Payroll Processing | Payroll Services (2024)

  • TTU
  • Payroll Services
  • Payroll Processing

Payroll & Tax Services is a shared service and all employees from TTU, TTUS, TTUHSC, and TTUHSC-EP are paid by our section. The Payroll Processing section within Payroll & Tax Services administers both on-cycle and off-cycle payrolls. The on-cycle payrolls are employee's regular scheduled payroll payments. The off-cycle payments processed include, but are not limited to, manual check requests, lump sum vacation payouts, awards, post-employment payments, ACH returns, reissues, and stale dated checks. The payroll processing section also addresses any overpayment issues identified by departments or employees, following the overpayment guidelines set forth in OP 69.10 Payroll Overpayment Policy.

Earnings Statements

Payroll Processing | Payroll Services (1)

Earnings statements can be found in the Employee Dashboard located on the Employee Tab or the Payroll & Tax Tab in Raiderlink/Webraider. This statement will show employees their hours worked, salary, overtime hours, leave hours paid, benefits, and deductions for that pay period. On the earnings statement you will also find year to date amounts, federal filing status with number of allowances and additional withholding amount if requested on Form W4, and whether the payment was direct deposited or issued as a physical check. Earnings statements can be printed by clicking on the Printer Friendly button on the top left portion of the earnings statement then printing your earnings statement. Depending on your printer, you may need to make some adjustments to your settings, but this earnings statement can be printed out 24/7 for your convenience.

The Payroll Processing section is responsible for on-cycle payments for both exempt and nonexempt employees for Texas Tech. Payroll & Tax Services processes three scheduled on-cycle payrolls each month.

Exempt employees are paid on the first working day of the month. The exempt payroll schedule can be found on the front page of our website.

All nonexempt employees have two pay periods each month, the 1st – 15th is paid on the 25th of the month, and the 16th – end of month is paid on the 10th of the following month. If the pay date (25th or 10th) falls on a weekend or institutional holiday, then the pay date will be the last working day prior to the weekend or institutional holiday. To ensure payment processes on these days, web time entry timesheets must be fully submitted and approved by 6 p.m. central time on the second business day after the end of the pay period. Any employee who fails to submit their web time entry timesheet by the deadline, will need to contact their department to submit a Manual Check Request to get paid. The nonexempt payroll schedule can be found on the front page of our website.

Off-Cycle Payrolls

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The Payroll Processing section is responsible for off-cycle payments each week. These payments usually are paid with a Friday pay date, unless the Friday falls on an institutional holiday. These off-cycle payrolls consist of manual check requests, lump sum vacation payouts, awards, post-employment payments, and refunds and adjustments.

Due to the heavy volume of off-cycle payments received weekly on manual check requests, any manual check request received by Payroll &am; Tax Services by 5pm central time on Friday, will be paid the following Friday. The same policy holds true for Post-Employment Payments that we receive that are fully approved for payment.

The Manual Check Request forms for both exempt and nonexempt employees can be found on the front page of our payroll website under Forms, or they can be found under the Payroll and Tax tab under forms on your Raiderlink/Webraider. This form is used to pay for any missed work time or leave time on pay periods that were not paid on the regular scheduled on-cycle payroll. This form is also used to pay exempt employees their salaries for delayed Epaf entries, or any other circ*mstances delaying merit/salary increases.

Lump Sum Vacation payouts are usually paid on or before 30 days after the employee receives their final regular check from the institution. To ensure these are paid on a timely basis, employees must submit a Lump Sum Vacation Form. Delays in payment can occur if this form is not submitted in a timely manner. Employees can refer to System Regulation 07.12for additional information, and may download a blank copy of the Lump Sum Vacation Certification form.

Direct Deposit Information

Payroll Processing | Payroll Services (4)

You can set up your direct deposit using the Employee portal with the Update My Direct Deposit link under My Texas Tech Information. You can also get to the My Direct Deposit application via the link on the Payroll & Tax tab, and on the Employee Dashboard page. Please double check your entries to ensure payment goes through, otherwise the payment may be denied and returned to us. We receive these returns in five to seven business days from the date of payment and reissue the payments as paper checks. The following document has additional information and instructions for setting up direct deposit.

Enroll in Direct Deposit

Faculty 12 Month Salary Spread Request Application

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Nine month faculty members can elect to have their salary spread over twelve months.Visit the Faculty Salary Spread online form and complete the online form no later than midnight on September 14, 2023 to begin that current fiscal year. If the online form is completed after the deadline, then it will go into effect the following fiscal year.


Payroll Processing | Payroll Services (6)

Overpayments are calculated and processed by Payroll & Tax Services when an overpayment occurs on employee's paychecks. When Payroll & Tax Services is notified of an overpayment from an employee, department, or Human Resources, we follow the procedures outlined on OP 69.10 Payroll Overpayment Policy.

Payroll Deadlines and Pay Date Guide

Payroll Processing | Payroll Services (7)

Payroll & Tax Services has internal deadlines for employees and departments to ensure that employees are paid in a timely fashion. There are deadlines for Web Time Entry (WTE) submission, Employee One Time Payment (EOPS) submissions, submission of Web Leave Reports (WLR), and manual check requests (MCRs). A quick reference PDF document has been created to assist with these deadlines.

Payroll Deadlines and Pay Day Guide

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Payroll Processing | Payroll Services (2024)
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