistoric California: Chiefs, Specialists, and Maritime Adaptations of the Channel Islands / Jeanne E. Arnold
  • The Numic Spread: A Computer Simulation / David A. Young, Robert L. Bettinger
  • Investigating the Archaeological Consequences of Short-Duration Occupations / Alan P. Sullivan III
  • Blank Form and Reduction as Determinants of Mousterian Scraper Morphology / Steven L. Kuhn
  • Quarter-Inch Screening: Understanding Biases in Recovery of Vertebrate Faunal Remains / Brian S. Shaffer.
  • no.2 v.57 (1992) Radiocarbon Dating as a Probabilistic Technique: The Childers Site and Late Woodland Occupation in the Ohio Valley / Michael J. Shott
  • Parasitology as an Interpretive Tool in Archaeology / Karl J. Reinhard
  • Prehistoric Seal and Sea-Lion Butchering on the Southern Northwest Coast / R. Lee Lyman
  • The Jasper Ridge Reexcavation Experiment: Rates of Artifact Mixing by Rodents / Barbara Bocek
  • The Age of the Calaveras Skull: Dating the “Piltdown Man” of the New World / R. E. Taylor, Louis A. Payen, Peter J. Slota, Jr.
  • Estimating Population at Ancient Military Sites: The Use of Historical and Contemporary Analogy / P. Nick Kardulias
  • Results of Instrument Neutron-Activation Trace-Element Analysis of Human Remains from the Naknek Region, Southwest Alaska / R. K. Harritt, S. C. Radosevich
  • Isotopic and Mortuary Variability in a Middle Mississippian Population / Mark R. Schurr.
  • no.3 v.57 (1992) Mortuary Display and Status in a Nineteenth-Century Anglo-American Cemetery in Manassas, Virginia / Barbara J. Little, Kim M. Lanphear, Douglas W. Owsley
  • The Archaeology of Contemporary Landfills / W. L. Rathje y otros
  • Hermeneutics and Archaeology: On the Philosophy of Contextual Archaeology / Harald Johnsen, Bjørnar Olsen
  • Archaeology in 1992: A Perspective on the Discipline from the Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting Program / Gary M. Feinman, Linda M. Nicholas, William D. Middleton
  • Anthropology 3: An Experiment in the Multimedia Teaching of Introductory Archaeology / Brian M. fa*gan, George H. Michaels
  • Energetic Efficiency and Lithic Technology: An Upper Mississippian Example / Robert J. Jeske
  • The Pleistocene to Holocene Transition and Human Economy in Southwest Asia: The Impact of the Younger Dryas / A. M. T. Moore, G. C. Hillman
  • Phosphate Fractionation of Soils at Agroal, Portugal / Katina T. Lillios
  • Punctured Human Bones of the Laurel Culture from Smith Mound Four, Minnesota / Michael Torbenson, Arthur Aufderheide, Elden Johnson.
  • no.4 v.57 (1992) Rethinking the Quincentennial: Consequences for Past and Present / Alison Wylie
  • Indians, Archaeologists, and the Future / Vine Deloria, Jr.
  • Facing Up To Caribbean History / Jalil Sued-Badillo
  • Of Straightening Combs, Sodium Hydroxide, and Potassium Hydroxide in Archaeological and Cultural-Anthropological Analyses of Ethnogenesis / Brackette F. Williams
  • A Retrospective Look at Columbian Consequences / David Hurst Thomas
  • Field Houses, Villages, and the Tragedy of the Commons in the Early Northern Anasazi Southwest / Timothy A. Kohler
  • Studying Variability in the Archaeological Record: An Ethnoarchaeological Model for Distinguishing Mobility Patterns / Susan Kent
  • The First Claim for Cannibalism in the Southwest: Walter Hough's 1901 Discovery at Canyon Butte Ruin 3, Northeastern Arizona / Christy G. Turner II, Jacqueline A. Turner
  • Interpretation of Gopher Remains From Southwestern Archaeological Assemblages / Brian S. Shaffer
  • Bewitched by Mechanical Site-Testing Devices / George H. Odell.
  • no.1 v.58 (1993) A Thing of Sherds and Patches / George Irving Quimby
  • Theory, Sampling, and Analytical Techniques in the Archaeological Study of Prehistoric Ceramics / Hector Neff
  • Acid Extraction as a Simple and Inexpensive Method for Compositional Characterization of Archaeological Ceramics /James H. Burton, Arleyn W. Simon
  • The Standardization Hypothesis and Ceramic Mass Production: Technological, Compositional, and Metric Indexes of Craft Specialization at Tell Leilan, Syria / M. James Blackman, Gil J. Stein, Pamela B. Vandiver
  • Big Pots for Big Shots: Feasting and Storage in a Mississippian Community / John H. Blitz
  • Identifying Individual Vessels with X-Radiography / Christopher Carr
  • The Dolores Archaeological Program: In Memoriam / David A. Breternitz
  • Mississippian Period Status Differentiation through Textile Analysis: A Caddoan Example / Jenna Tedrick Kuttruff
  • Domesticated Sunflower in Fifth Millennium B.P. Temporal Context: New Evidence from Middle Tennessee / Gary D. Crites.
  • no.2 v.58 (1993) The Dorset-Thule Succession in Arctic North America: Assessing Claims for Culture Contact / Robert W. Park
  • Concepts of Time and Approaches to Analogical Reasoning in Historical Perspective / Ann Brower Stahl
  • NISP vs. MNI in Quantification of Body-Part Representation / Fiona Marshall, Tom Pilgram
  • Prehistoric Macaw Breeding in the North American Southwest / Paul E. Minnis y otros
  • Archaeological Palynology in the United States: A Critique / Vaughn M. Bryant, Jr., Stephen A. Hall
  • Grinding-Tool Design as Conditioned by Land-Use Pattern / Margaret C. Nelson, Heidi Lippmeier
  • Investigations in the Cahokia Site Grand Plaza / George R. Holley, Rinita A. Dalan, Philip A. Smith
  • A Second-Terrace Perspective on Monks Mound / James M. Collins, Michael L. Chalfant
  • Sourcing Busycon Artifacts of the Eastern United States / Cheryl Claassen, Samuella Sigmann.
  • no.3 v.58 (1993) Resource Variability, Risk, and the Structure of Social Networks: An Example from the Prehistoric Southwest / Alison E. Rautman
  • Spears, Darts, and Arrows: Late Woodland Hunting Techniques in the Upper Ohio Valley / Michael J. Shott
  • Examining Lithic Technological Organization as a Dynamic Cultural Subsystem: The Advantages of an Explicitly Spatial Approach / Robert A. Ricklis, Kim A. Cox
  • Stratigraphy and Radiocarbon Chronology of Modoc Rock Shelter, Illinois / Steven R. Ahler
  • The Sample Size-Richness Relation: The Relevance of Research Questions, Sampling Strategies, and Behavioral Variation / Stephen Plog, Michelle Hegmon
  • Crop and Weed in Prehistoric Eastern North America: The Chenopodium Example / Kristen J. Gremillion
  • Health in Prehistoric Populations of the Santa Barbara Channel Islands / Patricia M. Lambert
  • Excavation Sample Size: A Cautionary Tale / Dennis H. O'Neil
  • An Analytic Strategy for Studying Assemblage-Scale Ceramic Variation: A Case Study from Southeast Missouri / Patrice A. Teltser
  • Integrating Ethnohistory and Archaeology at Fort Clark State Historic Site, North Dakota / W. Raymond Wood.
  • no.4 v.58 (1993) New Perspectives on the Clovis vs. Pre-Clovis Controversy / David S. Whitley, Ronald I. Dorn
  • Population Aggregation in the Prehistoric American Southwest: A Selectionist Model / Robert D. Leonard, Heidi E. Reed
  • Identifying Site Structure in the Archaeological Record: An Illinois Mississippian Example / Gerald A. Oetelaar
  • Archaic Blade Production on Antigua, West Indies / Dave D. Davis
  • Source Determination of White River Group Silicates from Two Archaeological Sites in the Great Plains / Robert J. Hoard y otros
  • AMS Radiocarbon and Cation-Ratio Dating of Rock Art in the Bighorn Basin of Wyoming and Montana / Julie E. Francis, Lawrence L. Loendorf, Ronald I. Dorn.
  • no.1 v.59 (1994) Charles Corradino Di Peso: Expanding the Frontiers of New World Prehistory / David E. Doyel
  • Raw-Material Availability and the Organization of Technology / William Andrefsky, Jr.
  • Quantitative Units and Terminology in Zooarchaeology / R. Lee Lyman
  • The Human Remains from Carter Ranch Pueblo, Arizona: Health in Isolation / Marie Elaine Danforth, Della Collins Cook, Stanley G. Knick III-- The Role of Stone Bladelets in Middle Woodland Society / George H. Odell
  • The Significance of New Faunal Identifications Attributed to an Early Paleoindian (Gainey Complex) Occupation at the Udora Site, Ontario, Canada / Peter L. Storck, Arthur E. Spiess.
  • no.2 v.59 (1994) New Perspectives on Experimental Archaeology: Surface Treatments and Thermal Response of the Clay Cooking Pot / Michael Brian Schiffer y otros
  • Structural Changes in Archaic Landscape Use in the Dissected Uplands of Southwestern Indiana / C. Russell Stafford
  • Ground-Stone Tools and Hunter-Gatherer Subsistence in Southwest Asia: Implications for the Transition to Farming / Katherine I. Wright
  • Intercluster Lithic Patterning at Nobles Pond: A Case for “Disembedded” Procurement among Early Paleoindian Societies / Mark F. Seeman
  • Subsistence in the Florida Archaic: The Stable-Isotope and Archaeobotanical Evidence from the Windover Site / Noreen Tuross y otros
  • On-Site Artifact Analysis as an Alternative to Collection / Charlotte Beck, George T. Jones
  • Use Wear on Bone and Antler Tools from the Mackenzie Delta, Northwest Territories / Genevieve M. LeMoine
  • The Mississippian Presence and Cahokia Interaction at Trempealeau, Wisconsin / William Green, Roland L. Rodell
  • Palynology in Historical Rural-Landscape Studies: Great Meadows, Pennsylvania / Gerald K. Kelso.
  • no.3 v.59 (1994) Gradual or Step-Wise Change: The Development of Sedentary Settlement Patterns in Northeast Mississippi / Janet Rafferty
  • A Formal Approach to the Design and Assembly of Mobile Toolkits / Steven L. Kuhn
  • Wealth Finance in the Inka Empire: Evidence from the Calchaqui Valley, Argentina / Timothy Earle
  • Hedgepeth Mounds, an Archaic Mound Complex in North-Central Louisiana / Joe W. Saunders, Thurman Allen
  • Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) Dates Confirm Early Zea Mays in the Mississippi River Valley / Thomas J. Riley y otros
  • The Effects of Stone and Technology on Fluted-Point Morphometry / Kenneth B. Tankersley
  • Prehistoric Macaws and Parrots in the Mimbres Area, New Mexico / Darrell Creel, Charmion McKusick
  • Comparison of 1/8″- and 1/4″-Mesh Recovery of Controlled Samples of Small-to-Medium-Sized Mammals / Brian S. Shaffer, Julia L. J. Sanchez.
  • no.4 v.59 (1994) Zinc as a Paleodietary Indicator: An Issue of Theoretical Validity in Bone-Chemistry Analysis / Joseph A. Ezzo
  • Moving out of the Archaic on the Edge of the Southwest / Michael E. Whalen
  • Public and Private, Domestic and Corporate: The Emergence of the Southwest Asian Village / Brian F. Byrd
  • The Impact of Raw-Material Scarcity on Ground-Stone Manufacture and Use: An Example from the Phoenix Basin Hohokam / Tammy Stone
  • The Production and Distribution of Classic Mimbres Black-on-White Pottery / Patricia A. Gilman, Veletta Canouts, Ronald L. Bishop
  • Strength Testing Archaeological Ceramics: A New Perspective / Mark A. Neupert
  • A Quantitative Diagnosis of Notches Made by Hammerstone Percussion and Carnivore Gnawing on Bovid Long Bones / Salvatore D. Capaldo, Robert J. Blumenschine
  • Intrasite Spatial Analysis of Bone: Subtracting the Effect of Secondary Carnivore Consumers / Curtis W. Marean, Leanne Bertino
  • Radiocarbon Dates on the All American Man Pictograph / Scott D. Chaffee y otros.
  • no.1 v.60 (1995) Stylistic Variation in Evolutionary Perspective: Inferences from Decorative Diversity and Interassemblage Distance in Illinois Woodland Ceramic Assemblages / Fraser D. Neiman
  • Heartlands and Hinterlands: Alternative Trajectories of Early Urbanization in Mesopotamia and the Southern Levant / Steven E. Falconer, Stephen H. Savage
  • Migration in Prehistory: The Northern Iroquoian Case / Dean R. Snow
  • Vermilion Lakes Site: Adaptations and Environments in the Canadian Rockies during the Latest Pleistocene and Early Holocene / Daryl W. Fedje y otros
  • Maize Pollen of 3500 B.P. from Southern Alabama / Miriam L. Fearn, Kam-biu Liu
  • Cation-Ratio Dating of Varnished Artifacts: Testing the Assumptions / Karen G. Harry.
  • no.2 v.60 (1995) Culture Contact Studies: Redefining the Relationship between Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology / Kent G. Lightfoot
  • Sedentarization and Agricultural Dependence: Perspectives from the Pithouse-to-Pueblo Transition in the American Southwest / Thomas R. Rocek
  • Autonomy and Regional Systems in the Late Prehistoric Southern Southwest / John E. Douglas
  • Paleoclimate and the Potential Food Reserves of Mississippian Societies: A Case Study from the Savannah River Valley / David G. Anderson, David W. Stahle, Malcolm K. Cleaveland
  • Return to Little Harbor, Santa Catalina Island, California: A Critique of the Marine Paleotemperature Model / L. Mark Raab y otros
  • Early Holocene Basketry and Cordage from Daisy Cave San Miguel Island, California / Thomas J. Connolly, Jon M. Erlandson, Susan E. Norris
  • Accurately Estimating Vessel Volume from Profile Illustrations / Louise M. Senior, Dunbar P. Birnie III III
  • Stable Isotope Evidence for Maize Horticulture and Paleodiet in Southern Ontario, Canada / M. Anne Katzenberg
  • The Late Woodland Diet on Nantucket Island and the Problem of Maize in Coastal New England / Elizabeth A. Little, Margaret J. Schoeninger.
  • no.3 v.60 (1995) Status-Related Variation in Foodways in the Moundville Chiefdom / Paul D. Welch, C. Margaret Scarry
  • Our Father the Cayman, Our Dinner the Llama: Animal Utilization at Chavín de Huántar, Peru / George R. Miller, Richard L. Burger
  • The Construction and Configuration of Anasazi Pebble-Mulch Gardens in the Northern Rio Grande / Dale R. Lightfoot, Frank W. Eddy
  • GIS-Based Image Enhancement of Conductivity and Magnetic Susceptibility Data from Ureturituri Pa and Fort Resolution, New Zealand / Thegn N. Ladefoged y otros
  • Domestic Architecture in Apalachee Province: Apalachee and Spanish Residential Styles in the Late Prehistoric and Early Historic Period Southeast / John F. Scarry, Bonnie G. McEwan
  • On Mammalian Taphonomy, Taxonomic Diversity, and Measuring Subsistence Data in Zooarchaeology / Dave N. Schmitt, Karen D. Lupo
  • Clay Acquisition and Vessel Distribution Patterns: Neutron Activation Analysis of Late Windsor and Shantok Tradition Ceramics from Southern New England / Jonathan M. Lizee, Hector Neff, Michael D. Glasco*ck
  • Sources of Archaeological Obsidian in the Greater American Southwest: An Update and Quantitative Analysis / M. Steven Shackley.
  • no.4 v.60 (1995) Complexity, Hierarchy, and Scale: A Controlled Comparison between Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, and La Quemada, Zacatecas / Ben A. Nelson
  • Standardization, Labor Investment, Skill, and the Organization of Ceramic Production in Late Prehispanic Highland Peru / Cathy L. Costin, Melissa B. Hagstrum
  • Emil W. Haury and the Definition of Southwestern Archaeology / Raymond H. Thompson
  • Identifying Lithic Reduction Loci with Size-Graded Macrodebitage: A Multivariate Approach / Dan M. Healan
  • Interpretation in Context: Sampling and Analysis in Paleoethnobotany / Heidi A. Lennstrom, Christine A. Hastorf
  • Bison Procurement in the Far West: A 2,100-Year-Old Kill Site on the Columbia Plateau / James C. Chatters y otros
  • Identifying the Mineralogy of Rock Temper in Ceramics Using X-Radiography / Christopher Carr, Jean-Christophe Komorowski.
  • no.1 v.61 (1996) The Positioning of Archaeology within Anthropology: A Canadian Historical Perspective / Jane H. Kelley, Ronald F. Williamson
  • Woodstock Culture and the Question of Mississippian Emergence / Charles R. Cobb, Patrick H. Garrow
  • Ceramic Micro-Seriation: Types or Attributes? / Andrew I. Duff
  • The Intensity of Maize Processing and Production in Upland Mogollon Pithouse Villages A.D. 200–1000 / Michael W. Diehl
  • Alternative Procedures for Assessing Standardization in Ceramic Assemblages / Kenneth L. Kvamme, Miriam T. Stark, William A. Longacre
  • Immunological and Microwear Analysis of Chipped-Stone Artifacts from Piedmont Contexts / Michael Petraglia y otros
  • Where in the World Does Obsidian Hydration Dating Work? / Rosanna Ridings
  • The Minimum Spanning Tree Problem in Archaeology / Per Hage, Frank Harary, Brent James.
  • no.2 v.61 (1996) Although They Have Petty Captains, They Obey Them Badly: The Dialectics of Prehispanic Western Pueblo Social Organization / Randall H. McGuire, Dean J. Saitta
  • Risk, Climatic Variability, and the Study of Southwestern Prehistory: An Evolutionary Perspective / Daniel O. Larson y otros
  • Mortars, Pestles, and Division of Labor in Prehistoric California: A View from Big Sur / Terry L. Jones
  • The Chaco Wood Project: The Chronometric Reappraisal of Pueblo Bonito / Thomas C. Windes, Dabney Ford
  • Early Cultigens from Fresnal Shelter, Southeastern New Mexico / Martyn D. Tagg
  • Production of Prehistoric Southwestern Ceramics: A Low-Technology Approach / Yasushi Kojo
  • The World's Longest-Lived Corporate Group: Lithic Analysis Reveals Prehistoric Social Organization near Lillooet, British Columbia / Brian Hayden, Edward Bakewell, Rob Gargett
  • Late Pleistocene Human Friction Skin Prints from Pendejo Cave, New Mexico / Donald Chrisman y otros
  • Notched Tool Reuse and Raw Material Availability in French Middle Paleolithic Sites / Simon Holdaway, Shannon McPherron, Barbara Roth.
  • no.3 v.61 (1996) The Quality of Tribute Cloth: The Place of Evidence in Archaeological Argument / Elizabeth M. Brumfiel
  • Mortal Pots: On Use Life and Vessel Size in the Formation of Ceramic Assemblages / Michael J. Shott
  • The Geoarchaeology of Place: The Effect of Geological Processes on the Preservation and Interpretation of the Archaeological Record / Michael R. Waters, David D. Kuehn
  • Stone Artifact Movement on Impoundment Shorelines: A Case Study from Maine / Richard T. Will, James A. Clark
  • Early Agricultural Diet in Eastern North America: Evidence from Two Kentucky Rockshelters / Kristen J. Gremillion
  • Archaeological Identification of Kin Groups Using Mortuary and Biological Data: An Example from the American Southwest / Todd L. Howell, Keith W. Kintigh
  • Large-Scale Patterns in the Chemical Composition of Mississippian Pottery / Vincas P. Steponaitis, M. James Blackman, Hector Neff
  • A Test of the Relationship between Site Size and Population / Katharina J. Schreiber, Keith W. Kintigh.
  • no.4 v.61 (1996) Some Relationships between Behavioral and Evolutionary Archaeologies / Michael Brian Schiffer
  • A Method for Taxonomic Typology Construction and an Example: Utilized Flakes / Dwight W. Read, Glenn Russell
  • Mid-Holocene Evidence of Cucurbita Sp. from Central Maine / James B. Petersen, Nancy Asch Sidell
  • Tui Chub Taphonomy and the Importance of Marsh Resources in the Western Great Basin of North America / Virginia L. Butler
  • Mass Production and Procurement at Valle del Azufre: A Unique Archaeological Obsidian Source in Baja California Sur / M. Steven Shackley, Justin R. Hyland, Maria de la Luz Gutierrez M.
  • Ball Courts and Political Centralization in the Casas Grandes Region / Michael E. Whalen, Paul E. Minnis
  • Gender, Anatomical Knowledge, and Pottery Production: Implications of an Anatomically Unusual Birth Depicted on Mimbres Pottery from Southwestern New Mexico / Michelle Hegmon, Wenda R. Trevathan
  • Geoarchaeology of the Midland (Paleoindian) Site, Texas / Vance T. Holliday, David J. Meltzer
  • Earthquake-Induced Subsidence and Burial of Late Holocene Archaeological Sites, Northern Oregon Coast / Rick Minor, Wendy C. Grant.
  • no.3 v.63 (1998) Tepimans, Yumans, and Other Hohokam / David Leedom Shaul, Jane H. Hill
  • Regional Variation in the Pattern of Maize Adoption and Use in Florida and Georgia / Dale L. Hutchinson y otros
  • The Archaeology of Interaction: Views from Artifact Style and Material Exchange in Dorset Society / Daniel Odess
  • The Buhl Burial: A Paleoindian Woman from Southern Idaho / Thomas J. Green y otros
  • New Evidence for Late Paleoindian-Early Archaic Subsistence Behavior in the Western Great Lakes / Steven R. Kuehn
  • Analysis of Ceramic Color by Spectral Reflectance / Marco Giardino y otros.
  • no.4 v.63 (1998) Power and Community: The Archaeology of Slavery at the Hermitage Plantation / Brian W. Thomas
  • Investigating Correlates of Sedentism and Domestication in Prehistoric North America / George H. Odell
  • Lines in the Sand: Competition and Stone Selection on the Pajarito Plateau, New Mexico / Michael R. Walsh
  • Floodwater Farming, Discontinuous Ephemeral Streams, and Puebloan Abandonment in Southwestern Colorado / Gary A. Huckleberry, Brian R. Billman
  • The Interpretation of Archaeological Floor Assemblages: A Case Study from the American Southwest / Michael W. Diehl
  • The Reliability and Validity of a Lithic Debitage Typology: Implications for Archaeological Interpretation / William C. Prentiss
  • The Temporal and Social Implications of Ohio Hopewell Copper Ear Spool Design / Katharine C. Ruhl, Mark F. Seeman
  • The Context of Early Southeastern Prehistoric Cave Art: A Report on the Archaeology of 3rd Unnamed Cave / Jan F. Simek, Jay D. Franklin, Sarah C. Sherwood
  • Prehistoric Marine Mammal Hunting on California's Northern Channel Islands / Roger H. Colten, Jeanne E. Arnold.
  • no.1 v.64 (1999) Year One: Radiocarbon Dating and American Archaeology, 1947-1948 / Greg Marlowe
  • The Scientific Nature of Postprocessualism / Christine S. VanPool, Todd L. VanPool
  • Nasty, Brutish, but Not Necessarily Short: A Reconsideration of the Statistical Methods Used to Calculate Age at Death from Adult Human Skeletal and Dental Age Indicators / Robert G. Aykroyd y otros
  • The Identification of Granitic Fire-Cracked Rocks Using Luminescence of Alkali Feldspars / George (Rip) Rapp, Jr., Sanda Balescu, Michel Lamothe
  • The Archaeological Visibility of Storage: Delineating Storage from Trash Areas / Susan Kent
  • Older Than We Thought: Implications of Corrected Dates for Paleoindians / Stuart J. Fiedel
  • Facilities and Hunter-Gatherer Long-Term Land Use Patterns: An Example from Southwest Wyoming / Craig S. Smith, Lance M. McNees
  • Spatial and Multivariate Analysis, Random Sampling Error, and Analytical Noise: Empirical Bayesian Methods at Teotihuacan, Mexico / Ian G. Robertson.
  • no.2 v.64 (1999) Geographic Variation in Fluted Projectile Points: A Hemispheric Perspective / Juliet E. Morrow, Toby A. Morrow
  • Point Typologies, Cultural Transmission, and the Spread of Bow-and-Arrow Technology in the Prehistoric Great Basin / Robert L. Bettinger, Jelmer Eerkens
  • The Adoption of the Bow and Arrow in Eastern North America: A View from Central Arkansas / Michael S. Nassaney, Kendra Pyle
  • Intentionality, Symbolic Pragmatics, and Material Culture: Revisiting Binford’s View of the Old Copper Complex / A. Martin Byers
  • Raven Skeletons from Paleoindian Contexts, Charlie Lake Cave, British Columbia / Jonathan C. Driver
  • On Methods of Measuring Ceramic Uselife: A Revision of the Uselife Estimates of Cooking Vessels among the Kalinga, Philippines / Masakazu Tani, William A. Longacre
  • Discovering Childhood: Using Fingerprints to Find Children in the Archaeological Record / Kathryn A. Kamp y otros
  • Analysis of Slips and Other Inorganic Surface Materials on Woodland and Early Fort Ancient Ceramics, South-Central Ohio / Spencer J. Cotkin y otros
  • Intertaxonomic Variability in Patterns of Bone Density and the Differential Representation of Bovid, Cervid, and Equid Elements in the Archaeological Record / Y. M. Lam, Xingbin Chen, O. M. Pearson.
  • no.3 v.64 (1999) Public Opinion and Archaeological Heritage: Views from Outside the Profession / David Pokotylo, Neil Guppy
  • Gender and the Early Cultivation of Gourds in Eastern North America / Gayle J. Fritz
  • The Systematic Use of Radiocarbon Dating in Archaeological Surveys in Coastal and Other Erosional Environments / Jon M. Erlandson, Madonna L. Moss
  • AMS Radiocarbon Dating of the Type Plainview and Firstview (Paleoindian) Assemblages: The Agony and the Ecstasy / Vance T. Holliday, Eileen Johnson, Thomas W. Stafford, Jr.
  • Radiocarbon Analyses of Modern Organics at Monte Verde, Chile: No Evidence for a Local Reservoir Effect / R. E. Taylor y otros
  • Space Syntax Analysis at the Chacoan Outlier of Guadalupe / Ruth M. Van Dyke
  • Refocusing the Role of Food-Grinding Tools as Correlates for Subsistence Strategies in the U.S. Southwest / Jenny L. Adams
  • Maize Productivity in the Eastern Woodlands and Great Plains of North America / Sissel Schroeder
  • Geochemical Analysis of Eight Red Ochres from Western North America / Jon M. Erlandson, J. D. Robertson, Christophe Descantes
  • Microevolution and the Skeletal Traits of a Middle Archaic Burial: Metric and Multivariate Comparison to Paleoindians and Modern Amerindians / Marjorie Brooks Lovvorn.
  • no.4 v.64 (1999) Mississippian Chiefdoms and the Fission-Fusion Process / John H. Blitz – Making Sense of Flake Scatters: Lithic Technological Strategies and Mobility / Frank L. Cowan
  • Land-Use Dynamics and Socioeconomic Change: An Example from the Polop Alto Valley / C. Michael Barton y otros
  • Modeling Paleoshorelines and Locating Early Holocene Coastal Sites in Haida Gwaii / Daryl W. Fedje, Tina Christensen
  • The Age of Common Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) in the Northeastern United States / John P. Hart, C. Margaret Scarry
  • Earth-Oven Plant Processing in Archaic Period Economies: An Example from a Semi-Arid Savannah in South-Central North America / Phil Dering
  • Evaluating Visual Criteria for Identifying Carbon- and Iron-Based Pottery Paints from the Four Corners Region Using SEM-EDS / Joe D. Stewart, Karen R. Adams.
  • no.1 v.65 (2000) Social Formations, Modo de Vida, and Conflict in Archaeology / Bradley E. Ensor
  • Paleoindian Colonization of the Americas: Implications from an Examination of Physiography, Demography, and Artifact Distribution / David G. Anderson, J. Christopher Gillam
  • Settlement and Sea-Levels on the Central Coast of British Columbia: Evidence from Shell Midden Cores / Aubrey Cannon
  • Figurines, Flint Clay Sourcing, the Ozark Highlands, and Cahokian Acquisition / Thomas E. Emerson, Randall E. Hughes
  • Inferences about Prehistoric Ceramics and People in Southeast Missouri: Results of Ceramic Compositional Analysis / Mark J. Lynott y otros
  • Sex, Gender, and Status: Human Images from the Classic Mimbres / Marit K. Munson
  • Cannibalism, Warfare, and Drought in the Mesa Verde Region during the Twelfth Century A.D. / Brian R. Billman, Patricia M. Lambert, Banks L. Leonard
  • Critique of the Claim of Cannibalism at Cowboy Wash / Kurt E. Dongoske, Debra L. Martin, T. J. Ferguson.
  • no.2 v.65 (2000) Questions of Evidence, Legitimacy, and the (Dis)Unity of Science / Alison Wylie
  • Archaeology and Native North American Oral Traditions / Ronald J. Mason
  • Ancient History in the New World: Integrating Oral Traditions and the Archaeological Record in Deep Time / Roger C. Echo-Hawk
  • The Recovery and First Analysis of an Early Holocene Human Skeleton from Kennewick, Washington / James C. Chatters
  • The Bluegrass Fauna and Changes in Middle Holocene Hunter-Gatherer Foraging in the Southern Midwest / C. Russell Stafford, Ronald L. Richards, C. Michael Anslinger
  • Rural Communities in the Black Warrior Valley, Alabama: The Role of Commoners in the Creation of the Moundville I Landscape / Mintcy D. Maxham
  • Conquistadors, Excavators, or Rodents: What Damaged the King Site Skeletons? / George R. Milner y otros
  • Kiln Firing Groups: Inter-Household Economic Collaboration and Social Organization in the Northern American Southwest / Wesley Bernardini
  • Competitive and Cooperative Responses to Climatic Instability in Coastal Southern California / Douglas J. Kennett, James P. Kennett.
  • no.3 v.65 (2000) Evolutionary Theory and the Historical Development of Dry-Land Agriculture in North Kohala, Hawai'i / Thegn N. Ladefoged, Michael W. Graves
  • Political Hierarchies and Organizational Strategies in the Puebloan Southwest / Gary M. Feinman, Kent G. Lightfoot, Steadman Upham
  • Pots, Parties, and Politics: Communal Feasting in the American Southwest / James M. Potter
  • Select Early Paleoindian Women, Children, Mobility, and Fertility / Todd A. Surovell
  • Select Sandal Types and Archaic Prehistory on the Colorado Plateau / Phil R. Geib
  • Sea-Level Rise and Subsidence Effects on Gulf Coast Archaeological Site Distributions / R. Barry Lewis
  • The Dolphin Hunters: A Specialized Prehistoric Maritime Adaptation in the Southern California Channel Islands and Baja California / Judith F. Porcasi, Harumi Fujita.
  • no.4 v.65 (2000) Conceptual Metaphor in the Archaeological Record: Methods and an Example from the American Southwest / Scott G. Ortman
  • Society and Technological Control: A Critical Review of Models of Technological Change in Ceramic Studies / Helen L. Loney
  • Mound Building and Prestige Goods Exchange: Changing Strategies in the Cahokia Chiefdom / Mary Beth D. Trubitt
  • Chronometers and Units in Early Archaeology and Paleontology / R. Lee Lyman, Michael J. O'Brien
  • On Equifinality in Faunal Analysis / Alan R. Rogers
  • The Quantification Problem in Stone-Tool Assemblages / Michael J. Shott
  • Understanding Observer Variation When Recording Stone Artifacts / Denis Gnaden, Simon Holdaway
  • Late Prehistoric Petroleum Collection in Pennsylvania: Radiocarbon Evidence / Karen A. Selsor y otros.
  • no.1 v.66 (2001) Deciphering the Organization of Production in Chaco Canyon / Catherine M. Cameron, H. Wolcott Toll
  • Production and Consumption in a Sacred Economy: The Material Correlates of High Devotional Expression at Chaco Canyon / Colin Renfrew
  • Economic Support of Chaco Canyon Society / Timothy Earle
  • Matrilocality, Corporate Strategy, and the Organization of Production in the Chacoan World / Peter N. Peregrine
  • Household Production in Chaco Canyon Society / Melissa Hagstrum
  • Making and Breaking Pots in the Chaco World / H. Wolcott Toll
  • Pink Chert, Projectile Points, and the Chacoan Regional System / Catherine M. Cameron
  • The Organization of Turquoise Production and Consumption by the Prehistoric Chacoans / Frances Joan Mathien
  • Going against the Grain: Wood Production in Chacoan Society / Thomás C. Windes, Peter J. McKenna
  • One Person's Food: How and Why Fish Avoidance May Affect the Settlement and Subsistence Patterns of Hunter-Gatherers / M. E. Malainey, R. Przybylski, B. L. Sherriff.
  • no.2 v.66 (2001) Select An Integrative Approach to Mortuary Analysis: Social and Symbolic Dimensions of Chumash Burial Practices / Lynn H. Gamble, Phillip L. Walker, Glenn S. Russell
  • Abandonment Is Not as It Seems: An Approach to the Relationship between Site and Regional Abandonment / Margaret C. Nelson, Michelle Hegmon
  • Stone Raw Material Availability and Early Archaic Settlement in the Southeastern United States / I. Randolph Daniel, Jr.
  • Evidence for Late Paleoindian Ritual from the Caradoc Site (AfHj-104), Southwestern Ontario, Canada / D. Brian Deller, Christopher J. Ellis
  • Landscape Change and the Cultural Evolution of the Hohokam along the Middle Gila River and Other River Valleys in South-Central Arizona / Michael R. Waters, John C. Ravesloot
  • A New Approach to Dating the League of the Iroquois / Robert D. Kuhn, Martha L. Sempowski
  • A Zooarchaeological Signature for Meat Storage: Re-Thinking the Drying Utility Index / T. Max Friesen
  • Estimating the Minimum Number of Skeletal Elements (MNE) in Zooarchaeology: A Review and a New Image-Analysis GIS Approach / Curtis W. Marean y otros.
  • no.3 v.66 (2001) Was Agriculture Impossible during the Pleistocene but Mandatory during the Holocene? A Climate Change Hypothesis / Peter J. Richerson, Robert Boyd, Robert L. Bettinger
  • Shellfish Feeders, Carrion Eaters, and the Archaeology of Aquatic Adaptations / Jon M. Erlandson, Madonna L. Moss
  • Ritual and Mound Formation during the Bonito Phase in Chaco Canyon / W. H. Wills
  • Interpreting Variability in Thule Inuit Architecture: A Case Study from the Canadian High Arctic / Peter C. Dawson
  • Mass Spectrometric Radiocarbon Dates from Three Rock Paintings of Known Age / Ruth A. Armitage
  • AMS Radiocarbon Dates for Charcoal from Three Missouri Pictographs and Their Associated Iconography / Carol Diaz-Granάdos y otros
  • Techniques for Assessing Standardization in Artifact Assemblages: Can We Scale Material Variability? / Jelmer W. Eerkens, Robert L. Bettinger.
  • no.4 v.66 (2001) Ceramic Style Change and Neutral Evolution: A Case Study from Neolithic Europe / S. J. Shennan, J. R. Wilkinson
  • Paleocoastal Marine Fishing on the Pacific Coast of the Americas: Perspectives from Daisy Cave, California / Torben C. Rick, Jon M. Erlandson, René L. Vellanoweth
  • Wetlands and Emergent Horticultural Economies in the Upper Great Lakes: A New Perspective from the Schultz Site / William A. Lovis y otros
  • Sod Blocks in Illinois Hopewell Mounds / Julieann Van Nest y otros
  • Architecture and Authority in the Casas Grandes Area, Chihuahua, Mexico / Michael E. Whalen, Paul E. Minnis
  • Identification of Horse Exploitation by Clovis Hunters Based on Protein Analysis / Brian Kooyman y otros
  • Reconsidering the Cause of Cultural Collapse in the Lillooet Area of British Columbia, Canada: A Geoarchaeological Perspective / Ian Kuijt
  • Grief and Burial in the American Southwest: The Role of Evolutionary Theory in the Interpretation of Mortuary Remains / Douglas H. MacDonald
  • Methodological Issues in the Study of Assemblage Diversity / M. J. Baxter.
  • no.1 v.67 (2002) The Folsom (Paleoindian) Type Site: Past Investigations, Current Studies / David J. Meltzer, Lawrence C. Todd, Vance T. Holliday
  • Conflict, Trade, and Political Development on the Southern Plains / Susan C. Vehik
  • Predicting Maize Agriculture among the Fremont: An Economic Comparison of Farming and Foraging in the American Southwest / K. Renee Barlow
  • Mapping Poverty Point / Tristram R. Kidder
  • Mesoamerican Origin for an Obsidian Scraper from the Precolumbian Southeastern United States / Alex W. Barker y otros
  • Kautantouwit's Legacy: Calibrated Dates on Prehistoric Maize in New England / Elizabeth A. Little
  • Lava, Corn, and Ritual in the Northern Southwest / Mark D. Elson y otros
  • Evaluation of Painted Pottery from the Mesa Verde Region Using Laser Ablation-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) / Robert J. Speakman, Hector Neff.
  • no.2 v.67 (2002) The Cross Creek Site (CA-SLO-1797) and Its Implications for New World Colonization / Terry L. Jones y otros
  • The Ascendance of Hunting during the California Middle Archaic: An Evolutionary Perspective / William R. Hildebrandt, Kelly R. McGuire
  • The Residues of Feasting and Public Ritual at Early Cahokia / Timothy R. Pauketat y otros
  • Fluoride Dating of Faunal Materials by Ion-Selective Electrode: High Resolution Relative Dating at an Early Agricultural Period Site in the Tucson Basin / Mark R. Schurr, David A. Gregory
  • Archaeological Evidence for the Origin of the Plank Canoe in North America / Lynn H. Gamble
  • The Committee for the Recovery of Archaeological Remains: Three Decades of Service to the Archaeological Profession / Fred Wendorf, Raymond H. Thompson
  • Gendered Citation Practices in American Antiquity and Other Archaeology Journals / Scott R. Hutson.
  • no.4 v.67 (2002) War in the Southwest, War in the World / Stephen H. Lekson
  • The Vacant Quarter Revisited: Late Mississippian Abandonment of the Lower Ohio Valley / Charles R. Cobb, Brian M. Butler
  • The Analysis of Cutmarks on Archaeofauna: A Review and Critique of Quantification Procedures, and a New Image-Analysis GIS Approach / Yoshiko Abe y otros
  • Early Irrigation on the Colorado Plateau near Zuni Pueblo, New Mexico / Jonathan E. Damp, Stephen A. Hall, Susan J. Smith
  • Sacred Earthen Architecture in the Northern Southwest: The Bluff Great House Berm / Catherine M. Cameron
  • Olivella Beads from Spiro and the Plains / Laura Kozuch
  • Specialized Ground Stone Production in the Casas Grandes Region of Northern Chihuahua, Mexico / Todd L. VanPool, Robert D. Leonard
  • On the Spur of the Moment: Effects of Age and Experience on Hafted Stone Scraper Morphology / Kathryn J. Weedman
  • White-Tailed Deer Meat and Marrow Return Rates and Their Application to Eastern Woodlands Archaeology / T. Cregg Madrigal, Julie Zimmermann Holt.
  • no.1 v.69 (2004) Daily Practice and Social Memory at Çatalhöyük / Ian Hodder, Craig Cessford
  • Late Archaic Totemism in the Greater American Southwest / Nancy J. Coulam, Alan R. Schroedl
  • “Fishing Down the Food Web”: A Case Study from St. Augustine, Florida, USA / Elizabeth J. Reitz
  • Little Bighorn on the Scioto: The Rocky Mountain Connection to Ohio Hopewell / Warren R. DeBoer
  • Boats, Bones, and Biface Bias: The Early Holocene Mariners of Eel Point, San Clemente Island, California / Jim Cassidy, L. Mark Raab, Nina A. Kononenko
  • Identifying Necessity and Sufficiency Relationships in Skeletal-Part Representation Using Fuzzy-Set Theory / Joseph E. Beaver
  • Do Cucurbita pepo Gourds Float Fishnets? / John P. Hart, Robert A. Daniels, Charles J. Sheviak.
  • no.2 v.69 (2004) Daily Practice and Social Memory at Çatalhöyük / Ian Hodder, Craig Cessford
  • Late Archaic Totemism in the Greater American Southwest / Nancy J. Coulam, Alan R. Schroedl
  • “Fishing Down the Food Web”: A Case Study from St. Augustine, Florida, USA / Elizabeth J. Reitz
  • Little Bighorn on the Scioto: The Rocky Mountain Connection to Ohio Hopewell / Warren R. DeBoer
  • Boats, Bones, and Biface Bias: The Early Holocene Mariners of Eel Point, San Clemente Island, California / Jim Cassidy, L. Mark Raab, Nina A. Kononenko
  • Identifying Necessity and Sufficiency Relationships in Skeletal-Part Representation Using Fuzzy-Set Theory / Joseph E. Beaver
  • Do Cucurbita pepo Gourds Float Fishnets? / John P. Hart, Robert A. Daniels, Charles J. Sheviak.
  • no.3 v.69 (2004) Land Use and an Archaeological Perspective on Socio-Natural Studies in the Wadi Al-Hasa, West-Central Jordan / J. Brett Hill
  • Memory, Meaning, and Masonry: The Late Bonito Chacoan Landscape / Ruth M. Van Dyke
  • Long-Term Settlement History and the Emergence of Towns in the Zuni Area / Keith W. Kintigh, Donna M. Glowacki, Deborah L. Huntley
  • They Go Along Singing: Reconstructing the Hopi Past from Ritual Metaphors in Song and Image / Emory Sekaquaptewa, Dorothy Washburn
  • Steatite Vessel Age and Occurrence in Temperate Eastern North America / James Truncer
  • Plazas as Architecture: An Example from the Raffman Site, Northeast Louisiana / Tristram R. Kidder
  • Chronology and Stratigraphy at Dust Cave, Alabama / Sarah C. Sherwood
  • High Precision Measurement of Obsidian Hydration Layers on Artifacts from the Hopewell Site Using Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry / Christopher M. Stevenson, Ihab Abdelrehim, Steven W. Novak
  • Dental Caries, Prehistoric Diet, and the Pithouse-to-Pueblo Transition in Southwestern Colorado / Karen Gust Schollmeyer, Christy G. Turner II.
  • no.4 v.69 (2004) Reconsidering Taíno Social Dynamics after Spanish Conquest: Gender and Class in Culture Contact Studies / Kathleen Deagan
  • Peopling Landscapes between Villages in the Middle Gila River Valley of Central Arizona / E. Christian Wells, Glen E. Rice, John C. Ravesloot
  • Privatization, Small-Seed Intensification, and the Origins of Pottery in the Western Great Basin / Jelmer W. Eerkens
  • Reevaluating Late Prehistoric Coastal Subsistence and Settlement Strategies: New Data from Grove's Creek Site, Skidaway Island, Georgia / Deborah A. Keene
  • Prehistoric Demography in the Southwest: Migration, Coalescence, and Hohokam Population Decline / J. Brett Hill y otros
  • A Middle Archaic Burial from East Central Kansas / Robert J. Hoard y otros
  • Nondestructive Radiocarbon Dating: Naturally Mummified Infant Bundle from SW Texas / Karen L. Steelman y otros
  • Obsidian in Early Woodland Contexts in the Upper Mississippi Valley / James B. Stoltman, Richard E. Hughes
  • The Bat Creek Stone Revisited: A Fraud Exposed / Robert C. Mainfort, Jr., Mary L. Kwas
  • Building Confidence in Shell: Variations in the Marine Radiocarbon Reservoir Correction for the Northwest Coast Over the Past 3,000 Years / Jennie N. Deo, John O. Stone, Julie K. Stein.
  • no.1 v.70 (2005) Communities, Settlements, Sites, and Surveys: Regional-Scale Analysis of Prehistoric Human Interaction / Christian E. Peterson, Robert D. Drennan
  • Reconsidering Spatial and Temporal Aspects of Prehistoric Cultural Identity: A Case Study from the American Southwest / Wesley Bernardini
  • Culture Contact or Colonialism? Challenges in the Archaeology of Native North America / Stephen W. Silliman
  • Does Size Matter? Body Size, Mass Collecting, and Their Implications for Understanding Prehistoric Foraging Behavior / Andrew Ugan
  • The Effects of the Hypsithermal on Prehistoric Foraging Efficiency in Missouri / Steve Wolverton
  • The Wreck of the Barque North Carolina, Bermuda, 1880: An Underwater Crime Scene? / Richard A. Gould
  • The Emerging Archaeology of Glaciers and Ice Patches: Examples from Alaska's Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve / E. James Dixon, William F. Manley, Craig M. Lee
  • Nineteenth-Century Arrow Wounds and Perceptions of Prehistoric Warfare / George R. Milner
  • Publishing Archaeology in Science and Scientific American, 1940–2003 / R. Lee Lyman, Michael J. O'Brien, Michael Brian Schiffer.
  • no.2 v.70 (2005) Effigy Pipes, Diplomacy, and Myth: Exploring Interaction between St. Lawrence Iroquoians and Eastern Iroquois in New York State / Anthony Wonderley
  • Bone Chemistry, Body Parts, and Growth Marks: Evaluating Ohio Hopewell and Cahokia Mississippian Seasonality, Subsistence, Ritual, and Feasting / Richard W. Yerkes
  • Climate Change and Culture Change on the Southern Coast of British Columbia 2400-1200 Cal. B.P.: An Hypothesis / Dana Lepofsky y otros
  • Ceramic Specialization and Agricultural Marginality: Do Ethnographic Models Explain the Development of Specialized Pottery Production in the Prehistoric American Southwest? / Karen G. Harry
  • A Case of Historic Cannibalism in the American West: Implications for Southwestern Archaeology / Alison E. Rautman, Todd W. Fenton
  • The Watercraft of Isla Cedros, Baja California: Variability and Capabilities of Indigenous Seafaring Technology along the Pacific Coast of North America / Matthew R. Des Lauriers
  • Morphological Observations on Recently Recovered Early Agricultural Period Maize Cob Fragments from Southern Arizona / Michael W. Diehl.
  • no.3 v.70 (2005) Site-Use Intensity, Cultural Modification of the Environment, and the Development of Agricultural Communities in Southern Arizona / Rebecca M. Dean
  • Plausible Ethnographic Analogies for the Social Organization of Hohokam Canal Irrigation / Robert C. Hunt y otros
  • Diffusionism Reconsidered: Linguistic and Archaeological Evidence for Prehistoric Polynesian Contact with Southern California / Terry L. Jones, Kathryn A. Klar
  • The Devil Is in the Details: The Cascade Model of Invention Processes / Michael Brian Schiffer
  • Evidence of Early Paleoindian Bone Modification and Use at the Sheriden Cave Site (33WY252), Wyandot County, Ohio / Brian G. Redmond, Kenneth B. Tankersley
  • Temporal Data Requirements, Luminescence Dates, and the Resolution of Chronological Structure of Late Prehistoric Deposits in the Central Mississippi River Valley / Carl P. Lipo, James K. Feathers, Robert C. Dunnell
  • The Measurement and Interpretation of Cortex in Lithic Assemblages / Harold L. Dibble y otros
  • Intrasite Spatial Analysis, Ethnoarchaeology, and Paleoindian Land-Use on the Great Plains: The Allen Site / Douglas B. Bamforth, Mark Becker, Jean Hudson.
  • no.1 v.71 (2006) Sympathetic Magic in Western North American Rock Art / James D. Keyser, David S. Whitley
  • Midden Ceramic Assemblage Formation: A Case Study from Kalinga, Philippines / Margaret E. Beck
  • Gender in Middle Range Societies: A Case Study in Casas Grandes Iconography / Christine S. VanPool, Todd L. VanPool
  • Toward an Understanding of Borderland Processes / Bradley J. Parker
  • Late Pleistocene Horse Hunting at the Wally's Beach Site (DhPg-8), Canada / B. Kooyman, L. V. Hills, P. McNeil, S. Tolman
  • Early Storage and Sedentism on the Pacific Northwest Coast: Ancient DNA Analysis of Salmon Remains from Namu, British Columbia / Aubrey Cannon, Dongya Y. Yang.
  • no.2 v.71 (2006) Climate Change and the Archaic to Woodland Transition (3000–2500 Cal B.P.) in the Mississippi River Basin / Tristram R. Kidder
  • Pots and Pox: The Identification of Protohistoric Epidemics in the Upper Mississippi Valley / Colin M. Betts
  • Bear's Journey and the Study of Ritual in Archaeology / Meghan C. L. Howey, John M. O'Shea
  • Food, Meals, and Daily Activities: Food Habitus at Neolithic Çatalhöyük / Sonya Atalay, Christine A. Hastorf – A Folsom Structure in the Colorado Mountains / Mark Stiger – Projectile Point Shape and Durability: The Effect of Thickness: Length / Joseph Cheshier, Robert L. Kelly
  • Anthropological Applications of Ancient DNA: Problems and Prospects / Connie J. Mulligan
  • Research Traditions, Public Policy, and the Underdevelopment of Theory in Plains Archaeology: Tracing the Legacy of the Missouri Basin Project / Mark D. Mitchell.
  • no.3 v.71 (2006) Archaeological and Ecological Perspectives on Reorganization: A Case Study from the Mimbres Region of the U.S. Southwest / Margaret C. Nelson y otros
  • Collapse of Crucial Resources and Culture Change: A Model for the Woodland to Oneota Transformation in the Upper Midwest / James L. Theler, Robert F. Boszhardt
  • Evidence for Berry and Maize Processing on the Canadian Plains from Starch Grain Analysis / Sonia Zarrillo, Brian Kooyman
  • Complex Legal Legacies: The Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act, Scientific Study, and Kennewick Man / Susan B. Bruning
  • Using Viewshed Analysis to Explore Settlement Choice: A Case Study of the Onondaga Iroquois / Eric E. Jones
  • Stallings Island Revisited: New Evidence for Occupational History, Community Pattern, and Subsistence Technology / Kenneth E. Sassaman, Meggan E. Blessing, Asa R. Randall.
  • no.4 v.71 (2006) Too Little, Too Late? The Radiocarbon Chronology of Alaska and the Peopling of the New World / Michael R. Bever
  • Style and Resistance in the Seventeenth Century Salinas Province / Katherine A. Spielmann, Jeannette L. Mobley-Tanaka, James M. Potter
  • LiDAR for Archaeological Landscape Analysis: A Case Study of Two Eighteenth-Century Maryland Plantation Sites / James M. Harmon y otros
  • Rock Fortifications: Archaeological Insights Into Precontact Warfare and Sociopolitical Organization Among the Stó:lō of the Lower Fraser River Canyon, B.C. / David M. Schaepe
  • Fields of Power: Upland Farming in the Prehispanic Casas Grandes Polity, Chihuahua, Mexico / Paul E. Minnis, Michael E. Whalen, R. Emerson Howell
  • Detection Functions for Archaeological Survey / E. B. Banning, A. L. Hawkins, S. T. Stewart
  • Experimental and Archaeological Verification of an Index of Retouch for Hafted Bifaces / William Andrefsky, Jr.
  • no.1 v.72 (2007) Deerskins and Domesticates: Creek Subsistence and Economic Strategies in the Historic Period / Barnet Pavao-Zuckerman
  • Palynological Evidence of the Effects of the Deerskin Trade on Forest Fires during the Eighteenth Century in Southeastern North America / H. Thomas Foster II, Arthur D. Cohen
  • Re-Representing African Pasts through Historical Archaeology / Peter R. Schmidt, Jonathan R. Walz
  • The Evolution of a Caddo Community in Northeastern Texas: The Oak Hill Village Site (41RK214), Rusk County, Texas / Timothy K. Perttula, Robert Rogers
  • Women and Men in Warfare and Migration: Implications of Gender Imbalance in the Grasshopper Region of Arizona / Julia C. Lowell
  • Clay, Conflict, and Village Aggregation: Compositional Analyses of Pre-Classic Pottery from Taos, New Mexico / Severin M. Fowles y otros
  • Biface Reduction and the Measurement of Dalton Curation: A Southeastern United States Case Study / Michael J. Shott, Jesse A. M. Ballenger
  • Retouched Notches at Combe Grenal (France) and the Reduction Hypothesis / Peter Hisco*ck, Chris Clarkson.
  • no.3 v.72 (2007) A Unified Evolutionary Model of Archaeological Style and Function Based on the Price Equation / P. Jeffrey Brantingham
  • A Moveable Feast: Variation in Faunal Resource Use among Central and Western North American Paleoindian Sites / Matthew E. Hill, Jr.
  • Single Component Sites with Long Sequences of Radiocarbon Dates: The Sunwatch Site and Middle Fort Ancient Village Growth / Robert A. Cook
  • Ballcourts and Ceramics: The Case for Hohokam Marketplaces in the Arizona Desert / David R. Abbott, Alexa M. Smith, Emiliano Gallaga
  • Gender, Technology, and Evolution: Cultural Inheritance Theory and Prehistoric Potters in Valencia, Spain / Sarah B. McClure
  • "Formed from the Earth at That Place": The Material Side of Community at Poverty Point / Jon L. Gibson
  • Place of Origin of Prehistoric Inhabitants of Aztalan, Jefferson Co., Wisconsin / T. Douglas Price, James H. Burton, James B. Stoltman
  • Integrated Remote Sensing and Excavation at Double Ditch State Historic Site, North Dakota / Kenneth L. Kvamme, Stanley A. Ahler
  • Extending the Phytolith Evidence for Early Maize (Zea mays ssp. mays) and Squash (Cucurbita sp.) in Central New York / John P. Hart, Hetty Jo Brumbach, Robert Lusteck
  • Reduction Strategies and Geochemical Characterization of Lithic Assemblages: A Comparison of Three Case Studies from Western North America / Jelmer W. Eerkens y otros.
  • no.4 v.72 (2007) Inference to the Best Explanation: A Common and Effective Form of Archaeological Reasoning / Lars Fogelin
  • Migration and Social Structure among the Hopewell: Evidence from Ancient DNA / Deborah A. Bolnick, David Glenn Smith
  • Lapita Migrants in the Pacific's Oldest Cemetery: Isotopic Analysis at Teouma, Vanuatu / R. Alexander Bentley y otros
  • Opportunistic Whale Hunting on the Southern Northwest Coast: Ancient DNA, Artifact, and Ethnographic Evidence / Robert J. Losey, Dongya Y. Yang – Life Histories of Pots and Potters: Situating the Individual in Archaeology / Patricia L. Crown
  • Toolkit Composition and Assemblage Variability: The Implications of Nogahabara I, Northern Alaska / Daniel Odess, Jeffrey T. Rasic
  • Radiocarbon Dating and Dietary Stable Isotope Analysis of Kwaday Dän Ts'inchí / Michael P. Richards y otros
  • Human Impacts on Nearshore Shellfish Taxa: A 7,000 Year Record from Santa Rosa Island, California / Todd J. Braje y otros
  • Magnetic Evidence of Ridge Construction and Use at Poverty Point / Michael L. Hargrave, Tad Britt, Matthew D. Reynolds
  • Trampling Experiments in the Search for the Earliest Americans / Neal H. Lopinot, Jack H. Ray.
  • no.1 v.73 (2008) The Cultural Transmission of Great Basin Projectile-Point Technology I: An Experimental Simulation / Alex Mesoudi, Michael J. O'Brien
  • History and Process in Village Formation: Context and Contrasts from the Northern Southwest / Catherine M. Cameron, Andrew I. Duff
  • Evolution of a Late Prehistoric Winter Village on the Interior Plateau of British Columbia: Geophysical Investigations, Radiocarbon Dating, and Spatial Analysis of the Bridge River Site / Anna Marie Prentiss
  • The Role of Basketry in Early Holocene Small Seed Exploitation: Implications of a Ca. 9,000 Year-Old Basket from Cowboy Cave, Utah / Phil R. Geib, Edward A. Jolie
  • The Beauty of "Ugly" Eskimo Cooking Pots / Lisa Frink, Karen G. Harry
  • Ethnoarchaeological and Archaeological Perspectives on Ceramic Vessels and Annual Accumulation Rates of Sherds / Alan P. Sullivan III
  • Select Streamflow and Population Change in the Lower Salt River Valley of Central Arizona, ca. A.D. 775 to 1450 / Scott E. Ingram.
  • no.2 v.73 (2008) Select Harvest Pressure and Environmental Carrying Capacity: An Ordinal-Scale Model of Effects on Ungulate Prey / Steve Wolverton
  • Land Use, Political Complexity, and Urbanism in Mainland Southeast Asia / Lisa Kealhofer, Peter Grave
  • The Mexican Connection and the Far West of the U.S. Southeast / Nancy Marie White, Richard A. Weinstein
  • The Identification of Hafting Adhesive on a Slotted Antler Point from a Southwest Yukon Ice Patch / Kate Helwig, Valery Monahan, Jennifer Poulin
  • The Diablo Canyon Fauna: A Coarse-Grained Record of Trans-Holocene Foraging from the Central California Mainland Coast / Terry L. Jones y otros
  • New Evidence in the Upper Mississippi Valley for Premississippian Cultural Interaction with the American Bottom / James B. Stoltman, Danielle M. Benden, Robert F. Boszhardt
  • Taphonomic Analysis of the Mammalian Fauna from Sandia Cave, New Mexico, and the “Sandia Man” Controversy / Jessica C. Thompson, Nawa Sugiyama, Gary S. Morgan
  • Frederick H. Sterns and the Portrayal of Variation in Central Plains Pottery / Donna C. Roper.
  • no.3 v.73 (2008) Forest Opening, Habitat Use, and Food Production on the Cumberland Plateau, Kentucky: Adaptive Flexibility in Marginal Settings / Kristen J. Gremillion, Jason Windingstad, Sarah C. Sherwood
  • Intra-Community Variation in Diet during the Adoption of a New Staple Crop in the Eastern Woodlands / Fionnuala Rose
  • Languages Past and Present: Archaeological Approaches to the Appearance of Northern Iroquoian Speakers in the Lower Great Lakes Region of North America / Scott W. J. Martin
  • Spatial Variability in the Folsom Archaeological Record: A Multi-Scalar Approach / Brian N. Andrews, Jason M. LaBelle, John D. Seebach
  • Archaeological Corn from Pueblo Bonito, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico: Dates, Contexts, Sources / Linda S. Cordell y otros
  • An Assessment and Archaeological Application of Cortex Measurement in Lithic Assemblages / Matthew J. Douglass y otros
  • The Timing of the Thule Migration: New Dates from the Western Canadian Arctic / T. Max Friesen, Charles D. Arnold
  • San Patrice: An Example of Late Paleoindian Adaptive Versatility in South-Central North America / Thomas A. Jennings.
  • no.4 v.73 (2008) Aboriginalism and the Problems of Indigenous Archaeology / Robert McGhee
  • Select An Interaction Model for Resource Implement Complexity Based on Risk and Number of Annual Moves / Dwight Read
  • The Neolithic Demographic Transition in the U.S. Southwest / Timothy A. Kohler
  • The Cultural Transmission of Great Basin Projectile-Point Technology II: An Agent-Based Computer Simulation / Alex Mesoudi, Michael J. O'Brien
  • Archaeological Roots of Human Diversity in the New World: A Compilation of Accurate and Precise Radiocarbon Ages from Earliest Sites / Michael K. Faught
  • Archaeobotanical Analysis and Interpretations of Enslaved Virginian Plant Use at Rich Neck Plantation (44WB52) / Stephen A. Mrozowski, Maria Franklin, Leslie Hunt
  • Taking Variation Seriously: Testing the Steatite Mast-Processing Hypothesis with Microbotanical Data from the Hunter's Home Site, New York / John P. Hart y otros
  • Science and Sensitivity: A Geochemical Characterization of the Mauna Kea Adze Quarry Complex, Hawai'I Island, Hawaii / Peter R. Mills y otros
  • Transport Distance and Debitage Assemblage Diversity: An Application of the Field Processing Model to Southern Utah Toolstone Procurement Sites / R. Kelly Beck
  • Geological and Cultural Context of the Nogahabara I Site / Charles E. Holmes y otros.
  • no.1 v.74 (2009) In Pursuit of Mobile Prey: Martu Hunting Strategies and Archaeofaunal Interpretation / Douglas W. Bird, Rebecca Bliege Bird, Brian F. Codding
  • Understanding Household Population through Ceramic Assemblage Formation: Ceramic Ethnoarchaeology among the Gamo of Southwestern Ethiopia / John W. Arthur
  • Variation in Ohio Hopewell Political Economies / Matthew S. Coon
  • Hierarchy, Communalism, and the Spatial Order of Northwest Coast Plank Houses: A Comparative Study / Gary Coupland, Terence Clark, Amanda Palmer
  • The Age of the Paleoindian Assemblage at Sheriden Cave, Ohio / Michael R. Waters y otros
  • Problems of Ceramic Chronology in the Southeast: Does Shell-Tempered Pottery Appear Earlier than We Think? / James K. Feathers
  • A Review of Lichenometric Dating and Its Applications to Archaeology / James B. Benedict.
  • no.2 v.74 (2009) Change and Continuity, Practice and Memory: Native American Persistence in Colonial New England / Stephen W. Silliman
  • Rethinking the Ramey State: Was Cahokia the Center of a Theater State? / Julie Zimmermann Holt
  • Adaptive Cycles of Coastal Hunter-Gatherers / Victor D. Thompson, John A. Turck
  • A Formal Test of the Origin of Variation in North American Early Paleoindian Projectile Points / Briggs Buchanan, Marcus J. Hamilton
  • Pronghorn Dental Age Profiles and Holocene Hunting Strategies at Hogup Cave, Utah / David A. Byers, Brenda L. Hill
  • Select Occasional Hunts or Mass Kills? Investigating the Origins of Archaeological Pronghorn Bonebeds in Southwest Wyoming / Jack N. Fenner
  • Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Radiocarbon Dating of Temper in Shell-Tempered Ceramics: Test Cases from Mississippi, Southeastern United States / Evan Peaco*ck, James K. Feathers
  • Understanding Cache Variability: A Deliberately Burned Early Paleoindian Tool Assemblage from the Crowfield Site, Southwestern Ontario, Canada / D. Brian Deller, Christopher J. Ellis, James R. Keron.
  • no.3 v.74 (2009) Daily Practice and the Organization of Space at the Dawn of Agriculture: A Case Study from the near East / Ian Kuijt, Nathan Goodale
  • Paleoindian Aggregation and Social Context at Bull Brook /Brian S. Robinson y otros
  • The Enshrined Pueblo: Villagescape and Cosmos in the Northern Rio Grande / Severin M. Fowles
  • Cahokia$s Boom and Bust in the Context of Climate Change / Larry V. Benson, Timothy R. Pauketat, Edward R. Cook
  • Metric Data in Archaeology: A Study of Intra-Analyst and Inter-Analyst Variation / R. Lee Lyman, Todd L. VanPool
  • Measuring Time, Population, and Residential Mobility from the Surface at San Marcos Pueblo, North Central New Mexico / Ann F. Ramenofsky, Fraser D. Neiman, Christopher D. Pierce
  • Extensive and Long-Term Specialization: Hohokam Ceramic Production in the Phoenix Basin, Arizona / David R. Abbott
  • Clovis and the American Mastodon at Big Bone Lick, Kentucky / Kenneth B. Tankersley, Michael R. Waters, Thomas W. Stafford, Jr.
  • no.4 v.74 (2009) Exploring Stó:Lō-Coast Salish Interaction and Identity in Ancient Houses and Settlements in the Fraser Valley, British Columbia / Dana Lepofsky y otros
  • Mounds, Myths, and Cherokee Townhouses in Southwestern North Carolina / Christopher B. Rodning
  • The Cave in the Kiva: The Kiva Niche and Painted Walls in the Rio Grande Valley / Polly Schaafsma
  • Adoption and Intensification of Agriculture in the North American Southwest: Notes toward a Quantitative Approach / David A. Phillips, Jr.
  • Antiquity of Communal Pronghorn Hunting in the North-Central Great Basin / Bryan Hockett, Timothy W. Murphy
  • The Jim Pitts Site: A Stratified Paleoindian Site in the Black Hills of South Dakota / Frederic Sellet, James Donohue, Matthew G. Hill
  • Fieldworker Experience and Single-Episode Screening as Sources of Data Recovery Bias in Archaeology: A Case Study from the Central Pacific Northwest Coast / Anthony P. Graesch.
  • no.1 v.75 (2010) Community, Identity, and Social Memory at Moundville / Gregory D. Wilson
  • Costly Signaling and Gendered Social Strategies among Slaves in the Eighteenth-Century Chesapeake: An Archaeological Perspective / Jillian E. Galle
  • Archaeological Indices of Resistance: Diversity in the Removal Period Potawatomi of the Western Great Lakes / Mark R. Schurr
  • Ethnographic and Modeled Costs of Long-Distance, Big-Game Hunting / Deanna N. Grimstead
  • Clovis and Western Stemmed: Population Migration and the Meeting of Two Technologies in the Intermountain West / Charlotte Beck, Clarence Surette
  • Detsining Proienance of Shell - Tempered fotery trom the Central Plains Using Petrograply and oxidation Analysis / Donna C. Roper, Richard L. Josephs. Magaret E. Beck.
  • Contextual Incongruities, Statistical Outliers, and Anomalies: Targeeting Inconspicuous Occupational Events / Deni J. Seymour
  • Spatial and Temporal Variability in Chert Exploitation on Santa Cruz Island, California / Jennifer E. Perry and Christopher S. Jazwa
  • no.2 v.75 (2010) The First Prehispanic Chile (Capsicum) from the U.S. Southwest/Northwest Mexico and Its Changing Use / Paul E. Minnis and Michael E. Whalen
  • Reduced Mobility or the Bow and Arrow? Another Look at "Expedient" Technologies and Sedentism / Jim A. Railey
  • Dart and Arrow Points on the Columbia Plateau of Western North America / Kenneth M. Ames, Kristen A. Fuld, and Sara Davis
  • Complexity and Sustainability: Perspectives from the Ancient Maya and the Modern Balinese / Vernon L. Scarborough and William R. Burnside
  • Computational Modeling and Neolithic Socioecological Dynamics:A Case Study from Southwest Asia / C. Michael Barton, Isaac Ullah, and Helena Mitasova
  • Population History of the Onondaga and Oneida Iroquois, A.D. 1500-1700 / Eric E. Jones.
  • no.3 v.75 (2010) A New Method Using Graph and Lattice Theory to Discover Spatially Cohesive Sets of Artifacts and Areas of Organized Activity in Archaeological Sites / Michael Merrill, Dwight Read
  • General/Specific, Local/Global: Comparing the Beginnings of Agriculture in the Horn of Africa (Ethiopia/Eritrea) and Southwest Arabia (Yemen) / Michael J. Harrower, Joy McCorriston, A. Catherine D’Andrea
  • Corporate Group Formation and Differentiation in Early Puebloan Villages of the American Southwest / Gregson Schachner
  • The Depopulation of Sand Canyon Pueblo, A Large Ancestral Pueblo Village in Southwestern Colorado / Kristin A. Kuckelman
  • Reconsidering the Size and Structure of Casas Grandes, Chihuahua, Mexico / Michael E. Whalen, A. C. MacWilliams, Todd Pitezel
  • Shell Mounds in the Southeast: Middens, Monuments, Temple Mounds, Rings, or Works? / William H. Marquardt
  • Exploring the Longhouse and Community in Tribal Society / Jodie A. O'Gorman
  • Ritual Architecture in Prehistoric Complex Hunter-Gatherer Communities: A Potential Example from Keatley Creek, on the Canadian Plateau / Jesse Morin
  • “Men, Women, and Children Starving”: Archaeology of the Donner Family Camp / Kelly J. Dixon y otros
  • Placing the Poverty Point Mounds in their Temporal Context / Anthony L. Ortmann
  • no.4 v.75 (2010) Eastern North American Population at ca. A.D. 1500 / George R. Milner, George Chaplin
  • Social Transformation in Old Hawai'I: A Bottom-Up Approach / Thomas S. Dye
  • A Symmetry Analysis of Design Structure: 1,000 Years of Continuity and Change in Puebloan Ceramic Design / Dorothy K. Washburn, Donald W. Crowe, Richard V.N. Ahlstrom
  • Changing Views of Drakensberg San Rock Art: Examining Landscape Use, Ritual Activity, and Contact through Multivariate Content-Based Spatial Analysis / Grant S. McCall
  • Land Use, Land Ideology: An Integrated Geographic Information Systems Analysis of Rock Art Within South-Central California / David W. Robinson
  • Basketmaker and Archaic Rock Art of the Colorado Plateau: A Reinterpretation of Paleoimagery / Jennifer A. Kitchell
  • Evolutionary Ecology, Elite Feasting, and the Hohokam: A Case Study from a Southern Arizona Platform Mound / Deanna N. Grimstead, Frank E. Bayham
  • Select Footprints Across the Black Rock: Temporal Variability in Prehistoric Foraging Territories and Toolstone Procurement Strategies in the Western Great Basin / Geoffrey M. Smith
  • Size Dependence in Assemblage Measures: Essentialism, Materialism, and “She” Analysis in Archaeology / Michael J. Shott
  • Jake Bluff: Clovis Bison Hunting on the Southern Plains of North America / Leland C. Bement, Brian J. Carter
  • The Construction, Use, and Abandonment of Angel Site Mound A Tracing the History of a Middle Mississippian Town Through Its Earthworks / G. William Monaghan, Christopher S. Peebles
  • no.1 v.76 (2011) Rendering Economies: Native American Labor and Secondary Animal Products in the Eighteenth-Century Pimería Alta / Barnet Pavao-Zuckerman
  • Origin Stories, Archaeological Evidence, and Postclovis Paleoindian Bison Hunting on the Great Plains / Douglas B. Bamforth
  • New Perspectives on Meadowood Trade Items / Karine Taché
  • The Provenance and Use of Etowah Palettes / Vincas P. Steponaitis y otros
  • Mapping Clovis: Projectile Points, Behavior, and Bias / Mary M. Prasciunas
  • Down to Seeds and Stones: A New Look at the Subsistence Remains From Shawnee-Minisink / Joseph A.M. Gingerich
  • The Spatial Scale of Social Learning Affects Cultural Diversity / L. S. Premo, Jonathan B. Scholnick
  • Determining Site Size and Structure: A Fort Ancient Example / Robert A. Cook, Jarrod Burks
  • no.2 v.77 (2012) Modelling the Neolithic Transition in the Near East and Europe / Joaquim Fort, Toni Pujol, and Marc Vander Linden
  • Size and Shape Variation in Late Holocene Projectile Points of Southern Patagonia: A Geometric Morphometric Study / Judith Charlin and Rolando González-José
  • The Spirit in the Material: A Case Study of Animism in the American Southwest / Christine S. Vanpool and Elizabeth Newsome
  • Pine Nut Processing in Southern California: Is the Absence of Evidence the Evidence of Absence? / Lynn H. Gamble and Scott Mattingly
  • Tracing Social Interaction: Perspectives in Archaic Copper Exchange from the Upper Great Lakes / Mark A. Hill
  • Assessment of the Gripability of Textured Ceramic Surfaces / Matthew T. Boulanger and Corey M. Hudson
  • Radiocarbon Dating The Human Occupation At Sandia Cave, New Mexico / Jessica C. Thompson and C. Vance Haynes, Jr.
  • The Potential of Bulk 8'°C on Encrusted Cooking Residues as Independent Evidence for Regional Maize Histories / John P. Hart y otros
  • Shabik'eschee Village in Chaco Canyon: Beyond the Archetype / W. H. Wills y otros
  • Reconsidering Paleoarchaic Mobility in the Central Great Basin / George T. Jones y otros.
  • no.3 v.77 (2012) Ceramics and Polity in the Casas Grandes Area, Chihuahua, Mexico / Michael E. Whalen and Paul E. Minnis
  • Vecino Economics: Gendered Economy and Micaceous Pottery Consumption in Nineteenth-Century Northern New Mexico / B. Sunday Eiselt and J. Andrew Darling
  • The Chaco Pilgrimage Model: Evaluating the Evidence from Pueblo Alto / Stephen Plog and Adam S. Watson
  • On the Trail of the Lonesome Pine: Archaeological Paradigms and the Chaco "Tree of Life” / W. H. Wills
  • Dogs of War: Potential Social Institutions of Conflict, Healing, and Death in a Fort Ancient Village / Robert A. Cook – Early Woodland Ritual Use of Caves in Eastern North America / George M. Crothers
  • The Cultural Evolution of Material Wealth-Based Inequality at Bridge River, British Columbia / Anna Marie Prentiss y otros
  • Innovation and Prestige Among Northern Hunter-Gatherers: Late Prehistoric Native Copper Use in Alaska and Yukon / H. Kory Cooper
  • Differential Temporal and Spatial Preservation of Archacological Sites in a Great Lakes Coastal Zone / William A. Lovis y otros.
  • no.4 v.77 (2012) Darsnectivism, Mortuary Symbolism, and Human-Shark Relationships on the Maritime Peninsula / Matthew W. Betts, Susan E. Blair, and David W. Black
  • Coalescent Communities: Settlenent Aggregation and Social Integration in Iroquoian Ontario / Jennifer Birch
  • The Associational Critique of Quaternary Overkill and Why It Is Largely Irrelevant to the Extinction Debate / Todd A. Surovell and BrigidS. Grund
  • Clovis Technology and Settlement in the American Southeast: Using Biface Analysis to Evaluate Dispersal Models / Ashley M. Smallwood
  • Modeling Modes of Hunter-Gatherer Food Storage / Christopher Morgan
  • An Archaeology of Eurocentrism / Charles E. Orser, Jr.
  • Archaic Period Shell Middens, Sea-Level Fluctuation, and Seasonality: Archaeology along the Northern Gulf of California Littoral, Sonora, Mexico / Michael S. Foster y otros
  • Beveled Projectile Points and Ballistics Technology / Carl P. Lipo y otros
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  • Mud Wasp Nests as Markers of Middle Holocene House Structures in the Central Mississippi Valley / James J. Krakker.
  • no.1 v.82 (2017) Foraging Models, Niche Construction, and the Eastern Agricultural Complex / David W. Zeanah
  • Tree-Ring Dates and Navajo Settlement Patterns in Arizona / Chip Colwell and T. J. Ferguson
  • Evidence for Significant Subterranean Storage at Two Hunter-Gatherer Sites: The Presence of a Mast-Based Economy in the Late Archaic Coastal American Southeast / Matthew C. Sanger
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  • Reevaluating the Evidence for Middle Woodland Maize from the Holding Site / Mary L. Simon
  • Bacheeishdíio (Place Where Men Pack Meat) / Edward W. Herrmann y otros
  • Dust Cave Revisited: A Bayesian Reanalysis of the Radiocarbon Record / David K. Thulman
  • Climate Change and Subsistence Exchange in Southern California: Was Western Sea-Purslane a Channel Island Trade Good? / Mikael Fauvelle, Ellen Esch, and Andrew Somerville.
  • no.2 v.82 (2017) The Morro Bay Fauna: Evidence for a Medieval Droughts Refugium on the Central California Coast / Terry L. Jones y otros
  • Ice Patch Hunting in the Greater Yellowstone Area, Rocky Mountains, USA: Wood Shafts, Chipped Stone Projectile Points, and Bighorn Sheep (Ovis Canadensis) / Craig M. Lee and Kathryn Puseman
  • Patterns of Weaning among Ancestral Huron-Wendat Communities, Determined from Nitrogen Isotopes / Susan Pfeiffer y otros
  • Dressing the Person: Clothing and Identity in the Casas Grandes World / Christine S. VanPool, Todd L. VanPool, and Lauren W. Downs
  • The End of Archaeological Discovery / Todd A. Surovell y otros
  • Revisiting Hogup Cave, Utah: Insights from New Radiocarbon Dates and Stratigraphic Analysis / Erik P. Martin, Joan Brenner Coltrain, and Brian E Codding
  • A Collection of Fiber Sandals from Last Supper Cave, Nevada, and Its Implications for Cave and Rockshelter Abandonment during the Middle Holocene / Aaron P. Ollivier, Geoffrey M. Smith, and Pat Barker
  • Isotopic Analyses Reveal Geographical and Socioeconomic Patterns in Historical Domestic Animal Trade between Predominantly Wheat- and Maize-Growing Agricultural Regions in Eastern North America / Eric Guiry, Paul Szpak, and Michael P. Richards
  • Geochemical Analysis of Mica Surface Specimens and Artifacts from the Abbott Farm National Historic Landmark (28ME1) / Mathew T. Boulanger y otros
  • A Bird's-Eye View of Proto-Tewa Subsistence Agriculture: Making the Case for Floodplain Farming in the Ohkay Owingeh Homeland, New Mexico / B. Sunday Eiselt y otros.
  • no.3 v.82 (2017) Feasting Ritual Practices, Social Memory, and Persistent Places: New Interpretations of Shell Mounds in Southern California / Lynn H. Gamble
  • Aquatic Adaptations and the Adoption of Arctic Pottery Technology: Results of Residue Analysis / Shelby L AndersSon, Shannon Tushíngham, and Tammny Y. Buonasera
  • Savage Lands, Cívilizíng Appetites: Power and Wilderness in Quebec City (1535-1900) / Julie-Anne Bouchard-Perron
  • The Earliest Shell Fishhooks from the Americas Reveal Fishing Technology of Pleistocene Maritime Foragers / Matthew R. Des Lauriers y otros
  • Archaeological Parasites as Indicators of Environmental Change in Urbanizing Landscapes: Implications for Health and Social Status / Heather B. Trigg y otros
  • Morphometríc and Technological Attributes of Western Stemmed Tradition Projectile Points Revealed in a Second Artifact Cache from the Cooper's Ferry Site, Idaho / Loren G, Davis, Daniel W. Bean, and Alexander J. Nyers
  • Return to Fort Rock Cave: Assessing the Site's Potential to Contribute to Ongoing Debates about How and When Humans Colonized the Great Basin / Thomas J. Connolly y otros
  • Folsom Mammoth Hunters? The Terminal Pleistocene Assemblage from Owl Cave (10BV30), Wasden Site, Idaho / L. Suzann HenriksSon y otros
  • Calcined Bone as a Reliable Medium for Rafiocarbon Dating: A Test Using Paired North American Samples / James C. Chatters y otros.
  • no.4 v.82 (2017) From Landscapes of Meaning to Landscapes of Signification in the American Southwest / Matthew J. Liebmann
  • Settlement Scaling in Middle-Range Societies / Scott G. Ortman and Grant D. Coffey
  • Late Archaic Ritualism in Domestic Contexts: Clay-Floored Shrines at the Burrell Orchard Site, Ohio / Brian G. Redmond
  • Centered on the Wetlands: Integrating New Phytolith Evidence of Plant-Use from the 23,000- Year-Old Site of Ohaio II, Israel / Monica N. Ramsey, Arlene M. Rosen, and Dani Nadel
  • Use and Multifactorial Reconciliation of Uniface Reduction Measures: A Pilot Study at the Nobles Pond Paleoindian Site / Michael J. Shott and Mark F. Seeman
  • Exploring New Cahokian Neighborhoods: Structure Density Estimates from the Spring Lake Tract, Cahokia / Sarah E. Baires, Melissa R. Baltus, and Elizabeth Watts Malouchos
  • Single-Grain Optically Stimulated Luminescence Ages of Brownware Pottery in the Middle Rocky Mountains and the Spread of Numic Ceramic Technology / Judson Byrd Finley Carlie J. Ideker, and Tammy Rittenour
  • Situating the Claiborne Soapstone Vessel Cache in the History of Poverty Point / Kenneth E. Sassaman and Samuel O. Brookes
  • The Archaeology of Pastoralist Landscapes in the Northwestern Plains / Brandi Bethke.
  • no.3 v.83 (2018) Why Do Fewer Women Than Men Apply for Grants After Their PhDs? / Lynne Goldstein y otros
  • Drinking Performance and Politics in Pueblo Bonito, Chaco Canyon / Patricia L. Crown
  • The Archaeology of Home: Qiaoxiang and Nonstate Actors in the Archaeology of the Chinese Diaspora / Barbara L. Voss y otros
  • The Study of Sustained Colonialism: An Example from the Kashaya Pomo Homeland in Northern California / Kent G. Lightfoot and Sara L. Gonzalez
  • Modeling Relationships between Space, Movement, and Lithic Geometric Attributes / Benjamin Davies, Simon J. Holdaway, and Patricia C. Fanning
  • Coupling Lithic Sourcing with Least Cost Path Analysis to Model Paleoindian Pathways in Northeastern North America / Jonathan C. Lothrop y otros
  • Further Insights into Paleoindian Use of the Powars II Red Ocher Quarry (48PL330), Wyoming / George C. Frison y otros
  • Three Generations under One Roof? Bayesian Modeling of Radiocarbon Data from Nunalleq Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska / Paul M. Ledger y otros
  • Late Dorset Triangular Midpassages in the Canadian Arctic and Northwest Greenland: Origins and Dispersal / John Danwent y otros
  • The Manufacture and Burial of Hohokam Disk Beads in the Tucson Basin / Jenny L. Adams and Mary F. Ownby
  • Growth of a Village: Using Fluoride Analysis and Artifact Frequencies to Examine Early Ancient/Mississippian Household and Site Formation / Robert A. Cook and Mark R. Schurr.
  • no.4 v.83 (2018) A Road to Zacatecas: Fort San Juan and the Defenses of Spanish La Florida / Robin A. Beck y otros
  • The Evolution of Material Wealth-Based Inequality: The Record of Housepit 54, Bridge River, British Columbia / Anna Marie Prentiss y otros
  • Theoretical and Socioecological Consequences of Fire Foodways / Alan P. Sullivan Ill and Philip B. Mink II
  • Kinship and Community in the Northern Southwest: Chaco and Beyond / John Ware
  • Estimating Marine Reservoir Effects in Archaeological Chronologies: Comparing AR Calculations in Prince Rupert Harbour, British Columbia, Canada / Andrew Martindale y otros
  • Use-Alteration Analysis of Fire-Cracked Rocks / Fernanda Neubauer
  • Scaling the Size, Structure, and Dynamics of Residentially Mobile Hunter-Gatherer Camps / Marcus J. Hamilton, Briggs Buchanan, and Robert S. Walker
  • An Assessment of Stone Weapon Tip Standardization during the Clovis-Folsom Transition in the Western United States / Briggs Buchanan y otros
  • The Microblade Industry from Swan Point Cultural Zone 4b: Technological and Cultural Implications from the Earliest Human Occupation in Alaska / Yan Axel Gómez Coutouly and Charles E. Holmes
  • More Than Just Jemez Pueblo Obsidian: Comment on Liebmann´s “… Landscapes of Sgnification in the American Southwest” / M. Steven Shackley and James L. Moore
  • Response to Shackley and Moore / Matthew Liebmann.
  • no.1 v.86 (2021) Finding Archaeological Relevance during a Pandemic and What Comes After / Lynn H. Gamble
  • The Social Significance of Mimbres Painted Pottery in the U.S. Southwest / Michelle Hegmon y otros
  • Sampled to Death? The Rise and Fall of Probability Sampling in Archaeology / Edward B. Banning
  • Refined Radiocarbon Chronologies for Northern Iroquoian Site Sequences: Implications for Coalescence, Conflict, and the Reception of European Goods / Jennifer Birch y otros
  • Isotopic Evidence for Garden Hunting and Resource Depression in the Late Woodland of Northeastern North America / Eric Guiry
  • Detecting Early Widespread Metal Use in the Eastern North American Arctic around AD 500--1300 / Patrick C. Jolicoeur
  • The Road Not Taken: How Early Landscape Learning and Adoption of a Risk-Averse Strategy Influenced Paleoindian Travel Route Decision Making in the Upper Ohio Valley / Matthew P. Purtill
  • Rethinking “Village” at Mogollon Village (LA 11568): Formal Chronological Modeling of a Persistent Place / Lori Barkwill Love
  • Reassessing the Radiocarbon Date from the Buhl Burial from South-Central Idaho and Its Relevance to the Western Stemmed Tradition--Clovis Debate in the Intermountain West / Christopher S. Jazwa y otros
  • Was Welling, Ohio (33-Co-2), a Clovis Basecamp or Lithic Workshop? Employing Experimental Models to Interpret Old Collections / Fernando Diez-Martin y otros
  • Questioning the Native American Population Rebound in the Horseshoe Lake Watershed from AD 1500 to AD 1700 / B. Jacob Skousen, Michael Aiuvalasit
  • Reply to Skousen and Aiuvalasit: On the Primacy of Archaeological Data / A.J. White y otros.
  • no.1 v.87 (2022) Climate-Driven Dietary Change on the Colorado Plateau, USA, and Implications for Gender-Specific Foraging Patterns / Lisbeth A. Louderback
  • Turkeys Befriend a Girl: Turkey Husbandry, Ceremonialism, and Tales of Resistance during the Pueblo Revolt Era / Lynda D. McNeil
  • Ancient DNA Identification of Giant Snakehead (Channa micropeltes) Remains from the Market Street Chinatown and Some Implications for the Nineteenth-Century Pacific World Fish Trade / J. Ryan Kennedy y otros
  • Mammoth Ivory Rods in Eastern Beringia: Earliest in North America / Brian T. Wygal y otros
  • Parts and Wholes: Reduction Allometry and Modularity in Experimental Folsom Points / Michael J. Shott, Erik Otárola-Castillo
  • Reading between the Lines: The Social Value of Dogoszhi Style in the Chaco World / Evan Giomi y otros
  • Chronology for Mississippian and Oneota Occupations at Aztalan and the Lake Koshkonong Locality / Anthony M. Krus, John D. Richards, Robert J. Jeske
  • Community Landscapes, Identity, and Practice: Ancestral Pueblos of the Lion Mountain Area, Central New Mexico, USA / Suzanne L. Eckert, Deborah L. Huntley
  • Documenting 6,000 Years of Indigenous Fisheries and Settlement as Seen through Vibracore Sampling on the Central Coast of British Columbia, Canada / Seonaid Duffield y otros.
  • no.2 v.87 (2022) Editor's Corner / Debra L. Martin
  • On Rehumanizing Pleistocene People of the Western Hemisphere / Bonnie L. Pitblado
  • Direct Evidence for Geophyte Exploitation in the Wyoming Basin / Kaley Joyce, Lisbeth A. Louderback, Erick Robinson
  • Regional Conflict, Ceramic Senescence, and Pawnee Raw Material Choice in the Late Contact Era / Margaret E. Beck y otros
  • Optimal Linear Estimation (OLE) Modeling Supports Early Holocene (9000–8000 RCYBP) Copper Tool Production in North America / Michelle R. Bebber, Alastair J. M. Key
  • The Nutritional Content of Five Southwestern US Indigenous Maize (Zea Mays L.) Landraces of Varying Endosperm Type / Sarah E. Oas, Karen R. Adams
  • Expanding Paleoindian Diet Breadth: Paleoethnobotany of Connley Cave 5, Oregon, USA / Katelyn N. McDonough y otros
  • Early Maize (Zea mays) in the North American Central Plains: The Microbotanical Evidence / Mary J. Adair y otros
  • The Case Study in Archaeological Theory / Gavin Lucas, Bjørnar Olsen
  • Plants and Subsistence during the Fluted-Point Period of the Northeast / Nathaniel R. Kitchel, Madeline E. Mackie
  • A Newly Identified Younger Dryas Component in Eagle Cave, Texas / Charles W. Koenig y otros
  • Select Domestic Architecture at Letchworth (8JE337) and Other Woodland Period Ceremonial Centers in the Gulf Coastal Plain / Martin Menz.
  • no.3 v.87 (2022) [Versión digital] Editor's Corner / Debra L. Martin
  • “This Place Belongs to Us”: Historic Contexts as a Mechanism for Multivocality in the National Register / Kelsey E. Hanson y otros
  • Communication in the Chaco World: A Consideration of Time and Labor Mobilization / W. H. Wills, Paulina F. Przystupa, Katharine Williams
  • Cultural Keystone Places and the Chumash Landscapes of Kumqaq’, Point Conception, California / Torben C. Rick y otros
  • Postcontact Cultural Perseverance on the Central California Coast: Sedentism and Maritime Intensification / Terry L. Jones y otros
  • Clovis Stone Tools from El Fin del Mundo, Sonora, Mexico: Site Use and Associations between Localities / Ismael Sánchez-Morales, Guadalupe Sanchez, Vance T. Holliday
  • Using 3D Models to Understand the Changing Role of Fluting in Paleoindian Point Technology from Clovis to Dalton / Ashley M. Smallwood y otros
  • Bayesian Modeling of the Clovis and Folsom Radiocarbon Records Indicates a 200-Year Multigenerational Transition / Briggs Buchanan y otros
  • A New Radiocarbon Database for the Lower 48 States / Robert L. Kelly y otros
  • Garden Offerings in the Kona Field System, Hawai'i Island: A Fine-Grained Chronology and Its Implications / Mark D. McCoy y otros
  • Prismatic Blade Production at the Sinclair Site, Tennessee: Implications for Understanding Clovis Technological Organization / Jesse W. Tune, Thomas A. Jennings, Aaron Deter-Wolf
  • Misunderstandings Regarding Carbohydrates in Human Nutrition / Steve L. Martin
  • The Big Picture versus Minutiae: Geophytes, Plant Foods, and Ancient Human Economies / Jon M. Erlandson, Kristina M. Gill, Todd J. Braje
  • Wapato as an Important Staple Carbohydrate in the Northwest Coast Diet: A Response to Martin / Tanja Hoffmann y otros
  • Down the Rabbit Hole: Comment on Sundstrom and Walker (2021) / Julie Francis y otros
  • Where's the Mutton? / Linea Sundstrom, Danny N. Walker.
  • no.4 v.87 (2022) Archaeology and Social Justice in Native America / Nicholas C. Laluk otros
  • Material Culture Studies in the Age of Big Data: Digital Excavation of Homemade Face-Mask Production during the COVID-19 Pandemic / Matthew Magnani, Jon Clindaniel, Natalia Magnani
  • The Early Materialization of Democratic Institutions among the Ancestral Muskogean of the American Southeast / Victor D. Thompson y otros
  • Range Limits: Semiferal Animal Husbandry in Spanish Colonial Arizona / Nicole M. Mathwich
  • Great Kivas and Community Integration at the Harris Site, Southwestern New Mexico / Barbara J. Roth, Danielle Romero
  • The View from Jaketown: Considering Variation in the Poverty Point Culture of the Lower Mississippi Valley / Grace M. V. Ward y otros
  • Leonard Rockshelter Revisited: Evaluating a 70-Year-Old Claim of a Late Pleistocene Human Occupation in the Western Great Basin / Geoffrey M. Smith y otros
  • Inferring Use-Life Mean and Distribution: A Pottery Ethnoarchaeological Case Study from Michoacán / Michael J. Shott.
  • no.1 v.88 (2023) [Versión digital] Iridescent Beetle Adornments Suggest Incipient Status Competition among the Earliest Horticulturalists in Bears Ears National Monument / Michael L. Terlep, Francis E. Smiley, Randall Haas
  • Select The Role of Plants and Animals in the Termination of Three Buildings at the Spring Lake Tract Neighborhood, Cahokia / Sarah E. Baires y otros
  • Understanding Turkey Management in the Mimbres Valley of Southwestern New Mexico Using Ancient Mitochondrial DNA and Stable Isotopes / Sean G. Dolan y otros
  • Dating Marine Shell: A Guide for the Wary North American Archaeologist / Carla S. Hadden, Ian Hutchinson, Andrew Martindale
  • Making Community: Implications of Hybridity and Coalescence at Morton Village / Jodie A. O'Gorman, Michael D. Conner
  • Rethinking Stone Drill Manufacture / William Engelbrecht.
  • no.2 v.88 (2023) [Versión digital] Reevaluating the Suma Occupation in the Casas Grandes Valley, Chihuahua, Mexico / John E. Douglas, Linda J. Brown
  • Building the Ohio Hopewell Chronology: An Incremental Approach to Historical Reckoning / Mark F. Seeman, Kevin C. Nolan
  • Replicability in Lithic Analysis / Justin Pargeter y otros
  • Two Types of Ritual Space at the Poverty Point Site 16WC5 / R. Berle Clay
  • An Army Marches on Its Stomach: Comparing Military Provisioning across North American Sixteenth- to Nineteenth-Century Forts / Martin H. Welker, Nicole M. Mathwich
  • Bladelets, Blood, and Bones: Integrating Protein Residue, Lithic Use-Wear, and Faunal Data from the Moorehead Circle, Fort Ancient / Robert V. Riordan, G. Logan Miller, Abigail Chipps Stone
  • The Archer and the Shield-Bearing Warrior / Lawrence L. Loendorf, Karen L. Steelman, Amanda M. Castañeda.

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Name: Edwin Metz

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Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.