Pier Paolo Parisi on LinkedIn: FCFC 7 Jun 24 removed post / repost, AHPRA, ASIC extracts | 17 comments (2024)

Pier Paolo Parisi

Lawyer - eppùr si muòve!

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On Friday, 7 June 2024, I saw a post, here, of the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia. A copy is attached. It says that a judge was "pleased to be invited to speak" at a "Pacifica Congress" event. Then I saw a critical repost, also attached. That night, all disappeared. Timing is key. What does pulling a post, just after publishing it, and a critical repost, say? That something may not be so fresh, in the state of Denmark? Of Pacifica Congress, the repost said: "The suspended Jennifer Neoh has been running this show for years".The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency website says that Dr Neoh is a "suspended" psychologist (screenshot attached). She has been, since September 2023. The ASIC historical extract, for Pacifica Congress (formerly called "AFCC Australian Chapter"), also attached, reveals. It shows that until 27 June 2023, Dr Neoh was: (1) its secretary, from 15 August 2016, date of its registration; and (2) a director, from 21 December 2016.The address given, for Dr Neoh, was: (1) its principal place of business, from 14 October 2016, to 26 June 2023; and (2) "registered address", from 23 December 2016, to 18 July 2023. So, a frenzy of activity, from 26 June 2023, cut Dr Neoh's formal ties, with Pacifica Congress. A pure coincidence: days earlier, on Friday, 16 June 2023, the ABC broadcast "False Witness". https://lnkd.in/g38Ynf3v It played recordings, of a psychologist, given a pseudonym, "Dr Julie", made by a party, in a parenting dispute. In it, "Dr Julie" boasts of undermining the other side's lawyer-client relationship. Her influence, in the Court, is also stressed. Of this, on Monday, 19 June 2023, a Court Media Release said: "the Courts are very alarmed at the alleged behaviour of the psychologist". It distances itself, from "Dr Julie". https://lnkd.in/gX3hHAzX The repost criticises this Media Release, too. "Dr Julie" remains a mystery. Laws also conceal her identity. One thing, however, is clear: Dr Neoh was involved with judges, and lawyers, at Pacifica Congress. The ASIC extract shows that judges were directors, with her. The names are familiar. It also refers to Pacifica Congress's ACNC registration, as a "charity". The ACNC website says: "The main work of the charity involves creating forums and networks that enable professionals to share information, ideas and experiences, identify trends and shape constructive change for children and families in conflict in family law". https://lnkd.in/gNp3t8rQ It also shows Dr Neoh signing off its financials. This insoluble riddle has no conclusion. Only concern, for any child, who had Dr Neoh, a judge, who was a director of Pacifica Congress, or a lawyer, who was one too. Leading to a Shakespearean lament: "To be, or not to be, that is the question:Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to sufferThe slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,Or to take arms against a sea of troublesAnd by opposing end them"



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Lara Anstie

Lawyer Mentor


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Tell us again about that Federal Judicial Commission Mark Dreyfus. No less than 5 judicial officers were serving on the Bench during their directorships, together with counsel who appeared before them, the CEO of Our family Wizard, the app the family courts order parents to subscribe to. Pacifica Congress is merely the lipstick on the pig that was AFCC (ANZ), the outfit that persists in peddling parental alienation, the pseudoscience that’s been solidly debunked for at least 20 years

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Sonia Naomi Smith

Founder + CEO The Courageous Coaching School®


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We call upon the Attorney- General to conduct an Audit to investigate circ*mstances in which family court judges, registrars, experts, and independent children’s lawyers (ICLs) have made decisions that were foreseeability harmful to children, such that they should be the subject of criminal prosecution. The case for the criminal liability of family court judges, registrars, experts and ICLs is strengthened by a present proceeding brought in the Victorian Supreme Court against the Government statutory body, the Victorian Parole Board, for releasing convicted paedophiles into the community who then went on to commit heinous further crimes against children (as reported in The Age, May 20, 2024).

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Lily F.

Stop Domestic & Family Violence Now


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Cindy Dumas Angela Lynch AM GAICD Janine Rees Sonia Naomi Smith Jess Hill Michael Flood Michael Salter Sarah Michaels Carmel O'Brien Patricia Easteal AM PhD Julie Kun This is the level of collusion and enmeshment victims of violence are having to navigate.In what world is it ok for a Chief Justice (Diana Bryant) to be on the board of an organisation like the AFCC?

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Alison Praetz

Founder @ Superlockupleads


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Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right includes the freedom to impart information whether orally, in writing or in print.

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    "If we want things to stay as they are, things will have to change" (The Leopard).Reappointments to the "new" Administrative Review Tribunal.I wonder how many are otherwise on the Commonwealth's payroll? Or in private practice, competing with representatives appearing before them? Or formerly of government agencies, or private practices, that competed, or even still compete, with those appearing before them? Or more than one of these variables, at the same time?To say nothing of "part-time" appointments.All this can be worked out, if desired. It's better done, with the benefit of a statistical consideration of outcomes, of their decisions.https://lnkd.in/gVg2a4p9

    • Pier Paolo Parisi on LinkedIn: FCFC 7 Jun 24 removed post / repost, AHPRA, ASIC extracts | 17 comments (15)



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  • Pier Paolo Parisi

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    "What if he had not recorded the call?" This comment, of District Court Judge Pickering SC, continues to echo. Hauntingly. I heard it, during the unsuccessful appeal, of a police officer, who is a son of a former premier. He was convicted, for making a false police statement, that a man, in a call, said he would kill another officer. The innocent man, who had recorded the call, was charged, and put in custody, without access to his recording. The guilty officer, whose lie put the innocent man there, will not go to prison. The innocent man was imprisoned, the guilty one was not. I explain this contradiction, elsewhere:https://lnkd.in/gvfUePGP The judge had no sympathy, for the guilty officer. In arguments, he repeatedly referred to "extraordinary" differences, between the call, and the statement. A statement made just 3 hours after the call, with detailed, quoted speech, whose correctness the officer expressly acknowledged, in a jurat. A statement that was not qualified, even after an innocent man was imprisoned, as a result of it. The judgment was emphatic, and scathing. His Honour returned to what the caller would have faced, without a recording. He would have faced an immediately reported alleged threat, and detailed statement, by an officer of good character, with contemporaneous intel entries. This, he said, made the innocent man "incredibly vulnerable". His Honour began to add, "A real travesty of justice could have -", before, stopping, and, noting the innocent man's arrest, and incarceration, saying, "did occur". https://lnkd.in/gdSaSAee

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  • Pier Paolo Parisi

    Lawyer - eppùr si muòve!

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  • Pier Paolo Parisi

    Lawyer - eppùr si muòve!

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    Australian legal argument, of the highest standard, is in the High Court. The arguments, in the three Vasta appeals, are no exception. The subject matter could hardly be more stimulating: the extent, if any, of a "right" to commit a legal wrong, that is, an "immunity".Last Friday, the wrongly imprisoned Mr Stradford (a pseudonym) filed his submissions, authored by Perry Herzfeld SC and Daniel Reynolds. They respond to all three appeals, and an intervention attempt. They are best read after those of the appellants, and intervener, and the judgment under appeal. Their eloquence and persuasive force is readily apparent, however, even on their own. Just one aspect, for example. The attempt to abolish the distinction applying to judicial immunities of superior, and inferior, court judges. In comments having a wider application, concerning concealed aspects of decisions, and the need for open justice, it was said ([79], [87]): "[T]he Commonwealth and Judge Vasta invite this Court to abolish the distinction between the immunity of superior and inferior court judges that has been recognised at common law for over 400 years. That radical step should not be taken....A[] reason for the distinction in modern times is that the work of superior courts is exposed to a far greater degree of publicity than that of inferior courts. The decisions and reasons for judgment of superior courts are generally published online, and important cases are reported by the media and even live-streamed online. By contrast, much of the work of inferior courts happens in relative obscurity, away from the public eye. There is a greater risk that inferior court judges may become mini-tyrants over time, running their courts as their own private fiefdoms. As Judge Vasta said: 'that's what I do. If people don’t comply with my orders there's only [one] place they go' (J[22]). It is difficult to see how any superior court judge could say such a thing in court without rightly fearing opprobrium." https://lnkd.in/gCq_pitS

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  • Pier Paolo Parisi

    Lawyer - eppùr si muòve!

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    Is anyone keeping the "score" of children killed? Or does a homicide only count when deployed to support a wider social claim?A homicide, by its nature, affects everyone. It reminds us that we will also die, one day. That each of us can be killed, by a fellow human being, including one who we trust.Of all the homicides in media reports, and cases studied, at law school, and as a practitioner, none defy all prior learning, like this. A young person, 17, killing her child sibling, aged 10. My own mother, at 10, was taken out of school, to help raise her 4 younger siblings, including a newborn. Her mother had married at 15, eloping. It's not easy to view a 17 year old, as anything other than, effectively, a young adult. It's also hard to see an elder sister as the opposite of a caring, protective maternal proxy. Cultural biases, powerful as they are, can only go so far, however.Understanding violence, and deviance, in Australian culture, is only beginning. Settlement was a foundational act of homicidal violence. That part was torn out of the pages of the history texts. Even land law, for 200 years, proceeded on a related, essential, false premise (Terra nullis). There are other false assumptions, straining every sinew, to remain valid. https://lnkd.in/gvjaMPdh

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Pier Paolo Parisi on LinkedIn: FCFC 7 Jun 24 removed post / repost, AHPRA, ASIC extracts | 17 comments (43)

Pier Paolo Parisi on LinkedIn: FCFC 7 Jun 24 removed post / repost, AHPRA, ASIC extracts | 17 comments (44)


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Pier Paolo Parisi on LinkedIn: FCFC 7 Jun 24 removed post / repost, AHPRA, ASIC extracts | 17 comments (2024)
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